Category Archives: Iraq

The Origin of Western Hypocrisy

The puppeteers who created jihadists and ‘radical Islam’ – groups of criminal fanatics and psychopathic/sociopathic terrorists like Al-Qaida and Islamic State – are regretting it. Originally created, trained and armed by Washington to fight against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, then against the Russian Federation in the Caucasus, then against the Syrian government – the jihadis of radical Islam are wicked genies who have been let out of their lamps. In this century radical Islam has already attacked the USA in 2001, London in 2005, then spread throughout North Africa and the Middle East, from Iraq to Nigeria (9,000 dead last year alone) and Libya to Syria. Now radical Islam has rebounded again, this time in France. Quite predictably, it has dared to attack typically intolerant Western secularist ideologists who praise outrage and blasphemy, pouring oil on the fires of Islam.

When radical Islam attacked countries outside the West and Western interests, in Soviet-controlled Afghanistan, in Chechnia, in Beslan, in Libya or in Syria, it was good, but as soon as Western troops began dying because of it in Afghanistan and Iraq and Western civilians in New York, London and Paris, it was bad. In exactly the same hypocritical way, those who deplore barbaric deaths, including those of anti-religious and anti-Tradition blasphemers in Paris, do not deplore the unreported genocide of thousands of religious and traditional Ukrainians by the State terrorism of the Western-installed arms-dealer Poroshenko. Yet, he came to power through overthrowing a democracy and marches in Paris at their sides as an honoured guest on behalf of the freedom to outrage millions. The West has an intolerant compulsion to annihilate everything outside itself. Why these systemic double standards?

The history of Western hypocrisy stretches back into the millennial past and even beyond. Europe, and later its settlements around the world, was built on the systemic violence which started with Charlemagne, called ‘the Father of Europe’, on massacres, invasions, ‘crusades’, inquisitions, persecutions, burnings and feudal wars, on the systemic killing, enslaving and looting of the peoples of the planet, from Saxony to England, from Jerusalem to Constantinople, from the Americas to Asia, from Australasia to Africa. Gold and slaves were taken in the name of the idol of ‘progress’, concentration camps (‘reservations’ and ‘detention camps’) set up in a process called ‘spreading Western civilization’, the price of which is a billion Western and Westernized prosperous consumerists, a billion modest, three billion poor, three billion desperately poor and a planet on the verge of ecological catastrophe.

The history of Western hypocrisy goes back then to that point in history when the elite of the peripheral Western European provinces arrogantly appointed itself as the centre of the world, usurping even the authority of God through its new ideology called the ‘filioque’. This asserts that all the power and authority of God (‘shock and awe’) comes from fallen human nature, which takes the place of God and, worshipping itself, calls itself ‘humanism’ and ‘rationalism’. Thus, the elite then usurped the legitimate Christian Empire, making the pagan vestiges of Old Rome into its model and plundering the Christian capital in New Rome with its barbaric, military might. Today this is still apparent when Western people refuse to become Christians, that is, refuse to join the Orthodox Church, because they prefer their ‘Judeo-Christian’ (deformed Christian) culture, for they put their culture before the Church.

Western culture is then filioquized, that is, it claims the supreme authority of God for the fallen human nature of the Western and Westernized (‘filioquized’), thus idolizing and absolutizing that nature. Hypocritically, Western culture claims to be multicultural. It is not. It is strictly monocultural. Its cultural arrogance, utter intolerance and blasphemous disrespect are breath-taking. Only when any religious belief is reduced to folklore or psychopathological schism, degutted and castrated, is it acceptable to the West. Any, including perhaps especially Western people, who seriously reject and challenge Western atheism in favour of authentic and consistent Christian beliefs, are ostracized, mocked, despised, condemned as ‘eccentric’, ‘backward’ or ‘retarded’ and their faith blasphemed. The West may be at the very centre of apostasy, but spiritually it is hopelessly provincial, as it always has been.

This is why, like its model, the pagan Roman Empire, the egocentric and formerly ethnocentric modern West lives in moral degradation amid suicidal depopulation, too selfish even to reproduce, relying on cheap immigrant labour to function. This is the grave that Western ‘civilization’, with its aggressive atheism, has dug for itself. The only Christian alternative to Western totalitarian disrespect for spiritual belief is centred in Russia, at the heart of Christian civilization. Viciously attacked by Western materialism and atheism in 1917 and left for dead, it has risen from the tomb. Although it is now facing a new propaganda onslaught from the atheist West, which is also arming the Nazis in Kiev, its new Vietnam, it is the only strong centre of faith in the Risen Saviour, around which the last spiritually healthy forces of Europe and of the world can gather as the storm clouds of 2015 loom.

