On Whistle-Blowing: For the Freedom of the Church, We are Fearless Against the American Schism

If we live a life for Christ, we strive to do what He would have done.

Thus, when an MI5 spotter showed interest in me in Oxford in 1977, I replied by blowing the whistle.

Thus, when homosexual bureaucrat-bishops representing the Patriarchate of Constantinople, the sort who, once bribed, recently founded a fake church of atheist thugs in the Ukraine (the OCU), showed interest in me, I replied by blowing the whistle.

Thus, when Moscow bureaucrat-bishops, homosexuals, secretly married, alcoholics, sectarians who rebaptise one another, and, worst of all, politicians who manifestly profess atheist values, tried to recruit me, I replied by blowing the whistle.

In my lifetime, I have seen the Greeks lose it and then the Russians. The Greeks were only interested in Hellenism. The Russians, at that time, were only interested in Soviet politics. Russia, as I continually repeated ever since my return there after de-Sovietisation, in 2007, could go one way or the other, towards the whole Church or towards racial and nationalist introversion, it was on a knife-edge. Sadly, it went the other way, towards nationalist schism, and cut off from communion and concelebration with the mainstream. We can only pray and hope that that tragedy will be overcome. At present the Russian Church is out of communion even with itself in Western Europe. As for the Church in the Ukraine, it must receive independence, or else it will be boycotted. The people will not go to churches under Moscow, just as they do not go to fake churches.

The mantle has passed on our long and thorny path of building our new Local Church of Western Europe. I have no interest in those who have no openness and want to form nationalist ghettoes. There is no future with them, as they are absorbed by internal, racial questions which are spiritually irrelevant. As a result, they disobey the canons and use canonical discipline to apply purely political decisions. Those who live according to nationalistic criteria have no interest in Local Churches. Therefore, they have committed suicide in Western Europe.

When the bureaucrats obeyed the State and tried to close down our churches because of ‘covid’, I replied by blowing the whistle.

We are not afraid of death because God protects. When sociopaths become psychopaths, they turn violent. So what? Salvation lies in the path of Confession or Martyrdom.

If you have a conscience, honour and integrity, you must act against schism, whoever is creating it. At such moments you are not concerned by slanders and personal attacks, because you are taken up by the protective grace of God and you must follow that grace. Grace is irresistible. You must resist schism, because it always turns into heresy, as our Metropolitan Joseph very precisely predicted in February 2022.

Thus, the refusal to concelebrate with another part of the Church, because it receives Orthodox in the customary way of the Church, indeed soon turned into heresy. This heresy is that of the rebaptism of Orthodox who have long been receiving the sacraments of the Church. The rejection of the sacraments of the Church by such typically Protestant, anti-sacramental schismatics is a heresy. Like the proselytising pharisees, recruiting and rebaptising Christians in the freezing cold sea is not a solution to increasing the tiny numbers in your tiny schismatic and sectarian communities.

Two liturgies and five baptisms this weekend and, much as usual, some 200 communions from three chalices. And a certain ‘bishop’ wanted to close our church and even told people that we are ‘closed’! He is ignored. As with the fake Church in the Ukraine, it is the same persecution here. But here the law and the canons are on our side. Western Europe is different from the USA. Europe belongs to Europeans, not to Americans. We are not bossed about and do not speak American. We have our own culture.


Akathist to St Alexander (Vinogradov) (1938)

Акафист священномученику Александру Виноградову


Память: 28 июля / 10 августа (+ 1938)



Кондaк 1


Священномyченику и доблестному воину Христову Александру грешнии возносим победитeльная и благодaрственная хваления, не бо яко наeмник, дyшу свою за стaдо свое положи, сего рaди крепость неодолимую и венeц нетленен победы от руку Христа пастыреначaльника прият: тeмже любовию поeм ему:


Радуйся отче наш Александре, новый мучениче и скорый помощниче.


Икос 1


Ангельскую любовию Христа возлюбивший и Тому Единому служити желавый в трудех пастырских, молитвах усердных и страданиях велиих образ добродетелей явил еси, сего ради прими от нас сии усердные похвалы:


Радуйся, измлада Бога возлюбивый.

Радуйся, заповеди Его сохранивый.

Радуйся, веры истинной поборниче.

Радуйся, отеческих преданий защитниче.

Радуйся, добродетелей сокровище стяжавый.

Радуйся, дар мудрости Божией приявый.

Радуйся, носяй венец нетления.

Радуйся, даруяй нам исцеления.

Радуйся, русских святых сонаследниче.

Радуйся, древних мучеников сопрестольниче.

Радуйся, церкви Православной украшение.

Радуйся, земли нашея утверждение.

Радуйся отче наш Александре, новый мучениче и скорый помощниче.


Кондак 2


Видящее людие нрав твой долготерпелив и кроток, яко с малых лет к Богу прилеплялся еси, мы же дивяся таковому благоразумию, со умилением подвизаемся пети: Аллилуйа.


Икос 2


Разум Превечный предустави тя ко спасению в житии твоем, яко напаялся еси духовно от монастырского крина и всей земли Тамбовской, те же все сие умножил еси дарованиями велиями, сподоби и нас от земли нашей напитаться во еже всем ко спасению. Сего ради ублажаем тя тако:


Радуйся, отрасле благочестия избранный.

Радуйся, благословенной землей воспитанный.

Радуйся, от юности Христу служити призванный.

Радуйся, сердцем в Бозе утвержденный.

Радуйся, звездо, путь верным указующий.

Радуйся, свеще, свет дивно дарующий.

Радуйся, цвете благовонный нас облагоухаяй.

Радуйся, каменю веры присно утверждаяй.

Радуйся, молитвы кадило благовонное.

Радуйся, лампадо веры негасимая.

Радуйся, молитвенниче недуги исцеляющий.

Радуйся, в нуждах скоро помогающий.

Радуйся отче наш Александре, новый мучениче и скорый помощниче.


Кондак 3


Сила Всевышнего ведуще тя непрестанно в житии твоем, приведе во обитель иноческую града Сарова и тамо молитвою и пощением во служение Христу себе уготовляя воспевал еси Богу: Аллилуйа.


Икос 3


Имущи велие желание душеполезное сокровище стяжати, предал еси себе в послушание старцу святому Николаю, во еже постом, смирением, наипаче молитвою житию ангельскому последуя. Мы же похваляюще сие поем усердно тако:


Радуйся, чистоты телесной хранителю.

Радуйся, старца наставлений исполнителю.

Радуйся, заповеди Господни исполнити желавший.

Радуйся, ревностью по Бозе пламеневший.

Радуйся, в молитве время проводивый.

Радуйся, пример для братий бывый.

Радуйся, цевнице дивная боговещания.

Радуйся, златый кимвале восклицания.

Радуйся, Царя Славы прославивый.

Радуйся, на путь спасения сим наставивый.

Радуйся, возлюбленного Иисуса в сердце носивый.

Радуйся, любовь ко всем стяжавый.

Радуйся, Церкви всем сердцем прилепивыйся.

Радуйся, Христу сораспяться вседушно возгоревыйся.

Радуйся отче наш Александре, новый мучениче и скорый помощниче.


Кондак 4


Бурю нападения на Русь Православную нашу отвратити тщался еси, егда воином Отечество от врагов иноземных защищал еси, да незыблемо сохранятся грады и веси, вера утверждена пребудет, да людие невозбранно воспевают: Аллилуйа.

Икос 4


Слышаша и видеша множества напастей мира сего, николиже ближнии и други забывая, на стезю пастырскую призван был еси, во еже день и нощь бытии служителем таинств церковных для спасения всех людей, сего ради благодарственно воспеваем:


Радуйся, Церковных Таинств благочестивый совершителю.

Радуйся, в небесный Иерусалим путеводителю.

Радуйся, дому Божию страже и хранителю.

Радуйся, иереев добрых попечителю.

Радуйся, апостольских преданий ревнителю.

Радуйся, церковных канонов насадителю.

Радуйся, глаголов вечных возвестителю.

Радуйся, душ заблудших просветителю.

Радуйся, у Престола Божия о нас печальниче.

Радуйся, о грехах наших молитвенниче.

Радуйся, кающихся грешников покровителю.

Радуйся, погибели геенской избавителю.

Радуйся отче наш Александре, новый мучениче и скорый помощниче.


Кондак 5


Боготечная звезда явился еси людям быв ревностным служителем Божиим, яко в обличении расколов наипаче порадел еси, во еже нераздран хитон Христов сохранити. Таковому в тебе дару радующееся, воспеваем: Аллилуйа.


Икос 5


Видеша тя пастыря добра, емуже суть овцы своя, желая всем вся быти, да все взыщут Единого Бога. Мы же, уповая достигнути спасения преславным ходатайством твоим, возносим ти сицевая:


Радуйся, к небеси всех приводяй.

Радуйся, на пути сем утверждай.

Радуйся, стадо Христово упасл еси.

Радуйся, овец заблудших не отвергл еси.

Радуйся, яко тобою сетей мира избавляемся.

Радуйся, яко тобою ревности по Бозе исполняемся.

Радуйся, свет дел твоих пред человеки просветися.

Радуйся, заповедем научивый и сотворивый я.

Радуйся, паствы твоея присное сохранение.

Радуйся, во всем пути ея соблюдение.

Радуйся, веры и надежды сеятелю.

Радуйся, любви Христовой носителю.

Радуйся отче наш Александре, новый мучениче и скорый помощниче.


Кондак 6


Проповедник и оплот веры православной явился еси отче Александре, за сие бурю гонений воздвигоша врази Христовы на тя, но вверив живот свой Божию промышлению, усерднее взывал еси: Аллилуйа.


Икос 6


Воссиявый яко поборник чистоты Православия в граде Моршанске, от лжеучений безбожных и прельщений душепагубных обновления чад Церковных сохраняя словом и делом, за сие от святого епископа Серапиона удостоился еси  рукоположения, с ним и мы купно ублажаем тя:


Радуйся, раскол и ересь посецаяй.

Радуйся, гордых и строптивых устрашаяй.

Радуйся, лжеучителей лукавство разоривый.

Радуйся, маловерных в правой вере утвердивый.

Радуйся, крепкая вайя древа правоверия.

Радуйся, богоизбранный посрамителю неверия.

Радуйся, от стрел лукавых оградивый.

Радуйся, мечом духовным сохранивый.

Радуйся, усты Божественными истины являяй.

Радуйся, Евангелия словеса вещаяй.

Радуйся, падающих крепкое возведение.

Радуйся, право стоящих споможение.

Радуйся отче наш Александре, новый мучениче и скорый помощниче.


Кондак 7


Хотяще Христу следовати взем крест долготерпения и злострадания, егда гонители в темницу заточиша тя желая устрашити, ты же верен святой Церкви явился еси, воспевая твердо сие: Аллилуйа.


Икос 7


Новые козни воздвигоша мучители, егда ведоша тя в землю Сибирскую, где они безстудие творяше и обители святыни разоряше, но и тамо прещений вражиих не убоявся единому Заступнику от всяких бед усердныя моления возносил еси, мы же благоговейно воспоминающее сие, похвалами ублажаем тя сими:


Радуйся, немолчное исповедников славо.

Радуйся, предивное мучеников похвало.

Радуйся, Христовы Церкви твердое забрало.

Радуйся, укрепления небесного зерцало.

Радуйся, лукавым силам устрашение.

Радуйся, подвигами сими наше утешение.

Радуйся, яко тобою глумители посрамляются.

Радуйся, яко тобою сила Божия является.

Радуйся, всецелое отвержение показавый.

Радуйся, над кознями восторжествовавый.

Радуйся, мраз и глад в изгнании терпевый.

Радуйся, святость души сим явивый.

Радуйся отче наш Александре, новый мучениче и скорый помощниче.


Кондак 8


Странное и безумное житие твое показася людям неверным, яко за истину святыя православия терпел еси велия лишения, не имея где главы приклонити, из веси в весь отступниками веры гонимый, ты мужественно перенося сие взывал укрепляющему тя Богу: Аллилуйа.