The Church is Irresistible

The Second World War in Europe ended on 6 May 1945 – according to the Orthodox calendar the combination of Easter Day and the feast day of the military saint St George the Victorious. (In their embarrassment the Soviet atheists deliberately delayed signing the peace treaty until just before midnight on the eve of 9 May in order to avoid this conjunction that was so obvious to all Russian Orthodox faithful

As for the first man in space, Yuri Gagarin, to the embarrassment of the same atheists when they realized it, he went into space on 12 April 1961, the feast day of St John of the Ladder, who taught us how to get into heaven through the ladder of virtues, though Soviet atheism ridiculed its innate primitivism by declaring that ‘Gagarin had flown into space and not seen God’.

The Soviet Ukrainian atheist leader and persecutor Khrushchev, who promised to eliminate the Church by 1970 was overthrown on the Feast of the Protecting Veil, 14 October 1964, himself dying on 11 September 1971, the feast day of the Beheading of St John the Baptist, who denounced all tyrants. Meanwhile, by 1971, the Church was alive and reviving.

More recently, terrorist attacks in New York also occurred on 11 September 2001 and in London on 7 July 2005, both feast days of St John the Baptist, who called for repentance and denounced the iniquity of Babylonian towers and powers.

And on 11 January 2015, over two million – but only in the secularist Western world – protested against the murders of 17 people, most of whom had been assassinated on Orthodox Christmas Day, 7 January. 11 January was the Orthodox Feast of the Holy Innocents, when we also recall the millions of people who are murdered in abortions around the world every year – millions of abortions fully supported by Charlie Hebdo, whose present blasphemous and outrageously disrespectful journalists have still not learned that when there is a fire, you do not pour oil onto it, but water.

Those who protested in the Western world on 11 January claimed that the cartoonists and writers who were murdered were upholding the ‘Western value’ of freedom of speech. However, they also trampled underfoot the ‘Western value’ of respect for others, of tolerance for their religious beliefs and for the values of traditional family life and marriage, supported not long ago by mass demonstrations of over one million other French people. However, these people whose beliefs have been outraged by the atheistic French State did not interest the equally atheistic Western media.

We wonder if the present hysteria in France and in Western Europe in general will not be considered as an excuse for a new unwarranted war, just as the attack of 11 September 2001 led to the unwarranted war against Iraq, which caused a million victims of Western arrogance and imperialism.

Seventeen people were barbarically murdered in France. But when Western-trained, financed and backed Muslim terrorists slaughter tens of thousands in Afghanistan (Al-Qaida was founded by the CIA), Chechenia, Syria and Libya, when Israel slaughters 2,000 in Gaza (with Western bombs, shells and bullets) and when the Western-installed Nazi kleptocrats in Kiev slaughter thousands in eastern and southern Ukraine, all that is quite acceptable. Why? Because those genocides are Western crusades. So everything they do is justified. The Western condemnation of terrorism is always selective, for it never condemns Western terrorism itself.

However, this latest Western Crusade against the Church of God in the Russian world and Eastern Europe is in serious trouble. The CIA-installed Kiev junta is bankrupt and begging for billions more subsidies from deaf Western ears. Poland and Romania are more tempted by much-coveted parts of the Ukraine than by EU bullying. EU-abused Serbia, Hungary, Slovakia, Greece, Cyprus and Turkey are looking with hope towards Russia. Businessmen and politicians in Italy and Germany are fed up with the swaggering cowboys from Washington who are killing their EU vassal with their anti-Russian and so anti-EU sanctions. In Macedonia the much persecuted Bishop Jovan has been released from prison at Russian insistence. In Russia itself there have been renewed calls for the Russian Federation to return to the Orthodox calendar, so overthrowing some of the last remnants of Western-imported Soviet atheism. And meanwhile the anti-ecumenical and anti-globalist St Paisius the Athonite (+ 1994), who prophesied many of the current events, has been canonized. The project to enslave Orthodox Europe is unravelling

Je Suis Les Otages

On Orthodox Christmas Day, a day when, like any other day, the French State allowed the murder of 600 people by new herods in the new Bethlehems of French abortion clinics, 12 people were barbarically murdered in Paris in an appalling act of terrorism by crazed psychopaths. Before anyone deliberately tries to twist our words and accuse us of justifying such an act, we unreservedly condemn it as the atrocity that it was. The fact that several atheists or blasphemers were murdered makes no difference – murder is murder and all are children of God, even if because of some psychological distortion some hide behind irrational atheism.

Thus, today, the billionaire oligarch, arms dealer and mass murderer of his own people, Poroshenko (Waltzman), walked as a free man in the streets of Paris together with EU leaders. If they had all been protesting at the never to be justified barbaric atrocity that occurred there last week, we could wholeheartedly have joined them. However, the union of these secularists with this war criminal proves to all that the real reason for their parade is not in fact belief in freedom and dignity, but a politicized, self-justifying belief in the double standards of Godlessness.