Икос 8


Весь путь жития предал в руце Божии не устрашился еси уз, оплевания и поругания лишь единого на потребу искавый, сего и мы тщашеся достигнути научаемся от тебе благодарственно воспевая:


Радуйся, крест свой прияв, Христу следовавый.

Радуйся, стезю страданий за Него избравый.

Радуйся, великими скорбми искушенный.

Радуйся, упованием на Бога утвержденный.

Радуйся, иский отечества небесного.

Радуйся, не брегий успокоения телесного.

Радуйся, обычаев греховных искоренителю.

Радуйся, к добротели неустанный водителю.

Радуйся, кающихся с Богом примирителю.

Радуйся, Спасителя возлюбших покровителю.

Радуйся, благоприятную ко Господу молитву возсылаяй.

Радуйся, теплою молитвою державу нашу согревавый.

Радуйся отче наш Александре, новый мучениче и скорый помощниче.

Кондак 9


Вси видящии тя во граде Моршанском яко пастыря верного почитаху и ведяху, яко не поклонился еси пред властию безбожною и обстояниями мирстими, верность Господу Единому хранивый и сице научивый сим и нас в терпении пети: Аллилуйа.


Икос 9


Ветия многовещаннии не могут изрещи всех страданий, егда бо тя на осуждение смерти изведе, с радостью великою предал еси душу твою за веру истинную и Христа распятаго, сего ради укрепляя нас малодушных прими воскликновения достохвальные:


Радуйся, воине Христов непобедимый.

Радуйся, в терпении адаманте невредимый.

Радуйся, зломыслящих наветы претерпел еси.

Радуйся, от яростных поношений приял еси.

Радуйся, сердец смятенных умирителю.

Радуйся, поступков твердых ободрителю.

Радуйся, неверия сумнительного избавляеши.

Радуйся, яко от малодушия исцеляеши.

Радуйся, российских мучеников споспешниче.

Радуйся, священства мучимого сподвижниче.

Радуйся, духовных совершенств высото.

Радуйся, христианского смирения глубино.

Радуйся отче наш Александре, новый мучениче и скорый помощниче.


Кондак 10


Спасти хотя душу твою, мучения даже до смерти не убоялся еси, ныне же в селениях праведных водворившись, Отца Небесного о песнословящих тя прилежно моли, вопиющих тако: Аллилуйа.

Икос 10


Стена ограждения церкви православной стал еси на крови твоей, яко крин прорастший со всем сонмом новомучеников, о сей победе над миром убо радующееся вернии восклицаху ти таковая:


Радуйся, Православия неблазненный ревнителю.

Радуйся, шатания людей искоренителю.

Радуйся, Евангельского света чудное блистание.

Радуйся, гонимых за правду упование.

Радуйся, Господню волю сотворивый.

Радуйся, Христовы заповеди сохранивый.

Радуйся, честную кровь за веру пролиял еси.

Радуйся, блаженство тем стяжал еси.

Радуйся, истину подвигами утвердивый.

Радуйся, благочестие трудами возрастивый.

Радуйся, чистоты веры хранителю.

Радуйся, благочестия любви насадителю.

Радуйся отче наш Александре, новый мучениче и скорый помощниче.


Кондак 11


Пение всеумиленное принесоша Богови людие чтущие память твою от предел земли Моршанския на месте твоего упокоения идеже святыми мощами пребываеши благодарственно вопием прославившему тя Господу: Аллилуйа.


Икос 11


Светоприемную свещу зрим тя стране Тамбовской верным людям, яко новоявленного мученика нарекла тя церковь православная, тако утверди святую веру на месте земнаго отечества твоего, да никия козни безверия не возмогут поколебати ея, тако уповающе на Бога взываем:


Радуйся, твердый столпе православия.

Радуйся, кормчий ко пристанищу вечныя.

Радуйся, щите защищаяй благочестие.

Радуйся, мечу посецаяй злочестие.

Радуйся, блуждающих во мраце окормителю.

Радуйся, честнейший целомудрия хранителю.

Радуйся, светильниче Церковь озаряяй.

Радуйся, молящихся ти души умиряяй.

Радуйся, недугующих страстями исцеляеши.

Радуйся, окамененных сердцем оживляеши.

Радуйся, печальниче болящим и безпомощным.

Радуйся, заступниче убогим и обидимым.

Радуйся, яко помраченных просвещаеши.

Радуйся, яко просвещенных утверждаеши.

Радуйся отче наш Александре, новый мучениче и скорый помощниче.


Кондак 12


Благодать дадеся ти от Бога, отче приснопамятный Александре, во еже бытии нерушимым камнем Церкве. Твоему житию желающее всем сердцем подражати, умоляем тя быти нам в ходатая и заступника, да сохраншеся христианами, Твоим ходатайством прославляем Бога: Аллилуйа.


Икос 12


Поющее праведное житие твое, восхваляют в градах многих пречестное твое имя, удивляясь духовней твоей крепости и с любовию, воспоминая о всех подвизех твоих, тако и по всей земле восписуют ти хваления таковая:


Радуйся, за веру живот свой положивый.

Радуйся, путь свой правый сохранивый.

Радуйся, всем Богу угодивый.

Радуйся, до смерти Ему верен бывый.

Радуйся, неусыпный страже нашего спасения.

Радуйся, брегущий нас от вражьего ловления.

Радуйся, венцем победным блистаяй.

Радуйся, в тимпане славу Божию бряцаяй.

Радуйся, в отечестве небеснем пребываяй.

Радуйся, земное отечество не забываяй.

Радуйся, славы Божия ревнителю.

Радуйся, молитв наших исполнителю.

Радуйся отче наш Александре, новый мучениче и скорый помощниче.


Кондак 13


О, страдальче многосветлый, отче наш Александре! Прими малое хваление сие, в простоте сердечней возносимое и ходатайством твоим у Христа Бога нашего, избави нас от всех болезней душевных и телесных, от всякия беды, напасти и ересей губительных, да выну благодарящее Господа, радостно воспеваем ему славу:


Аллилуйа, Аллилуйа , Аллилуйа.


Сей кондак читай трижды, затем Икос 1 и Кондак 1





О всечестный и благородный отче наш новомучениче Александре, Моршанския земли похвало, твоего рода слава, и благочестивия семьи твоея утешение! Велию любовь ко Господу имея, измлада странников и монашествующих возлюбивый, законы евангельския непреложно исполняя, душу твою за паству полагал еси в час гонения, милующим сердцем болезнуя о всех, просящих твоея помощи. Приими малое сие моление наше, и яко в земном житии твоем отирал еси всяку слезу, так и ныне, милосердый молитвенниче и ходатаю наш, возьми тяготы, болезни и скорби наша, исполни страждущая сердца радостию, светом лика твоего служителей и предстателей Алтаря Христова на святыя подвиги пастырскаго делания подвигни, соблюди милостию твоею супружества в мире и единомыслии, младенцем воспитание даруй, юность настави, старость поддержи. Умоли Человеколюбца Бога о прощении безчисленных прегрешений наших, да очистив душу покаянием, к деланию доброму приступим. Ей, отче благородный, буди и нам пастырь добрый, наставляя на стезю спасения, да молитвами твоими безпорочно преидем путь жития нашего и обрящем Отечество Небесное, идеже ты со ангелы и всеми святыми предстоиши Престолу Святыя Троицы, славяще Безначальнаго Отца со Единородным Его Сыном и Пресвятым, и Благим, и Животворящим Его Духом во веки веков. Аминь.


Akathist to the Venerable Gabriel of Samtavro, Confessor and Fool-for-Christ

Kontakion 1


Chosen vessel of the grace of God, fragrant source of miracles, boast of Iberia, O most wondrous Father Gabriel! Now do we offer thee a song of praise, and since thou hast great boldness towards the Lord, deliver us from all misfortunes, that we may cry to thee with love:


Rejoice, O venerable confessor Gabriel, fool for Christ and wonderworker!


Ikos 1


Imitating the angelic life, thou didst please God with thy purity and humility, O most blessed Father Gabriel, and thou wast found worthy of acquiring the great gifts of the Holy Spirit! Marvelling at the greatness of thy feat, we call out to thee thus:


Rejoice, well of the wisdom of God;

Rejoice, spring of the living faith.

Rejoice, heart that contained Christ;

Rejoice, tree who has brought forth spiritual fruit.

Rejoice, thou who wast chosen by God from birth;

Rejoice, thou who wast called to serve Him;

Rejoice, thou who didst enlighten the Iberian land by thy miracles;

Rejoice, thou who didst shine forth by thy God-pleasing life.

Rejoice, thou who wast affirmed by God on the rock of faith;

Rejoice, thou who didst preach the Name of Christ with love.

Rejoice, thou who didst endure many sorrows in thy life;

Rejoice, thou who didst enter the Kingdom of Heaven thereby.

Rejoice, O venerable confessor Gabriel, fool for Christ and wonderworker!


Kontakion 2


Seeing the abundant outpouring of miracles from thy shrine, O Venerable Father Gabriel, we are confirmed in faith and piety. Revering thee as a wondrous pleaser of God, with thankful lips we cry to the Lord, the Giver of good things: Alleluia.


Ikos 2


Beseech the Lord to enlighten our reason, O pleaser of God Gabriel, that, shaking off earthly passions and vain cares, we may ascend with our hearts and minds to the heavenly abodes, wherein thou dwellest, and call out to thee thus:


Rejoice, fragrance of the Paradise of Christ;

Rejoice, radiance of the grace of God.

Rejoice, boast and adornment of the garden of the Mother of God;

Rejoice, thou who didst strike terror into the insolent who did sacrilege.

Rejoice, thou who didst strive for monastic solitude from thy youth;

Rejoice, thou who didst call out to God for help.

Rejoice, thou who didst heed the Word of God;

Rejoice, thou who didst obey His commandments.

Rejoice, thou who didst bear the chains of feigned foolishness;

Rejoice, thou who didst put to shame the delusions of this world.

Rejoice, thou who didst love poverty and humiliations;

Rejoice, thou who didst glorify the Name of God.

Rejoice, O venerable confessor Gabriel, fool for Christ and wonderworker!


Kontakion 3


Strengthened by the power of the love of Christ, bestowed on thee from above, O Venerable Father Gabriel, thou wast zealous in acquiring feats like the Fathers of the Ancient Church.  Growing in humility and meekness, thou didst pray for heavenly help, crying out to the Lord: Alleluia.


Ikos 3


Having great faith and firm trust in the Lord, thou didst choose the path of foolishness, O most wondrous Father Gabriel. Singing with love and glorifying God, wondrous in His saints, we call out to thee thus:


Rejoice, ray of the Sun of truth;

Rejoice, thou who wast illumined by the light of Christ.

Rejoice, adamant of the Orthodox faith;

Rejoice, glory and praise of fasters.

Rejoice, thou who dost brighten our hearts with the light of faith;

Rejoice, thou who dost teach us awe.

Rejoice, zealot of piety;

Rejoice, zealous builder of a church of God.

Rejoice, thou who didst save profaned holy places from desecration;

Rejoice, thou who didst reject the threats of persecutors.

Rejoice, thou who didst bear the yoke of Christ with love;

Rejoice, thou who didst serve God diligently.

Rejoice, O venerable confessor Gabriel, fool for Christ and wonderworker!


Kontakion 4


Shunning the storms of the sea of life and seeking solitude and prayer, thou didst come to Betania Monastery, O most Blessed Father Gabriel! Instructed by spirit-bearing fathers, praising Almighty God, thou didst cry out to Him with tenderness of heart: Alleluia.


Ikos 4


When the inhabitants of Iberia heard of thy boldness in glorifying the name of Christ out loud, they marvelled at thy feat. Having put to shame the worship of an idol, thou didst ascend to the cross of sufferings. Singing of thy feat, O Venerable Father Gabriel, we proclaim to thee:


Rejoice, spirit-bearing child of the fathers of Betania;

Rejoice, zealot of monastic feats.

Rejoice, bright adornment of the Church of Christ;

Rejoice, illumination of the Iberian land.

Rejoice, thou who didst enrich thyself by poverty and reason;

Rejoice, thou who partookest of heavenly glory.

Rejoice, thou who didst capture the devil by thy exploits;

Rejoice, thou who didst commit an image of the Godless leader to fire.

Rejoice, thou who didst preach the faith of Christ while in bonds;

Rejoice, thou who didst bring sinners to repentance.

Rejoice, thou who wast confined to a home for the insane;

Rejoice, thou who wast glorified by Divine miracles.

Rejoice, O venerable confessor Gabriel, fool for Christ and wonderworker!


Kontakion 5


Thou wast a star guided by God shining in the firmament of Iberia, O wondrous Father Gabriel. Enduring suffering and reviling for Christ and reckoned among the outcast, now thou dost glorify Him with the saints, crying out to the Lord: Alleluia.


Ikos 5


Seeing thy zeal for God, O venerable one, the enemy of our salvation poured out his fury on thee through the Godless authorities. And thy lot, O Holy Father, was sorrows and persecutions. Singing of thy feats, which astonished the angels, we fall down to thee with love:


Rejoice, fountain of Divine miracles;

Rejoice, heart full of love.

Rejoice, thou who didst endure slander with gracious soul;

Rejoice, thou who didst conquer enemies with love.

Rejoice, thou who didst choose grave slabs for thy bed;

Rejoice, thou who didst shine forth in the abodes of heaven.

Rejoice, thou who didst humbly beg for alms;

Rejoice, thou who didst receive a reward in heaven.

Rejoice, thou who didst touch the tears of the Lord on the Cross;

Rejoice, thou who wast found worthy to hear His voice.

Rejoice, thou who wast freed from prison by the Zealous Intercessor;

Rejoice, thou who wast consoled by the Mother of God.

Rejoice, O venerable confessor Gabriel, fool for Christ and wonderworker!


Kontakion 6


The land of Iberia preaches thee, O wondrous Father Gabriel, swift intercessor in misfortunes and ardent petitioner for the salvation of our souls. Thou didst humbly wear the cross of holy foolishness and thank the Lord in sorrows, and now thou dost teach us to glorify Christ, prayerfully singing to God: Alleluia.


Ikos 6


Thou hast shone forth with grace, like the brightest beacon, like the radiant dawn, O Venerable Father Gabriel. Singing of thy great feat and labours, with love we call out to thee thus:


Rejoice, abode of the Holy Spirit;

Rejoice, receptacle of great gifts.

Rejoice, adornment of Samtavro Convent;

Rejoice, wondrous multiplication of the glory of the saints.

Rejoice, thou who didst subdue the fleshly mind to the spirit;

Rejoice, thou who didst put the cunning of the enemy to shame.

Rejoice, thou who didst conceal the gracious gifts of God behind feigned intoxication;

Rejoice, thou who didst heal those suffering from the disease of addiction to drink.

Rejoice, thou who wast compassionate to sinners;

Rejoice, thou who didst wish salvation for all.

Rejoice, thou who didst despise the intimidations of the enemy;

Rejoice, thou who didst boldly preach Orthodoxy.

Rejoice, O venerable confessor Gabriel, fool for Christ and wonderworker!


Kontakion 7


Wishing to serve the Lord, O Father Gabriel most worthy of praise, thou didst shun all the fleeting and vain things of this world. Following Christ on the path of suffering, with a simple heart thou didst cry out to Him with love: Alleluia.


Ikos 7


The Lord raised thee up, a new and venerable monk, O most praised Father Gabriel, in the hour of the harsh persecution of the Church of Christ. Singing of thy great feat, O most wondrous one, we cry to thee thus:


Rejoice, pillar of Orthodoxy;

Rejoice, sincere friend of Christ.

Rejoice, thou who wast warmed by the grace of God in sorrow;

Rejoice, holy heir of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, thou who art filled with Divine love;

Rejoice, thou who didst live an angelic life on earth.

Rejoice, thou who wast persecuted in thy life;

Rejoice, thou who now dost glorify Christ with the saints.

Rejoice, thou who dost call down the mercy of God on sinners;

Rejoice, thou who dost bring those gone astray to their senses.

Rejoice, thou who didst heal a family from barrenness by thy prayers;

Rejoice, thou who didst tell them of the birth of their daughter.

Rejoice, O venerable confessor Gabriel, fool for Christ and wonderworker!


Kontakion 8


Thou wast a stranger and passing visitor in this world, O most worthy of praise Father Gabriel. Seeking the City of Heaven, thou didst choose the thorny path of salvation, thanking the merciful Lord for all things and singing to Him: Alleluia.


Ikos 8


All filled with the grace of God and strengthened in arduous labour by the Lord, thou didst call out to Him: ‘He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust!’ And thou dost teach us to abide with Christ, all calling out to thee:


Rejoice, leader of those seeking salvation;

Rejoice, heavenly seed of the land of Iberia.

Rejoice, champion of the Orthodox faith;

Rejoice, wondrous converser with the saints.

Rejoice, defender of the offended;

Rejoice, comforter of the afflicted.

Rejoice, thou who dost show us speedy help;

Rejoice, thou who dost call us to repentance.

Rejoice, thou who dost drive away the darkness of despair;

Rejoice, thou who dost fill our hearts with hope.

Rejoice, thou who dost rescue us from sudden death by prayer;

Rejoice, thou who dost deliver us from disasters and misfortunes.

Rejoice, O venerable confessor Gabriel, fool for Christ and wonderworker!


Kontakion 9


All the saints and the heavenly hosts received thee with joy, O Father Gabriel most worthy of praise, when the path of thy earthly wanderings ended and thou wast taken up to the heavenly Jerusalem. And marvelling at what a wonderworker and man of prayer the Lord has given us, with thankful hearts we cry to Him thus: Alleluia.


Ikos 9


Orators with their fleshly wisdom are not able to grasp the height of thy exploit, O venerable one. Concealing the great gifts of the Holy Spirit beneath the veil of foolishness for Christ, shining forth in the purity of thy life, reckoned among the insane, thou didst put to shame the wisdom of this world, O most wondrous Father Gabriel. For this reason we praise thee thus:


Rejoice, fragrant flower of Paradise;

Rejoice, thou who wast exiled for the sake of truth.

Rejoice, thou who didst flourish like a palm in thine immaculate life;

Rejoice, most zealous pleaser of God.

Rejoice, thou who didst warm hearts by the radiance of thy holiness;

Rejoice, thou who didst have invincible wealth of the soul.

Rejoice, thou who didst gain the Heavenly Kingdom by thy humility of spirit;

Rejoice, thou who didst inherit the promised land for thy meekness.

Rejoice, thou who didst burn with prayer to God;

Rejoice, thou who didst endure torment for the sake of Christ.

Rejoice, thou who wast strengthened by the grace of God;

Rejoice, thou who wast instructed by the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, O venerable confessor Gabriel, fool for Christ and wonderworker!


Kontakion 10


Walking the saving path towards the heavenly Jerusalem, thou didst acquire the spirit of peace, O Venerable Father Gabriel. Putting all thy trust in the Lord, now thou dost teach us to follow in the footsteps of Christ and commend ourselves to His good will, singing to Him with love: Alleluia.


Ikos 10


Unbreachable wall of prayer, shield protecting the faithful, warrior of Christ rescuing sinners from the abyss of perdition, we beseech thee, O Venerable Father Gabriel most worthy of praise, forsake not us who are besieged by the storm of passions without thy help, that we may call out to thee thus:


Rejoice, mirror of Divine love;

Rejoice, praise of the meek.

Rejoice, strengthening of the weak in faith;

Rejoice, intercession for the suffering.

Rejoice, instructor of those who seek salvation;

Rejoice, admonition of the proud.

Rejoice, fountain of Divine healings;

Rejoice, heir of the abodes of heaven.

Rejoice, ray who shone forth in the gloom of Godlessness;

Rejoice, preacher who didst denounce heresy.

Rejoice, thou who didst cast down the power of the enemy by fasting and prayer;

Rejoice, thou who wast victorious over evil spirits by humility.

Rejoice, O venerable confessor Gabriel, fool for Christ and wonderworker!


Kontakion 11


We offer thee songs of praise, O most wondrous Father Gabriel. Iberia rejoices, and Samtavro Convent exults, glorifying the merciful Lord Who has given us His saint, with love proclaiming to Him: Alleluia.


Ikos 11


O wonderful light, O guiding star to those living in the darkness of sin, O Venerable Father Gabriel. Vouchsafed the formidable appearance of the Queen of Heaven, thou didst beseech mothers not to destroy their children in the womb. Therefore, as to a zealous intercessor for us we call out to thee thus:


Rejoice, glorious chosen one of God;

Rejoice, thou who didst please Him from thy youth.

Rejoice, thou who didst conquer enemies with the Name of Jesus;

Rejoice, thou who didst call on the Chosen Leader of the hosts for help.

Rejoice, thou who didst seek the Heavenly Kingdom;

Rejoice, thou who didst acquire treasures of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, thou who didst loud thunder out the Word of God;

Rejoice, thou who didst put unbelief to shame.

Rejoice, thou who didst wear a diadem in holy foolishness;

Rejoice, thou who didst receive a crown of glory.

Rejoice, thou who didst devote thy life to God;

Rejoice, thou who didst preserve the precious gift of faith from thy youth.

Rejoice, O venerable confessor Gabriel, fool for Christ and wonderworker!


Kontakion 12


Acquiring the grace of God and reaching the City of Heaven by the path of the commandments of Christ, O Venerable Father Gabriel, now in the Church Triumphant with the saints and heavenly hosts, with loud voice thou dost hymn the King of kings and offer Him the song of praise: Alleluia.


Ikos 12


Singing of thy most glorious feats and miracles, we marvel at thy angelic life, O Father Gabriel most worthy of praise, and offer thee our prayers of praise, crying out to thee with love thus:


Rejoice, thou who art clothed in the robe of humility;

Rejoice, thou who wast borne up to the heights of heaven.

Rejoice, fragrant oil of the grace of God;

Rejoice, chosen confessor of Christ.

Rejoice, thou who didst perform the Jesus Prayer;

Rejoice, thou who didst beat adversaries with the Name of Christ.

Rejoice, thou who didst denounce the powers that be;

Rejoice, thou who didst put worldly wisdom to shame.

Rejoice, thou who didst heal a heterodox from grievous illness;

Rejoice, thou who didst enlighten his soul with the light of the faith of Christ.

Rejoice, healer from cancer and manifold ailments;

Rejoice, liberator of those possessed with demons.

Rejoice, O venerable confessor Gabriel, fool for Christ and wonderworker!


Kontakion 13


O wondrous Father Gabriel most worthy of praise, our swift comforter and intercessor! Accept this song of praise from us, beseech the Almighty Lord that we may be saved from everlasting condemnation and torment and be found worthy to sing to Him with thee: Alleluia.


This kontakion is read three times, then Ikos 1 and Kontakion 1 again.





O Venerable Father Gabriel, wonderworker of Samtavro, thou who didst shine forth in the feat of foolishness for the sake of Christ! Offer up thy prayers for us to the Lord like fragrant incense, Deliver us, O most wondrous father, by thy intercession from every misfortune and disaster, destroy the snares of the demons, quench enmity and heal the sick. The stream of miracles of God from thy holy shrine, O venerable one, does not become shallow, nor does the stream of His mercy to us sinners, who pray to thee, dry up.


Thou who wast vouchsafed the gift of great love from the Lord, who didst bear the burdens of thy neighbours and shed tears for sinners and the suffering, take our prayers and weeping of repentance to the throne of God. May we be vouchsafed by thy help, O father most worthy of praise, to pass through the tollhouses without hindrance and reach the Heavenly Homeland, where the unceasing voice of those who celebrate glorifies the Most Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.