Those same EU leaders supported ‘Pussy Riot’, whose name is a synonym for lust and violence. That was a slippery slope which has brought a nasty result. The Western-organized Pussy Riot blasphemy took place in a shrine dedicate to all those who gave their lives to defend the Faith against the mass murderer, atheist blasphemer and arch-secularist Napoleon, ‘the founder of Europe’ and founder of the French secularist State, who stabled his horses in churches. Of course, EU leaders supported Pussy Riot. But look where it has led them. Blasphemy always ends up in violence.

On the one hand, the politically correct secularists of Western Europe say that Christians should not wear crosses so as not to offend Muslims, but on the other hand they give atheists the ‘freedom’ to blaspheme and deliberately and needlessly offend Muslims, Christians and those of any other non-secularist, spiritual teaching. When offended and blasphemed, as so often happens in the modern West as in the absurd book and film ‘The Da Vinci Code’, real Christians are taught to turn the other cheek because they know of the New Testament and the word ‘forgiveness’.

However, Muslims, like Jews, are peoples of the Old Testament and have never accepted the New Testament (like certain people who call themselves ‘Christians’ but are not), and their motto is ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’. Therefore, why deliberately and needlessly offend them instead of using reasoned argument against them? However, the terrorists who committed the atrocities in Paris hardly represent Islam. They belong to those fanatics who use Islam (or any other religion) to justify their amorality and sadism, because they are warped sociopathic and psychopathic criminals. In their case they are children of immigrants who have never fitted in or tried to fit into a Western society, rejected, unemployed and probably unemployable in a misgoverned French economy that has been in freefall for two decades.

Therefore, it is all the clearer that the real if covert motivation for today’s parade in Paris is not the defence of freedom of speech, but the secularist hatred for and rejection of any kind of spiritual life and spiritual freedom. There has been no demonstration in favour of freedom of speech, but rather in favour of the bullying lack of respect for spiritual values which constitutes political correctness. If they believed in freedom of speech, they would not practise the censorship of political correctness. This was a demonstration of thisworldliness.

And so it is also clear that the real winner of the awful, barbaric events in Paris, to be condemned universally, is neither Islam, nor Christianity, but Satan, whose sadistic laughter can be heard around the world, from Paris to Syria and the Ukraine, as freedom to blaspheme is justified by Europe’s atheist elite. A world that has rejected Divine laws and instituted blasphemy in its place lives under the rule of Satan. And Satan laughs because his millennial project to cast Christ out of Western culture is nearing completion.

On a Sunday in France two million went onto the streets instead of going to church. However, 63 million did not go onto the streets. In France some are saying ‘I am Charlie Hebdo’, others that ‘I am Ahmed’ (the murdered Muslim policeman). What do we Orthodox Christians say? Horrified by psychopathic terrorists, on this day, when we commemorate the Holy Innocents and all Orthodox Christians who died of hunger, thirst, freezing and the sword, we say: ‘Je suis les otages’, ‘I am the hostages’.

For we are hostages, victims, caught between the hatred and blasphemy of secularist atheism and the hatred and blasphemy of fanatical terrorism. And who are the Innocents? They are: Christ on the Cross, against Whom the secularists blaspheme daily; the infants of Bethlehem killed by Herod; the 600 aborted every day in France; the millions of refugees in Iraq, Syria, the Ukraine; the hostages who died in a Paris supermarket; the millions of dead killed in the crossfire between blasphemers and psychopaths all over the world. Je suis les otages.

Paris: Violent Extremism Breeds Violent Extremism

In the eleventh century, the Western world, then meaning only some parts of Western Europe, finally rejected any kind of spiritual centre outside itself and made itself into its own spiritual centre. Thus, having become ethnocentric, it started to view all other civilizations as cannon fodder for its wholly unprincipled and egoistic purposes. All other civilizations became ‘good’ if they supported the exploitative and genocidal egoism of the West, but ‘barbaric’, ‘backward’, ‘primitive’ and ‘anti-democratic’ if they did not.

For example, the Jewish elite was useful to finance its tribal wars at various points in the Middle Ages, or to finance the Reformation and the wars that followed it (like Cromwell’s in Britain and Ireland), or to finance its twentieth-century ‘world’ (in fact Western) wars, but when ordinary Jews were not needed for this purpose they could be massacred.

For example, the Muslim world could be massacred, as in the eleventh century in the Iberian Peninsula, as in the Crusades, as today in the Gaza Strip, because Muslims are ‘in the way’. However, when it suited and suits the unprincipled purposes of the West, the Muslim world could and can become its closest ally, as in the anti-Christian Crimean War and in Bulgaria in the 19th century when the West supported anti-Christian massacres by Muslims, as in the West’s contemporary support of barbaric anti-Christian dictatorships in Saudi Arabia (whose Muslim fanatics were responsible for 9/11 but which was not invaded), in Qatar and Bahrein, as in Chechnia, Kosovo and Bosnia, where the West supported the establishment of anti-Christian Muslim criminal mafia governments, as in Afghanistan, where the CIA set up Al-Qaida, as in Iraq, where the CIA-imposed dictator Hussein was then betrayed by the West once he had outlived his usefulness and lived to see his country pillaged and over a million of his people massacred and exiled, as in Libya, where Britain and France bombed the legitimate regime to pieces and ensured that its armouries were pillaged by Muslim fanatics, as in Syria, where the West financed and trained fanatical Muslim terrorists and encouraged their own Western-born jihadis to fight there – until they started carrying their jihad into Iraq and now into France, or as in the Crimea where it supports the Muslim Tartar minority against the Christian Russian majority.

Thus, modern ‘radical Islam’ is a Western invention. Arms for the never to be justified barbaric atrocity of the outrage in Paris came from the arms-dealing mafia in Kosovo and from Libya. Sow the wind and you will reap the whirlwind. Government elites in Western Europe (as also in the USA, Canada and Australia) have over the last sixty years brought into their countries tens of millions of Muslims, to be exploited by their industrialists in low-paid jobs. The elites never consulted their peoples they dictate to about their immigration policies – the elites live in wealthy, white-skinned areas and do not see what they have done. Now they face the backlash. This began with the sadistic terrorist Breivik in Norway. Now it is clearly visible in Germany and France.

In one sense the extremist and totally unjustifiable atrocity in Paris is successive French governments’ own fault. Having committed atrocities in the Muslim world for centuries (not least by slaughtering two million in its colonial war in Algeria fifty and sixty years ago or in Libya a score of months ago), the French now see Muslims bringing atrocities to France. Having in the French Revolution officially renounced its own Christian roots and opened the door to freedom for blasphemy, French governments have created all the conditions for a spiritual vacuum, for unprincipled and cynical belieflessness. But nature abhors a vacuum and the devil always fills it. The renunciation of Christian spirituality in the West has led to a vacuum which has been filled by the satanic spirituality of terrorism. The totally unjustifiable atrocity in Paris is but a consequence of the West’s own spiritual crisis of unbelief and faithlessness.

Western violent extremism in the Muslim world has bred Muslim violent extremism in the Western world. To our great sorrow, the atrocity in Paris will be repeated elsewhere in the Western world by Western-born and Western-bred Muslim terrorists. And these will in turn bring a violent backlash for Muslims living in the West. The terrorist atrocities that the West has committed with bombs, uranium-tipped shells, bullets and drones in Iraq, the Balkans, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Syria are now spreading to the West, exactly as predicted. He who sows the wind shall indeed reap the whirlwind. The Western world has brought this atrocity on itself.

World War V Begins

Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.

Rev. 9, 14

If for some European countries national pride is a long-forgotten concept and sovereignty is too much of a luxury, real sovereignty for Russia is an absolutely necessity for survival.

The support for separatism in Russia from across the Atlantic, including propaganda, political and financial support as well as support provided by special services…was absolutely obvious and left no doubt that they would gladly have Russia follow the Yugoslav scenario of disintegration and dismemberment, with all the tragic fallout for the people of Russia. It did not work. We did not allow that to happen. Just as it did not work for Hitler with his people-hating ideas, as he set out to destroy Russia and push us back beyond the Urals. Everyone should remember how that ended.

No one will ever attain military superiority over Russia. We have a modern and combat-ready army…We have the strength, will and courage to protect our freedom. We shall protect the diversity of the world. We shall tell people abroad the truth, so that everyone can see the real and not a distorted and false image of Russia.

Address of President Putin on 18/12/2014 in response to the War declared by Washington

Introduction: Satan’s Work Before 1914

Ever since the fourth-century settlement of the first Christian Emperor, St Constantine, Satan in his hatred, jealousy and pride has been striving to destroy the Christian Roman Empire and revive the Pagan Roman Empire in its place. This is all part of the ancient struggle between Good and Evil, between Jerusalem and Babylon, between the Gospel and Mammon, between a worldwide Kingdom of Christ and a worldwide republic of Satan, between Christ and Antichrist. This struggle will end with the enthronement of Antichrist in the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem and his defeat by Christ, Who will come again at the end of the world to judge it.

Satan’s breakthrough came after the first millennium when he divided from the Church the ambitious, power-holding elite of Western Europe, who had begun looking back with barbaric nostalgia at Pagan Rome. By the end of the fateful eleventh century that elite had begun spreading its errors not only to the newly-enslaved masses of north-western Continental Europe, but also by conquest to Sicily, southern Italy and England to the Near East. For over 400 years, the power-holding elite consolidated its feudal aggression all over Western Europe, conquering Wales, Scotland, Spain, Portugal, Scandinavia, Ireland, Central Europe, Eastern Europe and threatening Russia, the Near East, Cyprus and pillaging the Christian Capital in New Rome.