Troparion, Tone 2


Receptacle of the Holy Spirit, confessor of the faith of Christ who shone forth in Iberia, O Venerable Father Gabriel! Thou who wast rejected by the world, glorified by thy foolishness for Christ and burning with the love of Christ, hearken to us thy people, that the Lord may forgive our transgressions.


Kontakion, Tone 5


Fruitful vine of the garden of Paradise, valiant soldier of Christ, O venerable Father Gabriel and Wonderworker of Samtavro! Thou who didst ascend to the heights of virtue and surpassed the wise by thy wisdom, O most wondrous fool for Christ, beseech the Master and Almighty that He may deliver us from bondage to sin, the violence of the adversary and great hardships.


The Akathist to the Venerable Gabriel of Samtavro, Confessor and Fool-for-Christ was composed in Church Slavonic by Maria Alexandrovna Pukhova of Moscow and first published with the blessing of Archbishop Ephraim (Gamrekelidze) of Bolnisi (Georgian Orthodox Church) in 2018. It was translated into English by Dmitry Lapa and Archpriest Andrew Phillips.


A Short Life of St Gabriel of Samtavro

The Venerable Confessor Gabriel of Samtavro, ‘Fool-for-Christ’ (secular name: Goderdzi Vasilyevich Urgebadze), was born in Tiflis (now Tbilisi) on 26 August 1929. The family called him Vasiko after his Communist father who had been murdered in unclear circumstances when the future saint was a little child. He had a brother, Mikhail, and two sisters named Emma and Juliet.

From childhood Vasiko was endowed with Divine grace. He would build little churches from pebbles and light matches inside them. The boy avoided noisy games with his peers, preferring loneliness and silence. Sometimes he would run down the street with a long stick. At those moments birds would flock around him with his stick and accompany him with their chirping.

Vasiko first heard about Christ when he was seven. Having come to the church of the Great-Martyr Barbara and seen the crucifix, he burst out crying: ‘Why were you crucified?’ The church caretaker, who heard his words, advised Vasiko to buy a book about the life of Jesus Christ. When Vasiko acquired the Gospel (which he soon learned by heart), it was the beginning of his new life. From that day until his death, his mind was filled with only one thought and the desire to live for Christ alone.

Once Vasiko was standing on a balcony in thought. Looking up, in the crystal clear sky he saw a large shining cross, cutting through the firmament right to the horizon. At that moment the boy was very surprised, but he later came to understand that it was his cross that he was to carry to his Golgotha.

His family did not understand Vasiko and so he tried to read the Gospel without their knowledge. But when his mother – though a honest, hard-working and not irreligious woman – found out about this, she threw out the Holy Scriptures in a fit of anger. After her act Vasiko left home. Frozen and hungry, the youth completely relied on the will of God. He wandered from monastery to monastery, from church to church because the authorities forbade monks to admit minors. The boy did not return home until the spring. Now the family resigned themselves to his choice and no longer hindered him.

During the Second World War, when Vasiko was twelve, people learned about his extraordinary gifts and flocked to him. The boy would tell them whether their loved ones were to return from the front or not, console them, give them wise advice and even preach Christ, often saying, ‘Go to church, don’t renounce Christ and don’t abandon spiritual life.’ The young saint saw through people and would often stop and say to strangers who, fearing the Soviet government, hid their icons in attics or other places, ‘Give the veneration due to your icons! If you don’t need them, give them to me – I will keep them and you can take them back any time if you decide to give them due veneration.’ Despite his strange behaviour, many people saw boundless love in the boy and loved him; though many laughed at him and mocked him, persecuting and humiliating him as a madman throughout his life.

The efforts of Vasiko bore fruit: little by little people began to return to the faith. He would always humble himself in different ways. Thus, Vasiko could sit by a heap of rubbish in a very conspicuous place for hours and repeat loudly, ‘Don’t forget, Vasiko, you are rubbish and don’t think highly of yourself.’ According to tradition, when the teenager ran away from home for a time, a kind woman who was a fortune-teller gave him refuge. The saint was full of pity for people who wallowed greatly in sin and wanted to save her. When the woman fell ill, he said he would receive people in her place. But instead of ‘fortune-telling’ Vasiko preached the Gospel to her visitors, telling them to mend their ways, repent and take Communion and revealed their forgotten sins. Inspired by him, the woman later abandoned fortune-telling and began to go to church.

Years later Vasiko built a church with seven cupolas in the courtyard of his house in Tbilisi to pray – the Soviet regime repeatedly destroyed it but he rebuilt it each time. This church – now with one big cupola – still exists. He dug a grave-like hole in one of the rooms of his house. It served him as a bed.

The young saint did his two-year military service in Batumi: despite the very strict regime, he kept all the fasts and went to church secretly. After the army he worked as a caretaker and singer at the Sioni Cathedral in Tbilisi.

In 1955, at the age of twenty-six, Vasiko became a monk with the name Gabriel in honour of the Venerable Gabriel the Athonite. Three days later, at the Cathedral of Sts Peter and Paul in Kutaisi Bishop Gabriel (Chachanidze) ordained him hieromonk. Later the elder used to say: ‘There is no greater heroism than monastic life.’ Enlightened by the grace of the Holy Spirit, Father Gabriel fearlessly preached the Orthodox faith during the years of persecution. He first served at Sioni Cathedral, and between 1960 and 1962 – at Betania Monastery of the Nativity of the Mother of God, where he became close to some holy ascetics of Betania. When the monastery was closed by the atheist authorities, the saint moved back to Tbilisi where he served at the Holy Trinity Cathedral for a few years.

At the May Day parade in 1965 in Tbilisi, he burned down a huge twelve-metre portrait of Lenin hung on the building of the Supreme Soviet of the GSSR, urging people to worship Christ, not an idol. Only thanks to Divine help was he not executed by firing squad, though he was severely beaten and even earlier he had been declared insane – ‘a psychopathic individual who believes in God and angels’. He went through KGB detention centres where he was repeatedly mercilessly beaten, prison and spent seven months in a mental hospital. After he was released, he was suspended (by some Georgian bishops who wanted to please the authorities) from serving in the church for years and even denied him access to church and Holy Communion for some time. Father Gabriel related:

‘I lived under five Patriarchs, slept in cemeteries for twenty-five years and spent fifteen years in poverty. When I froze from the cold in winter, I turned from one side to the other since the stone was warmer. In the cemetery the Lord delivered me from fear, my children.’

After the May Day incident the saint embarked on a very heavy service of ‘foolishness for Christ.’ In his feigned foolishness, he would throw a jug without a bottom over his back, walking barefoot from house to house through the streets, repeating every now and then: ‘A person without love is like this jug without a bottom!’ In his feigned ‘folly’, Fr Gabriel would often wear a diadem on his head, walk barefoot at any weather, and even pretended to be drunk, while boldly and unceasingly preaching Christ in the streets, exposing vice and secretly helping people. Father Gabriel searched for desecrated icons thrown out onto heaps, restored them and emptied ruined churches of rubbish.

The saint spent much of his later years at the Samtavro Convent of St Nino (in the ancient town of Mtskheta which is over 2,500 years old and situated fifteen kilometres north of Tbilisi). The convent was founded in the fourth century. Formerly Mtskheta was the capital of the east Georgian Kingdom of Kartli and it was there that Orthodoxy was proclaimed the national religion of Georgia in 337 A.D. In 1971, with the blessing of Catholicos-Patriarch Ephraim II of Georgia Fr Gabriel was appointed the spiritual father of Samtavro Convent and a seminary attached to it. There he spiritually supported, gave guidance and instructions to the sisterhood.

The elder often left the convent and wandered, alone or with a few companions, sometimes covering great distances, reaching places in dangerous areas or which were difficult of access, visiting the abandoned and ruined churches and monasteries and predicting that the bloody Red regime would go, all of them would be restored and services would start again. St Gabriel would often say: ‘My cross is the whole of Georgia and half of Russia.’

In the final years of his life Fr Gabriel lived in King Mirian’s round tower at Samtavro Convent where he had a tiny cell. But he would spend most of the time performing incredible spiritual feats, living in a small unused wooden shed with large holes which the convent had previously used as a chicken coop. It is unfathomable how he managed to live in such a tiny space where it was impossible to stand erect and to stand the damp and frosts in winter without heating. First the nuns were surprised by the saint’s ‘eccentricity’: the elder could scold the sisters, make them eat from dirty dishes, demand various ‘strange’ obediences from them, make them do something. He particularly tried to eradicate any signs of pride and arrogance in those in his spiritual care. But soon they understood that it was impossible to take offence at him—his eyes shone with tender love and affection.

A visionary and wonderworker, a healer and instructor, a prophet and consoler, clairvoyant and wise, humble and simple like a child who shed seas of tears for sinners, Fr Gabriel gained the love of many of the faithful in Georgia, Russia and even beyond, who flocked to him in great numbers every day. The extreme self-humiliation of Elder Gabriel was amazing. His sister Emma (+2016) recalled: ‘He was a fragile soul from childhood. Human praise weighed down on him. As a priest he would weep bitterly after coming home from services. Once I heard him weeping loudly alone in church when the door was open. I entered and asked him what the matter was. And he replied, “My sister, Christ was born in a manger, while people show me respect and kiss my hand”.’

Let us mention two remarkable facts from St Gabriel’s life. Firstly, once an angel revealed to him the hidden location of a portion of the Svetitskhoveli (‘life-giving pillar’ in Georgian) cross, after which together with the Samtavro nuns he uncovered it and now the relic is kept at this convent. And, secondly, once St Gabriel was visited by some Hindus who argued that the Orthodox teaching of the Holy Trinity was erroneous. And, though the elder demonstrated his miraculous power only in the most extreme cases, he took bread, put it on a tray and said: ‘You see: the bread is one and undivided!’ Then in the Name of the Trinity he made the sign of the cross over the bread – and water, fire and wheat appeared in its place. ‘Look! Water, fire and wheat have appeared instead of bread. Likewise, the Holy Trinity is divided into Three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.’ Then he made the sign of the cross over the water, fire and wheat – and they turned into bread again. After that the elder said: ‘The Holy Trinity is One and Undivided just as this bread is one and undivided!’

St Gabriel was planning to move to another monastery and live as a recluse, but in a Divine revelation he was told not to leave Samtavro and serve people wholeheartedly. And the elder received all who came to him, though he knew no ranks and had an individual approach to every person. He knew a ‘remedy’ for each soul: he could denounce and shout at some and be extremely gentle and nice with others. His heart ached because of people’s sins, and he prayed for the salvation of all. He lived by the joys, sorrows and problems of his spiritual children, saving many from spiritual darkness and setting them on the path of righteousness through his gifts of the Holy Spirit. And many felt absolutely transformed in his presence. St Gabriel’s rare gift of love can even be seen in his facial expression and eyes on his photographs, portraits and icons.

St Gabriel foresaw in the spirit the Georgian coup etat, the internal military conflict of 1991-1992. When no one could have imagined this, he would shout: ‘Blood, blood on Rustaveli Avenue! Georgian blood is being spilt!’ He prayed with such a groan, tears and mournful cry to Christ and the Mother of God for the salvation of his motherland. During the conflict he would toll a bell in Samtavro every day and imposed such a strict fast on himself that he barely ate anything over those months.

The saint possessed a great gift of hospitality. At Samtavro he used to welcome and treat absolutely all guests to the food he would cook himself as long as his health allowed. He strove to bring people as close to God as he could. His words had a special power and penetrated directly into the hearts of pilgrims. He taught everybody to cultivate love for God and their neighbour, repentance, humility and generosity.

His half-sister Juliet recalled: ‘I would ask him: “Listen, you attended school for only six years and didn’t want to study any more. How do you know so many things?” It was so interesting to listen to him. No historian related the things he related. No highly intelligent and educated person would have been able to tell the things that he told us about the Lives of saints, the history of Georgia and Russia. He knew everything from somewhere!’ Though St Gabriel’s life was full of privations, poverty, pain, suffering, sorrows and ridicule, the saint who burned with Divine love always radiated joy and inner peace. When before his death his mother asked him why he had chosen such a heavy cross, Fr Gabriel replied: ‘I couldn’t have lived otherwise.’