Thus, the elite started interminable wars, bloodshed and genocide, both in Western Europe, for example the ‘Hundred Years War’ between England and France, and outside Europe in the Near East, everywhere launching ‘crusades’, building castles to oppress the people and creating the ‘Renaissance’ of paganism. Over 400 years later, after the discovery of the Americas by greedy gold-seekers in 1492, the bloodshed and genocide was spread to New Worlds. So began feudal slavery and the colonial exploitation of distant lands in the Americas, Africa, Asia and Australasia, encouraged by the ‘Enlightenment’, another great revival of paganism.

World Wars I to V: 1914-2014

Over another 400 years later, in August 1914 the bloodshed and genocide that the Western elite had been carrying out worldwide returned to Western Europe and led to a series of what were in fact five generational wars, WW I in 1914 and WW II in 1939. World War III began in October 1964, with the newly legalized holocaust of tens of millions of innocent people in the abortion war as well as in continuing colonial wars, conducted in South-East Asia and Africa in particular. WW IV broke out in November 1989 with the bankruptcy and collapse of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, victims of Western money-lending. Without the counterbalance of the Soviet Union, this led to a generation of Western invasions and genocides in Iraq, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, in fact all through North Africa and the Middle East.

Now in December 2014 there has begun WW V, when the Western elite has set its tentacles into long-coveted and resource-rich Russia, having already installed a Fascist junta in Russia’s soft underbelly of the Ukraine. Ruled by the grotesque Kiev puppet junta, the Ukraine already faces bankruptcy and social collapse. However, let us not despair – for the sake of ten righteous, even Sodom would have been spared. The difference between this war and the preceding four is that this is the final war between Pagan Rome and Christian Rome. If the Church does not win this war, then Antichrist will be enthroned in the rebuilt Temple and then Armageddon will come. However, if the Church does win this war, as we believe She will, then we shall be granted more time, another generation or perhaps many more generations in order to finish gathering in the harvest of the Church worldwide, work which has scarcely started.

This is the War that was prophesied by the Book of Revelation, as by Athonite and Russian elders alike, the war between the Orthodox World, Christian Rome, led by the Russian Orthodox Church, and the Pagan World, Pagan Rome, led by Washington, the World’s greatest aggressor, operating through its propaganda, economic and military forces and vassal states in Western Europe and worldwide. Today in the Ukraine, as in Syria, the servants of Satan make glad, as they shed blood and create chaos, removing, as they hope, the last barriers to their domination of the planet, a global empire with a bandit monopoly of money-lending and enslavement to debt, controlling all the world’s natural resources (Matt. 4, 8-10).

2014: Why World War V

The cause of all the world’s contemporary problems is not human evil in itself, but the preparations for the coming of him who is complete evil and who according to prophecy is briefly to rule the whole world. The Jews await him, supported financially and militarily by President Obama, by many sectarian Evangelicals and by ever more Protestantized Roman Catholics, who have fallen into seeking after the ‘New World Order’ (for, ‘Not everyone who saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven’, Matt 7, 21). These seekers are preparing through the bloodshed of the ‘Arab spring’ and Western-founded Islamist terrorism – violence is always the sign of Satan – to build the World Ruler’s Temple in Jerusalem, taking delivery from the USA of 60,000 tons of onyx for it, preparing ‘Greater Israel’ and ‘the New Middle East’ from the Nile to the Euphrates.

Opposed to this stands the multinational Russian Orthodox Church, which has led the Confederation of Orthodox Churches since 1453. All Orthodox who are free and still devoted to the Orthodox Faith stand behind Her. However, some, Orthodox in name only, have been corrupted and have fallen away in a process of Uniatization and Protestantization. Whether politicized, naïve or deluded, and so not supporting Russian Orthodoxy, they will now have to decide whose side they are on, with Christ or Antichrist. Moreover, today the Russian Orthodox world leads and protects not only the Orthodox world, but also all those of traditional religions and values worldwide. This is because the devout of all religions know that globalization destroys all faith, all values, except that of the idolatry of Mammon, which is that of Antichrist.

Indeed, the Russian Federation is the only large (in fact the largest), Christian, multinational country in the world, which defends oppressed Christians and upholds traditional religious values against Sodomy. Thus it supports patriotic forces in the oppressed EU countries and those who revere the first millennium of the Church in Western Europe. This is vital now, for tens of thousands of Christians are being slaughtered every year, merely for being Christians, in northern Africa, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan and now in the Ukraine. Thus, Russian internationalism and support of diversity stands against Western nationalism and homogeneity which is now spread worldwide. In the Western world, especially in the corrupt and autocratic EU and USA, such values are attacked and destroyed. Indeed, if the Russian Federation goes under in World War V, then the whole free world will go under also and we shall know that Armageddon is for very soon.

Conclusion: The Future

In 2014 the Western elite launched first its propaganda War and now its economic War against the Russian Federation. Thus it has imposed illegal, anti-Russian sanctions and forced its voiceless and spineless colonies in the EU, to their own suicide, to do the same, so dividing Europe. It has launched a campaign of speculation against the rouble and attempted to bankrupt the Russian economy by making its Arab vassals overproduce oil – which is first of all bankrupting Western oil companies. The Bulgarian puppet government has been instructed by its EU masters (in turn instructed by its US masters) not to allow the South Stream pipeline. Now the Western elite is seriously discussing the next phase of its War – the possibility of launching a full-scale military ‘Hot War’ against Russia in the Ukraine, pouring its NATO troops and arms into the Baltics, Poland, Slovakia and Romania in readiness.

The elite knows that President Putin is determined to find an alternative world order to the dollar Mammon. This is to be based on the Eurasian Economic Union, the BRICS countries, the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization), Iran and the huge Russian oil and gas deal with China. Such a dedollarization of the world economy would greatly weaken the US/EU/NATO mafia, on which the elite has built its power base. In addition, the Russian Orthodox Church is pressing ever more for an end to an economy based on interest and transnational money-lending, for ‘moral economics’, much closer to Christian (and also Islamic) Tradition. Little wonder, as Metr Amphilochy of Montenegro has said, that the arch-materialist warmonger, Tony Blair, declared that the Russian Orthodox Church is a greater enemy to the West than Bolshevism. ‘Moral economics’ would completely undermine globalized Western Mammon.

Now we recall the prophecies of Fr Paisius the Athonite about Russia and Turkey and those of the Elder Jonah of Odessa about the two-year war in the Ukraine, as well as the prophecies which foretell vast Chinese armies in Iraq. The Russian Orthodox world, wherever we live, is a defensive empire of faith, defending international law, respect for national sovereignty, national independence and traditional values. Little wonder that we defend the rights of the real patriots of Europe against the Babylonian EU and its rulers. The elite’s plans for a One World Government are being shaken. The coming of Antichrist which they have so carefully and slavishly prepared may be postponed. The elite is furious and has begun World War V, a war of propaganda, economic and military aggression.

Woe unto You

Pope Francis has visited Turkey. This is surprising; Turkey is a country where historically he has never had a flock or any jurisdiction. Since he did not go there in order to visit the handful of Catholic diplomats and foreigners who do live there, his visit was clearly politically and not spiritually motivated. Despite the pious spin put on the visit by his PR advisors and parroted by the subservient, ethnocentric Western media, we can guess what may really have been behind it.

Since the Pope’s recent visit to the Strasbourg ‘Parliament’ of the Eurokommisar puppets and his recent contacts with US politicians, we suspect that that his visit was organized by his American masters. Otherwise he would have gone to Ferguson, where there are real, resident Catholics and the services of a pastor are more urgently needed. We believe that the Papal visit to Turkey had two aims:

1. To help ensure that the Turkish government, in the past pro-EU and pro-US, does not fall to Islamism. This seems possible given its imperialistic support for anti-Syrian terrorism and now its refusal to attack Islamic State.

2. To negotiate the further Uniatization of the Greek Orthodox remnants in Istanbul for their absorption into the Vatican meat-grinder.

This second aim is indicated by last week’s visit to the Greek Orthodox Patriarch in Istanbul by Joe Biden, who gave his instructions for the Papal visit. For despite the canons of the Orthodox Church which forbid political appointees, since 1948 the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate in Istanbul has been run by Washington.

Here the world’s powerbrokers are barking up the wrong tree. Patriarch Bartholomew is not ‘the spiritual leader of 300 million Orthodox Christians’, as reported by the ignorant Western media. In reality, there are 215 million Orthodox Christians, 164 million of them in the Russian Orthodox Church, and Patriarch Bartholomew is only the much-contested representative of a small minority of 3 million Greek Orthodox, essentially outside Greece and Cyprus, mainly in the USA.

Despite the fantasies of the apparently uneducated mandarins of the US State Department, who imagine Patriarch Bartholomew as a political pawn able to snatch the Ukrainian Orthodox Church from the multinational Russian Church, so helping to undermine Her, the tiny Greek Patriarchate in Istanbul is largely irrelevant in today’s world and has been since 1453.

As for the first aim, the Pope’s visit has surely done more harm than good. The Pope spoke against Islamist violence (which has in part been carried out by thousands of European-born Muslims and has largely been financed by US allies, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. We too utterly condemn all violence, including Islamist. And that is why we, unlike the Pope, also utterly condemn Western violence. Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya never invaded the West. The West invaded them and slaughtered hundreds of thousands, if not millions. In Iraq’s case, the West invaded twice and is now meddling there for the third time. This is the same hypocrisy as in the Crimea. For the West also invaded the Crimea twice, once in 1854, urged on by the then Pope, again in 1941, and then tried to meddle there in 2014, planning to set up a NATO base in Sebastopol with which to threaten Russia.