For the past year and a half of his life the saint was gravely ill with oedema and was practically bedridden due to a leg fracture. Shortly before his repose he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite by the current Catholicos-Patriarch Ilia II. Father Gabriel reposed on 2 November 1995, aged sixty-six. He was canonised in an incredibly short time – seventeen years after his death, and two years later his name was added into the calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church. On 22 February 2014, Father Gabriel’s incorrupt relics were uncovered and now they lie in the church of the Transfiguration in Samtavro Convent.

After his repose the Lord glorified His saint with the gift of miracles and healing, so the stream of those who are suffering and come to his holy relics never decreases. Miracles occur not only from his relics, but also from his burial board (according to his last will, he was buried without a coffin, just wrapped in a sackcloth shroud and strapped to a board according to an old monastic tradition), vestments, wonderworking and myrrh-streaming icons (in Georgia, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries in the former USSR) and holy oil blessed on them. There are numerous reports of his posthumous miracles of healing and appearances all over the world, and by his love, example and prayers he brings people living even in non-Orthodox and non-Christian countries on all continents to Orthodoxy.

His numerous prophecies about the end times, the future of Georgia and Russia are well-known. He used to repeat, ‘In the end times people will only be saved through love, humility and kindness. Kindness will open the gate of Paradise, humility will take them there, and love will make God visible.’ Some call St Gabriel ‘the Georgian Elder Paisios the Athonite.’ There are many books and documentaries dedicated to the holy confessor Gabriel in Georgian, Russian, English and probably other languages.

After St Gabriel’s repose his mother Barbara became a nun in Samtavro with the name Anna and passed away in 2000 at a very advanced age, outliving her holy son by five years. She is buried at Samtavro Convent near him. All believers can experience the power of this wonderworker of our age by praying to him as he is always quick to answer.

Venerable Father Gabriel, pray to God for us!

The Prayer of Elder Gabriel

Lord, I beseech Thee, hear us from Heaven, turn Thy gaze on us and have mercy on us. Let us go with peace to walk Thy path, fulfil Thy commandments and move away from evil. Teach us, O Lord, to pray to Thee and obey Thy holy commandments, so that our hearts may become devoted to Thee and we may follow Thy holy law. Amen.

Some sayings of St Gabriel (Urgebadze):

‘Only he who learns to love will be happy. But do not think that love is an inherent talent. You can and must learn to love.’

‘Without sacrifices for the sake of the Lord and your neighbour you will not succeed in spiritual life at all. Without sacrifice you will not learn to love.’

‘God does not accept empty words. God loves good deeds. Good works – this is precisely what love is.’

‘Live in a way so not only God but people too can love you.’

‘Do not judge. The Judge is God Himself. He who judges is like an empty wheat ear, with his head lifted high he looks down on others. Even if you see a murderer, a harlot or a drunkard lying on the ground, do not judge anyone. God has given them the reins, but He is still holding yours. If he gives you the reins too, you may find yourself in a worse situation by committing the sins you are judging them for and perish.’

‘First God cures, and then the doctor. But he who does not thank the doctor does not thank God either. The labourer is worthy of his wages. The mind and the hands of the doctor do God-pleasing work.’

‘For God it does not matter whether you are a monastic or a lay person. The main thing is to strive for God. But will anyone be able to attain perfection? It is through striving that a person is saved. Monastic things will be required of monastics and lay things of laypeople.’

‘In the end times supporters of the Antichrist will go to church, get baptised and promote the Gospel commandments. But do not believe those who do not have good works. You can know a true Christian only by his deeds.’

‘Hate evil. But love and have pity on those who do evil. Maybe someone who is doing evil today will be cleansed by prayer, fasting, tears and remorse tomorrow and become like an angel. Everything is possible for God. There have been many such examples.’

‘Love is higher than all the canons and rules. If you hate at least one person, you are abominable before God. We must love everybody. But if you cannot, at least wish everybody well.’

‘Keep in mind that God is love. Do good as much as possible so your kindness may save you. Be humble as God blesses the humble. Repent right now so your sins may be forgiven; “tomorrow” is merely Satan’s snare. Love one another, since without love no-one will go to Heaven.’

















A New Publication: New Services to Saints

The first volume of New Services, mainly to Saints of Western Europe, has now been published and illustrated in a large-print, spiral-bound A4 book of 147 pages for Church use, with rubrics printed in red. The services are composed in the standard English liturgical style of the mainstream, as established by the late Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) in the translation of the Lenten Triodion made by himself and Mother Mary nearly fifty years ago. This book is available from frandrew_anglorus@yahoo.co.uk. The cost is £10 in Great Britain and $20 elsewhere. The easiest way to pay is by Paypal, using the above e-mail. Below we enclose the foreword to this book and a sample from one service.

New Services to Saints

 Most Orthodox services to the major saints of Western Europe were composed between 1980 and 2020, though a few go back even before this, mainly through the inspiration of St John of Shanghai and Western Europe (+ 1966). All these services come from the inspiration of grassroots veneration for the local saints despite virulent opposition from some, expressed by one Archbishop (now Metropolitan) in the Russian Church, even as recently as 2015.

Of the 62 services to the major saints of the British Isles and Ireland, long available on the orthodoxengland website (together with services to lesser-known saints), 50 are connected with England (though 8 of them are not English), 5 with Ireland, 4 with Wales and 3 with Scotland. 53 of these services were composed by my late friend, the prolific translator of the Church’s liturgical treasury, Monk Joseph (Isaac/Edward Lambertsen). Eternal Memory!

From 2010 on, he composed a great many of the services for local Western saints on my commission, as I knew that his health was already failing, and that he was very busy, engaged with the composition of other services to saints of all lands and ages, as well as with translations. Isaac worked quickly, sending me his services for checking, improvements and electronic publishing.

Six services on the orthodoxengland site (All the Saints of the Western Lands, All the Saints of the Isles, St Felix, St Audrey, St Alfred and St Edmund) were composed by myself to long-beloved local saints between 1998 and 2015, though in part they go back before that. Three services (St Patrick, St Brigid and St Edward) were composed by the late Valeria Hoecke and translated by Monk Joseph. One (St Botolph) was composed by monks of the Transfiguration Monastery in Boston in 1992. One (St Rumwold) was composed by Rumwold Leigh of London.

To those I composed I have added the Akathist to the Felixstowe Icon of the Mother of God. Then there is an Akathist dedicated to my inspiration from always, St Andrew the Fool for Christ, and, as an Appendix, another to the martyred Gregory the New, two saints who lived almost exactly 1,000 years apart. It should be made clear that the latter has not yet been canonised and his name is still much slandered, but we firmly believe that canonisation will come in God’s own time. All three services were composed between 2000 and 2020, when the storm clouds of persecution were gathering over us and we needed the protection of the saints. (I do not include here our translation of the Slavonic Akathist to St Gabriel (Urgebadze), nor my composition of the Slavonic Akathist to St Alexander (Vinogradov), the New Martyr (+ 10 August 1938), which will both be published here in the coming days.

For many years available in an unedited form on the orthodoxengland website, these services have long needed editing and presenting in a homogeneous form for use in the British Isles and Ireland. Time has been in short supply in a very large parish and group of parishes and it will be a labour of love over the next few years to bring the other services to the same standard, as set by the translations of the late Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware), master of liturgical Greek and liturgical English. This edition reflects that standard.

This has meant consistently standardising the use of capital letters and punctuation, as well as eliminating that curious mixture of artificially archaic English, Latinate Victorianisms and untranslated foreign literalisms, beloved by some neophytes. Our services are intended for use in the mainstream liturgical English in use in our at present more than 100 parishes in the British Isles and Ireland, with foreign and alien phraseology and sectarian idiom removed.

We humbly dedicate and offer this booklet to the Most Reverend Metropolitan Joseph of Western and Southern Europe and his Synod of Bishop Mark of France, Bishop Nectarius of Brittany, Bishop Silouan of Italy, Bishop Athanasius of Italy, Bishop Timothy of Iberia, Bishop Theophil of Spain, and to Metropolitan Seraphim of Central and Northern Europe, Bishop Sofian of Germany and Bishop Macarius of Sweden. (We knew Metr Seraphim quite well when he was a young priest in Paris in the 1980s and he came to our home in Paris several times).

Our five-million strong Metropolias, soon to have at least one new bishop, but already with 1,046 parishes and expanding rapidly, has the task of caring for the more than 1.1 million Romanian Orthodox in the British Isles and Ireland. We also have to bring together Orthodox of all nationalities who live here and strengthen our mission to the native peoples of these islands. We have to unite them all together organically in authentic and canonical mainstream Orthodoxy, outside any political and sectarian extremes. The recent consecrations of our convent on the Isle of Mull in Scotland to the Celtic Saints and the dedication of our new church in Durham to St Cuthbert and St Bede provide our local witness to this. Many Years, Vladica!

Mitred Archpriest Andrew Phillips,

Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,

St John’s Orthodox Church, Colchester, England



All the Saints of the Western Lands (Feast falls in June or July)

All the Saints of these Isles (Feast falls in June or July)

St Felix, Apostle of East Anglia (+ 647) (8/21 March)

St Audrey of Ely (+ 679) (23 June/6 July)

St Edmund, King of East Anglia, Martyr (+ 869) (20 November/3 December)

St Alfred of England (+ 899) (26 October/9 November)

Akathist to the Felixstowe Icon of the Mother of God (8/21 September)

Akathist to St Andrew the Fool for Christ (+ 936) (2/15 October)

Appendix: Akathist to Gregory the New (+ 1916) (17/30 December)


Service to All the Saints of the Western Lands

On the first Sunday after the commemoration of All Saints, that is the first Sunday of the Fast of the Holy, Glorious and All-Praised Apostles, we may celebrate the memory of all the Saints who have shone forth in the Western Lands.

 At Vespers

At ‘Lord I have cried’, we sing 10 stichira, 4 of the Resurrection in Tone 1, and 6 of the Saints in Tone VIII.

For one thousand years the light of the Sun of Righteousness shone forth from the East on the lands of the West, forming a Cross over Europe, before they fell beneath the darkening shades of the Churchless night. Let us now return to the roots of our first confession of the Holy Spirit in the bright Sunrise of Orthodoxy, which is brought again from the East, and so shine forth the light of the Everlasting Christ once more.

O all the saints of the Western Lands, pray to God for our repentance and return, our restoration and resurrection. Tell the people to leave aside the things of men, the fallen fleshly mind and all its vain musings, for they are without the Saviour and the Spirit. And so, through your life in the Holy Trinity, shall we find salvation in the purity of the Orthodox Faith before the end.

Now do we sing to all the saints of the lands of the West, and at their head the apostles Peter and Paul, the true glory of Old Rome, and, like stars in the dark night sky, to the constellation of the martyrs and fathers who followed in their apostolic footsteps, leaving behind them the great treasury of holy relics. O First Rome, who art glorious in thy saints alone, do thou return to the eternal faith of Orthodoxy through the Holy Spirit, Who proceeds from the Father, as the Saviour tells us.

Thus from the fountainhead of the East through Old Rome flowed streams of the Holy Spirit to all the lands of the West, through Gaul and Spain, to the uttermost isles in the far ocean and to all the lands of the north, where darkness saw the light of Christ and all the trees of the forest bowed their heads before the Wisdom and Word of God, forsaking the superstitions and proud errors of the pagan past.

O all you holy women, martyrs, matrons and queens, from Old Rome to Sicily of the south, from Sardinia to Iberia, from Gaul to the islands of Britain, from the Celtic realms to the Germanic lands of the north, preferring the humble truth of the Galilean to the proud might of pagan lore, ye have brought the words of Christ to dumb men, raising up infants and kings to the measure of the stature of Christ, so hallowing your peoples and our souls by the light of the Holy Trinity.

In these latter times the light of the true Faith has come to us once more. Driven from the East by evil men, Divine Providence has shown us the surpassing Wisdom of the Word of God, to enlighten our hearts and our minds by the Holy Spirit in the Church. Therefore now do we praise Archbishop John, who came from the east with true teaching to renew the commemoration of the saints of old, and who prays to God for the salvation of our souls.



A New Publication: The Benckendorff Papers

The interviews taken with a Russian Countess and a Russian Count and posted on this site on 22 June and 31 July 2024 have now been published and illustrated in an A5 booklet of 43 pages under the above title. The booklet is available from frandrew_anglorus@yahoo.co.uk. The cost is £2 in Great Britain and $5 elsewhere. The easiest way to pay is by Paypal, using the above e-mail.

Archdiocesan Assembly of the Romanian Orthodox Church in Great Britain and Northern Ireland

On the afternoon of 13 October all four clergy from Colchester and two lay delegates went to our new St George’s Cathedral in Enfield. Here we were met by nearly 200 delegates from the Romanian and Moldovan parishes in England and Wales and the seven bishops who form the Synod of the Metropolia of Western and Southern Europe. There are 870 parishes and many monasteries and convents in the Metropolia. Twenty years ago there was only one bishop and thirty parishes. Today there are sixty parishes in Rome and ten parishes in London alone. Of the seven bishops at present, there are three bishops in France (one of them is French), two in Italy and two in Spain and Portugal.

Altogether nearly four million people who belong to the Metropolia, as the Romanian and Moldovan Diaspora is over four times larger than all the other Orthodox put together. The number of Orthodox in the Romanian Archdiocese in England is now over 1.2 million, including the children born here. Vladyka Joseph said that there are 24 qualified candidates to be ordained in Great Britain, where there are already 100 parishes and in years to come there will be hundreds more.

Vladyka spoke of the need to unite others into the Archdiocese of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of all nationalities. The main aim of the meeting was to announce the two candidates to be Archbishop here next year. The two announced were Bishop Theophil and Bishop Athanasy. The latter is Moldovan and is Russian-speaking.

From Kabul to Kiev and the Future of the Russian Orthodox Church

After his brutal rebuff in Washington (together with Starmer), ex-President Zelensky is now desperately touring leaders of Western Europe, even seeing the Pope, in order to try and get support for his failing regime. The fact is that, regardless of whether Harris or Trump wins in the US elections in a few weeks’ time, the US has abandoned Zelensky’s Ukraine, turning its back on it and disengaging from it. The US media will just stop talking about the Western rout in the Ukraine, as they did in Afghanistan. Kabul or Kiev, it is the same thing. You have lost, sweep it under the carpet, it never happened. The US has to face Israel’s military and economic collapse and its great commercial rival, China. It has no more time for the loser in Kiev. Americans never like losers, so it is walking away from them.

The US has dumped Kiev on Europe and will, as usual, leave Europe, whose tail the US has been wagging for years, hanging out to dry. The US refused to allow Kiev to make deep strikes on Russia, it will not allow Kiev to join NATO, indeed it cancelled the Kiev-NATO Rammstein meeting of 12 October and the majority of the EU do not want Kiev to join it. (Ironically, the only country which enthusiastically supports Kiev’s EU membership is the UK, which itself left the EU!) Yes, the EU may string Kiev along, which will then string naïve Ukrainians along, but Europe has no more arms or munitions to give Kiev, and many countries, like Germany, Croatia, Italy and Slovakia, have publicly said so. Just as the British ran back to their island at Dunkirk in 1940, so the US is running back to the Big Island in 2024.

As for Zelensky, he will also try to run away to the same place. The Russian Army has all but destroyed the suicidal Ukrainian forces which crossed the border into the Kursk province of Russia. 22,000 Ukrainian troops are already dead or wounded. From Kursk Russian forces could cross into Sumy province and take Kiev. For the 7 January? Russia will get on with the reformatting, absorbing and rebuilding of the Ukraine as a New Ukraine under a new government in Kiev, effectively forming a southern Belarus. Russia will take back the Russian south and east, including Odessa and Kharkov. A small slice of the south-west corner may return to Hungary, with autonomy granted at last to Carpatho-Rus (what Kiev condescendingly called ‘Zakarpattia’), and perhaps small slices in the south will return to Romania.

By agreement with Moldova the Russian Federation could take back Transdnistria and probably, also by agreement, Gagauzia. These moves would be extremely popular, but leaving Romania to take back most of Moldova. As for the tiny Baltics, they will die out, until they reach friendship agreements with Russia, once their US elites have been removed. This Baltic situation will be repeated throughout Western Europe, as US elites in the EU and the UK are removed by popular vote – as indeed is already happening. The defeat of the Neo-Nazi regime in Kiev will also bring freedom for the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church and shame on the Patriarchate of Constantinople, which the US bribed to set up a fake Church for ‘the national Ukrainian religion’, to replace the Church of God.

At this, questions will arise for the Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church, centred in Moscow. In nearly three years of the conflict in the Ukraine, the Patriarchate has lost control (to the CIA) of its New-York based Church Outside Russia (ROCOR), whose sociopaths have been rebaptising other Orthodox. It has also lost control of the Church in the Ukraine, in Moldova and in the Baltics. In the Western world the Moscow Patriarchate has been discredited, with the Patriarch of Moscow even being banned from Canada, the UK and Lithuania and its parishes there contracting and losing virtually all Non-Russians. The racist rejection by Muscovites of Moldovans, Ukrainians and local people, many of whom had been devoted to the Russian Orthodox Church for fifty years and more, has been scandalous.

It is now difficult to see what the Church authorities in Moscow can do to recover the situation. Moscow is in schism with the Greek Churches. It has invested in Africa, officially a Greek territory. Other Local Churches distrust it. Tens of millions have been disaffected from Moscow, after it betrayed them, in one way or another, including now banned priests inside Russia, who have been forced to leave the country in order to continue. Regardless of the outcome in the Ukraine, that is, the inevitable Russian military and political victory, you cannot force people to be what they are not. You cannot force people to go to church. It may even be that the Russian government will have to intervene in Moscow Church matters in order to bring it round to abandoning its disastrous and suicidal policy of centralisation.

May God’s Will be done.




Our Future after the Defeat of Millennial Nazism in the Ukraine


The geographical fault-line between what is Western Secularist (former Catholic-Protestant) and Orthodox Christian Civilisations runs through the Austro-Polish Hapsburg far west of the Ukraine. This is precisely the origin of the present war there, for the same reason as the war in ex-Yugoslavia took place a generation ago because of the existence there of that same civilisational fault-line, only to the south-west of the Ukraine. The Secularist desire has been to conquer the Ukraine (and then ex-Yugoslavia) in order to exploit its natural resources and riches. One Imperialistic Civilisation, the Western Secularist, is trying to take over the other, the Christian. However, we are resisting and the Christian will be victorious, for: ‘We are based on sovereignty, freedom, creation, and justice. Our values ​​are humanity, mercy and compassion’. What is the situation in the Ukraine now, after what will soon be 1,000 days of tragic conflict?

In the Ukraine Now

Last Sunday I asked one of my parishioners where her husband, who is a builder, was. She explained that, together with hundreds of other Russian-speaking builders who live all over Western Europe, he is in the Ukraine, six weeks on, six weeks off. There, just outside Kiev, he is helping to build a palace for the well-known Rinat Akhmetov, the richest oligarch in the Ukraine. She showed me a photograph of the palace under construction. It is indeed a huge Disney-like, oriental palace, of the sort that has not been built in this country for 200 years. She told me that it is being built with the finest materials, marble and gold, from all over the world. Here is the reality of the bankrupted Ukraine today, where tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers are dying every month on behalf of such oligarchs, who have been fattened on billions of our dollars, euros and pounds, though our own infrastructure is collapsing.

Two and a half years ago Western leaders used to repeat the same hypnotising mantra: ‘We will support the Ukraine for as long as it takes.’ What did that mean? As long as what takes? For as long as it takes the Democrats to win (or lose?) the US elections in November 2024? Now they declare: ‘We will support the Ukraine for as long as we can’. But what does that mean? ‘For as long as we want?’. For today virtually everyone, even in the pro-Kiev Western media, has dropped the propaganda line and knows that the West has lost its proxy war in the Ukraine against Russia, wasting a million young lives and $250 billion. That is why few in the West now speak of it. That conflict used brainwashed Nazi or press-ganged Ukrainians to die on behalf of the USA, in order to attack and destroy Russia, without a single American dying. ‘The best investment ever’, according to Graham, a particularly Fascistic US Congressman.

The fact is that the Russian Federation has had to demilitarise and denazify not just the Ukraine, as it had originally and clearly announced as its aims on 24 February 2022 together with the third aim of the liberation of the Donbass, but also NATO. (By the way, NATO was established thanks to Nazi Germans like Reinhard Gehlen after 1945). The demilitarisation and denazification of NATO was never the ambition of the Russians; it was the fault of NATO, which gave all its political, financial and material support to prop up Kiev instead of supporting peace talks. Otherwise, the Ukraine would long ago have capitulated to Russia. The task of demilitarising NATO is why the conflict in the Ukraine has taken so long. The task of denazifying the Ukraine, which many thought impossible, has happened as a result of the deaths, or rather suicides, of whole Nazi regiments of the Kiev Army and of the emigration of others.

There will soon be no Nazis left in the Ukraine, or whatever will replace the Ukraine after the defeat of the Kiev regime and the rout of US/NATO. This was the inevitable result of the Western refusal to negotiate with the Russian Federation for eight years. Now even more NATO countries like Croatia and Slovenia have joined Hungary, Slovakia, Austria and Turkey in rejecting the US/NATO war in the Ukraine (let alone in allowing the fantasy of letting the Ukraine join NATO). Italy, Germany and even disillusioned Poland fundamentally agree with them, and France, changeable as ever, has spoken of possible talks. Even the Pentagon in Washington now refuses to give any more support to Kiev, as US military stockpiles are so severely depleted. There remain only the puny military forces of the Russophobic UK, and the seven Nordic and minute and dying Baltic States which still support Kiev, at least in rhetoric.

Zelensky cannot talk, since the West forced Kiev to pass a law to forbid them in April 2022. For the Ukrainian surrender to take place so that there can be peace, Zelensky the US actor-stooge must be removed together with the whole Neo-Nazi cast of the show in Kiev. Perhaps they will murder one another in a violent coup in Kiev, or else they will run away to join the Ukrainian mafia in the USA. In any case, they will remove themselves. The time for peace talks and ceasefires is long over. Some suggest that Kiev can survive under NATO, if it cedes some land to Russia. But Russia, by far the biggest country in the world, does not want any land, it wants security. They could have taken place at any point between early 2014 and early 2022. They did not, because Kiev and, above all, its Western sponsors refused. The Ukraine, as it was, has no future. It will have to capitulate on Russian terms. The West forbade it to have a future.


Ever since the collapse of the USSR in 1991, and even before that, under worldwide Western Imperialism, the Planet has faced the possibility, one day, of a One World Dictatorship. Since 1991 this potential has become closer. The identity of a possible World Dictator seems to have been a future President of the USA, governing the world through ambassadors and vassals. After the US occupation of the Ukraine in 2014 and then the challenge to its hegemony by the Russian Federation, the possibility of such a One World Dictatorship has rapidly receded. This is because of the BRICS organisation, which recognises several centres of power. Founded 15 years ago on 16 June 2009 in Ekaterinburg, the city of the martyrdom of the last Russian Tsar, BRICS, now with nine members, already has a larger economy than the G7. The Non-Western world is now interested in BRICS, which is to meet in Kazan in a few days’ time.