The Pope’s speech is all the stranger since he is the representative of the very organization which slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Muslims (and Orthodox Christians) in the blood-soaked Crusades. In other words, the Pope represents the grandfather of Western violence against Muslims (and also against the Orthodox Church). We can therefore think of no-one less appropriate to call on Islamists to cease their violence than this ‘ecumenical’ Pope, who during his visit honoured Kemal Ataturk – responsible in part for the deaths of some two million Greek and Armenian Christians.

Only when Western and Western-supplied bombs, shells and bullets have stopped tearing apart the bodies of innocent Muslim men, women and children all over the Middle East, will fanatical Islamists stop slaughtering Non-Islamists in revenge. ‘Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity (Matt. 23, 27-28).

Double Standards

The beheading of an American journalist by a British Muslim should surprise no-one. For over two years now hundreds of British Muslims, let alone French, Belgian, German and other European Muslims, have been slaughtering the innocent in the interventionist war in Syria, which has been encouraged by the Western Powers and their subservient media. That is not so much a civil war as a war between Syrians and hordes of foreign mercenaries paid for by Saudi and Qatari Sunnis and well supported by Western ‘Special Forces’ in training camps in the Jordan and Turkey.

Indeed, it is only a year since Western governments were prepared to bomb Syria back into the Stone Age over the poison gas / ’red line’ affair, thus probably bringing Muslim fanatics to power there and replacing the popular government. When it was discovered that the poison gas (invented and used by the West for the first time nearly 100 years ago) had been used by the terrorists and not by the government, the Western hypocrites fell silent.

Now that the terrorists are victorious in eastern Syria, they have tried to take over Iraq (which the West did bomb back into the Stone Age), the West is alarmed and is beginning to realize that it should have been supporting the Syrian government of President Assad all along and not trying to annihilate it, as they did to the governments in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. The West was wrong all the way down the line. (It is almost as if after its fifty years of self-imposed cultural nihilism which began in the 1960s that the West wants to annihilate the cultures of all other countries).

Therefore, today the British government is worried that its self-created (by immigration) Muslim ghettoes have produced jihadists. However, the problem of the radicalization of young British Muslims has only two basic self-created two real causes. The first cause is the fact that British ‘governments’ (more correctly ‘regimes’), have, without popular consent, invaded, occupied and committed genocide in several Muslim countries, in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. The second cause is that British regimes have consistently supported the genocide of native Palestinian Muslims by Zionist Israel, not least over the last month. The outrage of young British Muslims is actually understandable; their violence, however, is only to be condemned, as is the whole Muslim (and Zionist) anti-New Testament eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth ideology.

The hypocrisy of the British Establishment at the terrible beheading is also blatant. However barbaric it is, beheading is at least instant death. On the other hand, to be slowly slaughtered or grossly maimed by NATO uranium-tipped shells in Serbia or by NATO cluster bombs and shells in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya is, if anything, even more barbaric. And to be victims of the Atomic Bombs which the ‘high-minded’ West dropped on civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki is even more barbaric.

The hypocrisy is even worse, when one considers that at this very moment the Western world is supporting a civil war in Europe, unleashed by the Western-backed regime in Kiev, planned by the CIA and other US ‘military advisors’ and executed mainly by Western mercenaries. Well over a thousand have been slaughtered, often burned to death (as earlier in Odessa) in the Western-sponsored genocide against freedom-fighters and civilians in the Ukraine in the last two months, and refugees (no support from the New York-based UN here) number over 150,000. The fact, as we now know from German sources, that the Malaysian Airlines plane was brought down by the Western-backed Ukrainian junta is also irrelevant, conveniently buried with another invented ‘red line’. The Ukrainian train of death is to be forgotten.

Apparently, genocide in the Ukraine, as in Gaza, does not matter, because those who are committing the genocide are pro-Western and are equipped with Western bombs and bullets to do it. There is one standard for the vast majority not so barbaric Non-Western world and quite another for the minority barbaric Western world. How the Western world will deal with this genocide in the Ukraine when the Ukrainian junta goes bankrupt and the gas runs out in the approaching winter, we shall see.

Nineveh is Fallen

Wasted is Nineveh; who will bemoan her? Whence shall I seek comforters for her?

Nahum 3, 7

And he will make Nineveh a desolation, a dry waste like the desert.

Zeph. 2, 13

When US forces together with others from servile poodle-governments in London and the new Eastern Europe were sent to Iraq, they appeared to have four aims.