Indeed, over 150 countries now either want to join BRICS or else have expressed a desire to join it. It is clear that the multicontinental BRICS Alliance, initially Brazil, Russia, India, China and then South Africa, now with Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran and the UAE, is going to replace the UN. The latter is in the US and is effectively controlled by three Western countries of the UN Security Council, the US, the UK and France. They can ignore and block any of its resolutions, like those regarding the illegal sanctions imposed by the West on Russia, Iran, China, Cuba etc, or against Israeli genocide. The teeming billions of Africa, Latin America and India have no real representation at the UN. BRICS is destined to set up a new Assembly or Parliament for the Global Majority. It is also pursuing the gradual process of dedollarisation of the world economy and will replace US-controlled organisations like the World Bank and the IMF. The future beckons.

The impetus for BRICS and its dedollarisation has been created by the US weaponisation of the dollar against the Russian Federation and other countries and the stealing of their assets and gold. Thus, trust has been broken in the SWIFT international payments system. It is not that BRICS is a bloc, it is not, it is a multilateral, multipolar, multicontinental, multicivilisational organisation. As a result, the Western world, which is also bankrupt, that is, the USA and its Anglosphere vassals like the UK, Canada and Australia, the divided Peninsular Western European EU, and other US coastal and island colonies and vassals like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the settler state of Israel, have been isolated – or rather have isolated themselves. BRICS means the disappearance of the hegemony of the USA and all its vassal organisations, not just the World Bank and the IMF, but the G7, the EU, WHO, UNESCO etc.

We can see this Western self-isolation and irrelevance in the fact that the Russian Federation, by far the largest country in Europe by population and area, is now the largest economy in Europe and growing rapidly, and yet Western European countries have cut themselves off from it and are declining. Why cut yourselves off from natural resources like oil, gas, fertiliser, minerals? Countries like Turkiye and all South-Eastern Europe, from Austria to Greece, from Serbia to Hungary, from Romania to Slovakia, from Bulgaria to Cyprus, from Czechia to Croatia, have realised that they are missing the boat. They will peel off from EU tyranny and join BRICS too. They may be joined by countries in South-Western Europe, from Spain to Italy, and eventually France, Benelux and Germany. Only English-speaking North-Western Europe will remain in the US orbit, but only until their US-appointed elites have been overthrown.

BRICS means the end of the domination of the Atlantic Powers, which has lasted for 500 years. The Pacific and Indian Powers have risen and are taking their place. The former Western colonies or countries that adopted one or other of the bipolar Western ideologies of Capitalism or Communism, from Eurasian Russia to Africa, from Asia to Latin America, are freeing themselves from Western geopolitical and financial colonialisation. BRICS countries work on behalf of their peoples, who believe in sovereignty and patriotism, but do not believe in the tyranny of transnational corporations, banks and Globalism. Centralisation, whether Capitalist or Communist, is dead. It is time in all spheres to move away from top-down centralised control and to delegate to the grassroots. It is time for the dinosaurs to remove themselves from the world stage, or else be removed by the ever-accelerating course of history.

The Sinking Millennial Titanic

Some observers say that the present rout of the West in the Ukraine, which the West tried to expand to and absorb by its habitual organised violence after February 2014, is a turning point. They say that it marks the end of 500 years of Western domination of the world and overseas expansion, expressed by the word ‘Globalism’. This began with Western voyages of conquest and settlement across the Atlantic to the Americas, Africa and Asia some 500 years ago. They are wrong. The Western world and its unique ideology of supremacy and infallibility began not 500 years ago, but 1,000 years ago. It can even be dated precisely – to 14 February 1014. Then, in Rome, the new foundational Creed of the West was consciously promulgated – previously it had only been proclaimed by illiterate provincial barbarians, who did not even understand what they were saying. From then on, the West moved south and east.

This new Creed, first proclaimed in Rome at the Coronation of the German King Henry II as the ‘Holy Roman’ Emperor (he was not Holy or Roman), claimed that the Holy Spirit, the Source of all authority and unity, proceeds from the leader of the West. Then the leader of the West was the Pope of Rome – even though the formal dogma of his infallibility was not proclaimed and formulated until 856 years later, in 1870. However, his supremacy was already clear in, for example, the Dictatus Papae of Pope Gregory VII in 1075, though nearly all of these principles had been repeated for decades. Today this supremacy and infallibility have been passed down to and inherited one after the other by the leaders of other Western countries. Now it belongs to the President of the USA. The claim to worldwide supremacy and infallibility has been the essential belief of the post-Christian, post-1014, post-Schism West.

The consequences of the 14 February 1014 Declaration of Papal, that is, Western, supremacy and infallibility can already be seen in the 1030s with the Papally-sponsored invasions of Spain and then Sicily. In 1066 it came again with the Papally-sponsored invasion and genocide of England, again using its Norman shock troops, and then to Wales, Scotland and Ireland, where the same genocide was repeated. But it is also clear in the German/Frankish/Western ‘Crusades’ in the Holy Land, in internal inquisitions and crusades (against the Cathars) in Western Europe, and in those of the Teutonic Knights in Eastern Europe. The essence of this ethnic Western ideology was what we today call Nazism. And it is precisely ethnic Western. For example, when the Soviet Union invaded Bulgaria in 1944, ordinary Bulgarians greeted the Soviet forces enthusiastically, for only the Germanic elite in Bulgaria was Nazi.

The fact is that Orthodox Church culture, even of lapsed Orthodox Russians and Bulgarians in 1944, is anti-Nazi. For example, let us take the case of the Non-Orthodox British historian, David Irving, who defends Nazi Germany. For him anti-Nazism is hypocrisy, given that Allied leaders also participated in Hitlerite crimes and racism in that conflict. True, Hitler hated the Jews and the West loved them, but only because the Western Allies were funded by Jewish financiers. However, just like Hitler, the Western leaders also hated ’subhuman’ Russians, Africans, Arabs and Asians. Irving should have been consistent and angry at all Nazism, not just British, French and American, but the German too. So the foolish Irving attacks Allied Nazism, not seeing that anyone can be a Nazi. For example, a bankrupt Israeli, Netanyahu, real name Mileikowsky, is also a genocidal Nazi, and as such is opposed by heroic Non-Zionist and anti-Nazi Jews.

Nothing can save the West from its sinking Titanic in Kiev. True, it can try and blame the senile Biden, but shifting the blame is not a solution. In reality, the West is not afraid that Russia will win against it in its proxy war, but rather it is afraid that the truth will win. This fear of the truth has now become the main concern. This fear of the truth is also why most Western people will not join the Orthodox Church – because they refuse to repent. As Western people claim: ‘I cannot join the Orthodox Church because of my culture’. They reject Christ because of their proudly unrepentant, Secularist culture. All they have to do is to refer back to their countries of birth before the millennial aberration and deviation of 1014. For example, I am English by blood, have a British passport, but I am not British, not even English. I am Old English and belong to Old England, to Orthodoxy, to Christ, not to Secularist pride.

The Future of Western Europe, Russia and the Orthodox Church

Thus, White Supremacism, Racism, Aryanism, Fascism, Nazism, Zionism, whatever you wish to call it, is deeply Western, as it justifies imperialism, colonialism and the exploitation of the whole Non-Western world. Ultimately, it goes back to the supremacy and infallibility of medieval Papism. This ideology is not of the Church. That is why certain Russians of the émigré Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) group, Romanians of the Iron Guard, and other Fascists, even though somewhat culturally Orthodox, were always tiny fringe groups, outside the mainstream, outside communion with the Church, outside Christianity. Let us recall that Christianity was born in Asia, not in the aberration of a Europe, cut off from the rest of Asia and, above all, from the Church of God. The tired old Western ideologies of Papism and Protestantism are dying. However, their substitution by Secularism is even worse, indeed, it is lethal.

Here we can speak of the Sovietisation of the West over the last 35 years of President Bush’s ‘New World Order’, already the Old World Order. Sovietisation can be seen in the Western elite/nomenklatura which governs by Uniparty and censorship (‘cancelling’) of ‘dissident’ views. Such ‘heretics’ commit ‘hate speech’ and so are persecuted. The elite has learned nothing from the fall of the USSR. Sovietisation is lethal, for it is based on death, hatred for God, persecution of the Church and its words of life, through abortion, euthanasia (‘good death’) and inevitable depopulation, as women are told to be men and men are told to be homosexuals. That is the new norm. On the other hand, Russia is returning to its roots. It is no longer Western, neither Imperial as it was from 1721-1917 with its serfdom, nor Soviet as it was from 1917 to 1991 with its Gulag, nor Oligarchic as it was from 1991 to 2016 with its Wild East Capitalism.

The 300 years or twelve generations of the three Western experiments in Russia failed, and disastrously so, and have now led Russia to begin the return to its roots. It is all that remains. These are precisely the roots to which the last Tsar, Nicholas II, wanted to return to, in governance, in social and foreign policy, in architecture, in Church painting and singing. The Tsar, who founded the Hague Peace Conventions, would have greatly approved of BRICS, of international co-operation and harmony. He was the forerunner to it. The future Ukraine will share in such co-operation. After the tragic conflict which the USA has created there, the New Ukraine will be renewed and its third world infrastructure will be brought to world class standards by BRICS, its corrupt Western oligarchs chased out by a State that protects its people, as has been happening so spectacularly in Russia over the last twenty-five years.

The transformation of the Russian Lands, the Russian Federation, the Ukraine and Belarus, will mean transformation within the Orthodox Church, 75% of whose faithful live in those Lands. True, several parts of the Orthodox Church are for now under the control of elderly individuals, who are stuck in the past. Such is the situation of the Patriarchate of Constantinople in Istanbul, where individuals still dream of an Empire which collapsed nearly 600 years ago. In Moscow too, there are individuals who also dream of an Imperial future, patterned by rigid ritualism, ultra-nationalism and propose a militarised and uniformised ‘Church-Army’. And as a result, there are individuals in the Russian Church, who call themselves ‘princes of the Church’, who dream of imperialist power and effeminate riches, ironically sometimes sponsored by the CIA, and who undertake schism, jealousy and hatred, persecuting pastors and people alike.

The reality is quite different from those delusions of empire, for the Church does not belong to ‘princes of the Church’, but to the faithful people. For example, the population of Non-Orthodox Western Europe, inclusive of and westwards of Finland, Germany, Austria and Italy, is approximately 431 million. Almost exactly 1% of that population are Romanian Orthodox (other Orthodox, Greeks, Russians, Serbs etc, number at most only 0.2% of that 431 million). Certain elderly Greeks and Russians may dream of building ecclesiastical empires in Western Europe, but they are irrelevant to 4.3 million Non-Greeks and Non-Russians. Such too is the situation elsewhere outside Russia and Greece, in lands where Orthodox have emigrated and live. The future of the Church in the Ukraine, Moldova, the Baltic States, Western Europe, the Americas and Oceania is with the majority who live there, not with imperialistic dreamers in distant cities.


A fresh wind is blowing from the east and it is sweeping away the corrupted old world, the cobwebbed, antiquated and dying structures formed out of the last millennium and the domination of the planet by the anti-Christian Western world and its ideologies, whether Capitalist or Communist. The old ‘Papism’, centralised control from one centre, is dead. The unipolar and unilateral is rapidly being replaced by the multilateral and multipolar. Western Europeans, wake up! You have been fooled and betrayed for a thousand years! They have substituted the truth with a fake! Return to your spiritual roots and identity! Ignore the pathologically sick, who reject their own identity, and tell you that you are beyond salvation without their rebaptism, and come to the Church of God. Here you are welcome. Yes, indeed, our values are: ‘humanity, mercy and compassion’.  The old is going. The new is here. Welcome!






Twelve Revelations from the Conflict in the Ukraine


The US-orchestrated conflict in the Ukraine began in February 2014 after the US tried to expand there in order to set up bases along the Russian border. After continual provocations by the US-installed Kiev puppet regime, its murder of 14,000 Russian-speaking Ukrainian civilians and its NATO-backed persecution of the Orthodox Church, the conflict intensified in February 2022. Since then, there have been twelve revelations in all: about the Kiev regime, the Free Ukraine which is now taking shape, the Russian Federation and the Western elite, which has been standing behind Kiev, using it as its proxy to try and destroy the Russian Federation and exploit its resources. The four groups of three revelations for each are:

The Kiev Regime


  1. It has become clear that the Kiev regime wants to blackmail the US, that is, all of NATO, into directly involvement on the ground in the Ukraine, as this is the only hope it has of possibly defeating the Russian Federation. Alone it can do nothing, it does not have the willing or trained manpower, let alone the necessary arms and munitions – which highly deindustrialised NATO countries cannot provide Kiev with anyway. (Similarly, through its constant provocations, Israel wants the US to get directly involved on the ground in its war against Iran in the Lebanon and its genocide in Gaza. Alone it too can do nothing). If the US does get involved directly in either case (most NATO countries will categorically refuse to do so), World War III could begin. At least for Kiev, it appears that the end is nigh, after it was seemingly abandoned by the Pentagon in Washington. In Israel nothing is yet clear.


  1. The US policy in the face of yet another lost war is not the same as the Kiev regime policy. The US policy is to hold on in the Ukraine only until the US elections in fewer than 40 days’ time or, at most, until the inauguration of the new President in fewer than 100 days’ time. After that, the whole policy can be dropped, as its abject failure can then be blamed on Biden, who by then will no longer be in power, not even officially, if, that is, he is still alive.


  1. Under the atheist Jewish Presidents Poroshenko and Zelensky, the Kiev regime set up a fake Church, which it tried to substitute for the real one. Although the CIA bribed part of the Greek Church to give this wild scheme some credibility, it has no serious believers in it and is headed by nationalist gangsters with defrocked corrupt and homosexual ex-clergy. How could it be taken seriously, when it was formed by violent thugs and hooligans? These beat up real Orthodox clergy and people in order to steal 1,500 emptied church buildings from the real Church under Metropolitan Onufry, whom the whole free Orthodox world backs. Typically, one of the first acts of the fake Church was to go over to the Protestant calendar, as favoured by its creators, the CIA!


The Free Ukraine


  1. The virulently anti-Russian, BBC-sponsored Mediazona group reckons ‘Russian’ casualties in the conflict at between 70,000 – 120,000 killed and wounded (against over 800,000 for the Ukrainian military). However, Medizona fails to explain that most ‘Russian’ casualties are Ukrainians from the east of the Ukraine, millions of whom have fled to Russia over the last ten years, seeking freedom and safety from genocide. These free Ukrainians form the backbone of the ‘Russian’ infantry who, as they see it, are today liberating the Ukraine from the Kiev regime and Neo-Nazi groups. The conflict in the Ukraine is a civil war and everybody there knows it.


  1. The Ukraine is also being freed by an anti-Nazi Ukrainian resistance network. These are local Ukrainians outraged by the genocide carried out by the CIA-imposed Kiev regime and its dreaded SBU secret police. Their network provides intelligence to the Russian-led forces, so that they can destroy NATO equipment and munitions, eliminate foreign mercenaries and carry out sabotage on Kiev regime infrastructure, especially electricity generation and the railways.


  1. There will be no ceasefire, ‘stalemate’, ‘frozen conflict’ or ‘Korean solution’ in the Ukraine. Russia is advancing, so it will not open any peace talks, even if Kiev wanted them, which it cannot, as the Western elite long ago forced Kiev to make peace talks with Russia illegal. There will only be capitulation, unconditional surrender, on Russia’s terms. This means Russia retaining at the very least the five Russian provinces which it has more or less occupied or liberated already, and possibly the next four historically (until 1922) Russian provinces. The rest will be demilitarised, de-NATOised and neutralised. There will be self-determination for the Non-NATO rest, the Free Ukraine, with freedom for the Church and human rights for all its citizens of all nationalities guaranteed.


The Russian Federation


  1. Thanks in part to the fabulously backfiring Western sanctions, the economy of the Russian Federation is now the fourth largest in the world, even according to the very low PPP measurement, after only China, the USA and India. However, it is clear that the economy of the Russian Federation, which has a population only one tenth of India’s, is now catching up with the economies of both India and the USA. The size of the latter’s economy is much exaggerated, as it is measured by the non-productive criteria of finance, insurance, real estate and crime, and not by manufacturing. And yet in 2022 the Western media told everyone that the Russian economy was no bigger than Spain’s! In any case, the Russian economy has overtaken both Japan’s and Germany’s, which are in freefall, leaving France’s and Britain’s in ninth and tenth places in the world and Spain’s somewhere further down the list. The Russian economy is now the largest in Western Eurasia and there will come a time when it will become the third largest in the world.


  1. The development of the Russian-founded BRICS has been greatly accelerated by the illegal anti-Russian sanctions, such as the refusal to allow Russia to use payments by SWIFT, imposed by US and European aggressiveness and narcissistic jealousy. Western aggression has thrown the Russian Federation, China, Iran and others in the Global Majority together in the warmest of embraces. Seeing these sanctions, the rest of the world is now turning its back on US and Western European bullies, whom it too can no longer trust. This is the boomerang effect of sanctions, which has led to the accelerating decline of the one billion of the West and the accelerating rise of the seven billion of the Rest. Western sanctions have boosted BRICS perhaps by up to ten years in just two years. The collapse of the dollar is no longer a myth, but a dangerously close real possibility, as too is the possibility of BRICS becoming the new UN.


  1. After many generations of both State-imposed and now self-imposed imperialisation, ritualisation, bureaucratisation, militarisation and secularisation, the administrative bureaucracy of the Russian Orthodox Church has lost its spiritual independence and has compromised itself. To its shame, it is refusing to support persecuted confessors for Orthodoxy and so is no longer taken seriously. However, freedom is in the air and more new Local Orthodox Churches will yet be formed out of the Russian Orthodox Church, which has unworthily clung on to centralised, imperialist, Soviet-style power for far too long. And this is despite the Russian State’s abandonment of centralised, imperialist, Soviet-style power over thirty years ago. Indeed, the Russian Church administration may need the help of the Russian State to get the Russian Church to catch up, returning it to its true heritage, of St Sergius, St Seraphim, St Matrona, St John of Shanghai and all the other New Martyrs and Confessors, who confess the freedom of the Holy Spirit.


The Western Elite


  1. Over the last 30 years the Western European ruling class has lost its spiritual independence and, compromising itself, has been vassalised. Whereas thirty years ago, indeed even twenty years ago, the Western European governing class showed independence in thought and action, today it has surrendered itself to the Globalist US elite, to which it essentially belongs. However, although their elite is now US-run, European Sovereigntist patriotic peoples, regardless of left or right politics, are today beginning to overthrowing in elections these Globalist Brussels-Washington leaders. Many of these leaders who cling on to power despite the election results are also perverts. The peoples are asserting their independence from them. This is clear in the very weak and unpopular government in Germany, in France, which has had no government for three months and where rule is through a president-dictator who refuses to accept the results of elections, and in the UK, which is now on its hated fifth Prime Minister in five years and may soon be on its sixth. Hungary, Slovakia and now Austria have already overthrown their elites and in Italy, the UK and the Netherlands, the people are trying. Outside Europe, Japan is following the same pattern.


  1. The media of the Western world, often also led by perverts, have given up freedom and free speech in favour of censorship. This is because its media, like its elite, are US-controlled, called under ‘editorial control’. Their new word for lies or propaganda is ‘narratives’. Narratives come from living in a virtual world, from delusions and wishful thinking, PR, psyops and spin.


  1. The source of these delusional narratives is the narcissism of the Western elite. Narcissism always blinds to reality, as narcissists prefer to live in delusions. We can see this in US Foreign Policy, just as we can see it in US bishops. When narcissists do not get their way, as they have no empathy anyway and despise those who do, they lose their temper and often turn to drink and try to destroy families, as we have also seen, screaming, ‘Give me the keys to the church’, down the telephone.

Soviet Vestiges: Centralisation and Personality Cults among Neophytes

We all know how the Soviet Union unconsciously adopted the outward, cultural practices of the Russian Orthodox Church. Thus, instead of the Holy Trinty, Soviet Communism promulgated Marx, Engels and Lenin, iconographically presented as an indivisible three in one, a new Holy Trinity. It was blasphemous, since these three were not gods or even decent men, but quite vile people. Then, anyone watching film of a Mayday Parade in the old USSR notices at once the abundance of banners and red flags, which simply imitated the church banners and icons of Easter processions, which also take place around 1 May. Christmas too was substituted by pagan Soviet New Year drunkenness and overeating.

Then there was the substitution of Christ. Who was the new Christ? Lenin and then Stalin. First came the iconography of a benign-looking Lenin, whose chemically-preserved mummy is still on display in the centre of Moscow like unholy relics. Then after him came the iconography of a kind and fatherly Stalin, which was everywhere on streets and in schoolbooks of that age. Yet he was a mass murderer and an evil persecutor of the Church. Famously, the idolatry of Stalin even had to be denounced by Khrushchov as a personality cult – which is exactly what it was. Little wonder that President Putin said years ago that only someone without a brain would want to restore the collapsed Soviet Union.

However, some in the Russian Church unconsciously adopted the outward, cultural practices of the Soviet Union. Indeed, one part of the Soviet Union did not collapse in 1991 – the Moscow Patriarchate, the Soviet-period administrative superstructure of the Russian Church. Sadly, this administration has retained two elements of the old Soviet Union. The first is Soviet Centralisation. The USSR dissolved into fifteen separate republics – the Church did not. The result is anti-Moscow schisms in the Church in Orthodox parts of the old USSR which do not have their own independent Church, in the Ukraine, Moldova, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, with Russophobic discontent expressed in Belarus, Kazakhstan.

The second element that survived in the Moscow Patriarchate is Soviet-style personality cults. This can be seen in the statues of Russian saints. In 1976 I met the pious and talented sculptor Vyacheslav Klykov: I dared not tell him what I thought, that statues replace the statues of the Bolshevik monster Lenin. As such they are welcome, but statues are not a traditional part of Orthodoxy. For Orthodoxy free-standing statues are considered idolatrous. And this is precisely the danger of all personality cults. There exists an exaggerated cult of certain clerical figures, bishops, priests or monks. Among some it is enough for a man to be in a cassock and have a beard and he is already worthy of worship.

This attitude is concerning, for enchantment with mere people is always followed by disenchantment – disillusion always follows illusion. If this is news, read the Psalter. We have seen this clearly with the tragic story of Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfevev), whose photos have suddenly been removed and whose books are suddenly no longer on sale. ‘Put not your trust in princes, nor in the sons of men’. We can see it also in the situation of other clerical figures. Fr Andrey Tkachov is an example. Absurdly popular for really just an ordinary if well-read priest, his categorical and even extremist views are typical of one who comes from the complexed far west of the Ukraine, not of the average Orthodox.

His aggressiveness, lack of diplomacy and tact and just plain rudeness is shared by others and also gives rise to a cult following among the simple and unthinking. Fr Andrey is far from being the only such example of one engaged in broadcasts, podcasts and the writing of books and who makes a lot of money in this way. For instance, I know one Russian woman who never comes to church, but she does spend a lot of time on her computer reading the ‘prophecies’ of ‘holy elders’. This too is an example of personality cults. She told me that she prefers ‘elders’ with very long hair and very long hair. The attachment to externals is typical of the superficial and the neophyte, not of the rooted and the grounded.

As I have remarked many times, it took 75 years for the USSR to Sovietise and then fall and therefore it will take 75 years for de-Sovietisation to take place. 33 years after the dissolution of the USSR, the administration of the Moscow Patriarchate still retains the above two elements of the Soviet mentality. It is therefore no surprise that Ukrainians insult Russians by calling them ‘Moskali’ – Muscovites. It has long seemed to me that the top-heavy and highly centralised Moscow nationalist administration of the Russian Orthodox Church, with all its tiresome bureaucracy and taxes, is not something that is to be retained from the USSR. Nor are clericalist personality cults which are so close to idolatry.