The first aim was to overthrow the CIA-installed Saddam Hussein, who had become too popular for the West’s liking. He had after all, with Washington’s tacit approval, originally tried to reunite to Iraq the province of Kuwait, which had been cut off from the rest of the country by oil-greedy British colonial authorities. That made him no longer useful to the West.

The second aim was to control Iraq by ‘bombing it back to the Stone Age’, depriving its citizens of normal education, not to mention water, electricity, petrol and other staples of modern life.

The third aim was to oversee the election of a ‘democratic’ government.

Washington duly achieved all three aims, spending $3 trillion in the process and almost bankrupting the USA.

Firstly, Saddam Hussein, hardly a pleasant man – the CIA should know – they created him – was farcically murdered (just as the all too popular Kaddhafi was later murdered in Libya).

Secondly, the Iraqi people was effectively deprived of all the essentials of modern life, completely dividing the country, so that the West could then rule it, pumping out its oil and gas.

Thirdly, ‘democracy’ was created with the election of the present leader al-Maliki.

But now, just as all the experts predicted, Washington is very unhappy.

Firstly, the overthrow of the strongman, Saddam Hussein, has created an Iraq full of terrorists, many of whom were supported, financed, trained and armed by the CIA to overthrow the Syrian government, just as it supported, financed trained and armed Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan to overthrow its government.

Secondly, having divided Iraq and utterly embittered the Sunnis, the West now sees it splitting into its three natural parts in a horrendous civil war.

Thirdly, having created ‘democracy’ in Iraq, the West now wants to overthrow its democratically-elected government (just as it did in the Ukraine, where it also overthrew the democratically-elected government in order to install a pro-American, neo-Nazi clique).

Nineveh, today called Mosul, is now fallen and its surviving Christian population has fled. Founded by Nimrod, a descendant of Ham (Genesis 10), Nineveh heeded the holy prophet Jonah who went there at the words, ‘Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness has come up before me’ (Jon. 1, 2) and its 120,000 people repented. Our only hope now is that both those who laid waste to Iraq in 2003 and those who are now laying waste to Nineveh will cease their futile and hypocritical self-justification and also turn to repentance.

Thousands Die in the Ukraine as ‘Europe Sets a Concrete Example of Life Without Christ’

The Western media report only what its leaders want them to report, for example, the strife which the West has caused in Iraq, where, also unreported by the Western media, Christians are being obliterated, as in Syria. However, in Europe, censored by European media, the genocide continues in the Ukraine. A few days ago a junta aeroplane with 49 foreign (EU and US nationals) mercenaries, paid for by corrupt oligarchs, was shot down by Ukrainian freedom-fighters, most of them Christian patriots. In the war, directed from training camps in Poland which is run as a colony by NATO, whose armed masses and fleet now threaten Russia, three days ago 250 died, two days ago 49 and today more than 100.

Orthodox priests are fleeing the Ukraine for Russia as heterodox and schismatics, their clerical leaders included, openly threaten to kill them and destroy their churches. This reminds us that the present borders of the Ukraine have existed for less than a generation and it basically consists of south-eastern Poland joined to south-western Russia. It is then an artificial construct (like EU Europe), created by the monstrous atheist dictators Lenin and Stalin, who were imposed on Christian Russia by the West in 1917 by overthrowing the Tsar. Today, 19 June, Metropolitan Onufry, the Locum Tenens of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, has called for peace and spoken against the atheist EU, which caused all the problems in the Ukraine.

In an interview with the Interfax news agency the Metropolitan spoke of the Ukraine as a ‘buffer zone’ between the Christian world and the Western world. He spoke of current morality in Europe which ‘would bring no good to the Ukraine’. ‘Europe sets us a concrete example of life without Christ. It pays no attention to the Lord’s commandments and what He forbade. On the contrary, it promotes permissiveness, according to which life is guided by human desires and not the Law of God. This is the wrong path… not all human desires are holy…Today the world is basically divided into two camps: one camp consists of people who strive to keep in force and reality moral laws, given to humanity by God for its benefit’.

He continued: ‘However, the second camp tramples down those laws. For example God blessed man and woman, Adam and Eve, in marriage. Not two Adams, not two Eves’. The Metropolitan, who only a few years ago visited us in London, also pointed to the legalization in Europe of single-sex marriage, euthanasia, which he called ‘the legalization of the sin of suicide’, and abortion. ‘If nobody is left on earth to keep the Divine order of life, then human life is doomed and humanity is headed for self-destruction. The laws, which the new European world offers us today, are not acceptable. We cannot collaborate with and join this world. We should keep our unity with those who adhere to Divine law.’

19 June 2014. My grandfather’s 120th birthday. He, born on 19 June, possessed both morality and common sense. As a soldier he took part in the liberation of Baghdad and Jerusalem. Reader, please pray for the repose of Henry.