World War V Begins

Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.

Rev. 9, 14

If for some European countries national pride is a long-forgotten concept and sovereignty is too much of a luxury, real sovereignty for Russia is an absolutely necessity for survival.

The support for separatism in Russia from across the Atlantic, including propaganda, political and financial support as well as support provided by special services…was absolutely obvious and left no doubt that they would gladly have Russia follow the Yugoslav scenario of disintegration and dismemberment, with all the tragic fallout for the people of Russia. It did not work. We did not allow that to happen. Just as it did not work for Hitler with his people-hating ideas, as he set out to destroy Russia and push us back beyond the Urals. Everyone should remember how that ended.

No one will ever attain military superiority over Russia. We have a modern and combat-ready army…We have the strength, will and courage to protect our freedom. We shall protect the diversity of the world. We shall tell people abroad the truth, so that everyone can see the real and not a distorted and false image of Russia.

Address of President Putin on 18/12/2014 in response to the War declared by Washington

Introduction: Satan’s Work Before 1914

Ever since the fourth-century settlement of the first Christian Emperor, St Constantine, Satan in his hatred, jealousy and pride has been striving to destroy the Christian Roman Empire and revive the Pagan Roman Empire in its place. This is all part of the ancient struggle between Good and Evil, between Jerusalem and Babylon, between the Gospel and Mammon, between a worldwide Kingdom of Christ and a worldwide republic of Satan, between Christ and Antichrist. This struggle will end with the enthronement of Antichrist in the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem and his defeat by Christ, Who will come again at the end of the world to judge it.

Satan’s breakthrough came after the first millennium when he divided from the Church the ambitious, power-holding elite of Western Europe, who had begun looking back with barbaric nostalgia at Pagan Rome. By the end of the fateful eleventh century that elite had begun spreading its errors not only to the newly-enslaved masses of north-western Continental Europe, but also by conquest to Sicily, southern Italy and England to the Near East. For over 400 years, the power-holding elite consolidated its feudal aggression all over Western Europe, conquering Wales, Scotland, Spain, Portugal, Scandinavia, Ireland, Central Europe, Eastern Europe and threatening Russia, the Near East, Cyprus and pillaging the Christian Capital in New Rome.

Thus, the elite started interminable wars, bloodshed and genocide, both in Western Europe, for example the ‘Hundred Years War’ between England and France, and outside Europe in the Near East, everywhere launching ‘crusades’, building castles to oppress the people and creating the ‘Renaissance’ of paganism. Over 400 years later, after the discovery of the Americas by greedy gold-seekers in 1492, the bloodshed and genocide was spread to New Worlds. So began feudal slavery and the colonial exploitation of distant lands in the Americas, Africa, Asia and Australasia, encouraged by the ‘Enlightenment’, another great revival of paganism.

World Wars I to V: 1914-2014

Over another 400 years later, in August 1914 the bloodshed and genocide that the Western elite had been carrying out worldwide returned to Western Europe and led to a series of what were in fact five generational wars, WW I in 1914 and WW II in 1939. World War III began in October 1964, with the newly legalized holocaust of tens of millions of innocent people in the abortion war as well as in continuing colonial wars, conducted in South-East Asia and Africa in particular. WW IV broke out in November 1989 with the bankruptcy and collapse of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, victims of Western money-lending. Without the counterbalance of the Soviet Union, this led to a generation of Western invasions and genocides in Iraq, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, in fact all through North Africa and the Middle East.

Now in December 2014 there has begun WW V, when the Western elite has set its tentacles into long-coveted and resource-rich Russia, having already installed a Fascist junta in Russia’s soft underbelly of the Ukraine. Ruled by the grotesque Kiev puppet junta, the Ukraine already faces bankruptcy and social collapse. However, let us not despair – for the sake of ten righteous, even Sodom would have been spared. The difference between this war and the preceding four is that this is the final war between Pagan Rome and Christian Rome. If the Church does not win this war, then Antichrist will be enthroned in the rebuilt Temple and then Armageddon will come. However, if the Church does win this war, as we believe She will, then we shall be granted more time, another generation or perhaps many more generations in order to finish gathering in the harvest of the Church worldwide, work which has scarcely started.

This is the War that was prophesied by the Book of Revelation, as by Athonite and Russian elders alike, the war between the Orthodox World, Christian Rome, led by the Russian Orthodox Church, and the Pagan World, Pagan Rome, led by Washington, the World’s greatest aggressor, operating through its propaganda, economic and military forces and vassal states in Western Europe and worldwide. Today in the Ukraine, as in Syria, the servants of Satan make glad, as they shed blood and create chaos, removing, as they hope, the last barriers to their domination of the planet, a global empire with a bandit monopoly of money-lending and enslavement to debt, controlling all the world’s natural resources (Matt. 4, 8-10).

2014: Why World War V

The cause of all the world’s contemporary problems is not human evil in itself, but the preparations for the coming of him who is complete evil and who according to prophecy is briefly to rule the whole world. The Jews await him, supported financially and militarily by President Obama, by many sectarian Evangelicals and by ever more Protestantized Roman Catholics, who have fallen into seeking after the ‘New World Order’ (for, ‘Not everyone who saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven’, Matt 7, 21). These seekers are preparing through the bloodshed of the ‘Arab spring’ and Western-founded Islamist terrorism – violence is always the sign of Satan – to build the World Ruler’s Temple in Jerusalem, taking delivery from the USA of 60,000 tons of onyx for it, preparing ‘Greater Israel’ and ‘the New Middle East’ from the Nile to the Euphrates.

Opposed to this stands the multinational Russian Orthodox Church, which has led the Confederation of Orthodox Churches since 1453. All Orthodox who are free and still devoted to the Orthodox Faith stand behind Her. However, some, Orthodox in name only, have been corrupted and have fallen away in a process of Uniatization and Protestantization. Whether politicized, naïve or deluded, and so not supporting Russian Orthodoxy, they will now have to decide whose side they are on, with Christ or Antichrist. Moreover, today the Russian Orthodox world leads and protects not only the Orthodox world, but also all those of traditional religions and values worldwide. This is because the devout of all religions know that globalization destroys all faith, all values, except that of the idolatry of Mammon, which is that of Antichrist.

Indeed, the Russian Federation is the only large (in fact the largest), Christian, multinational country in the world, which defends oppressed Christians and upholds traditional religious values against Sodomy. Thus it supports patriotic forces in the oppressed EU countries and those who revere the first millennium of the Church in Western Europe. This is vital now, for tens of thousands of Christians are being slaughtered every year, merely for being Christians, in northern Africa, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan and now in the Ukraine. Thus, Russian internationalism and support of diversity stands against Western nationalism and homogeneity which is now spread worldwide. In the Western world, especially in the corrupt and autocratic EU and USA, such values are attacked and destroyed. Indeed, if the Russian Federation goes under in World War V, then the whole free world will go under also and we shall know that Armageddon is for very soon.

Conclusion: The Future

In 2014 the Western elite launched first its propaganda War and now its economic War against the Russian Federation. Thus it has imposed illegal, anti-Russian sanctions and forced its voiceless and spineless colonies in the EU, to their own suicide, to do the same, so dividing Europe. It has launched a campaign of speculation against the rouble and attempted to bankrupt the Russian economy by making its Arab vassals overproduce oil – which is first of all bankrupting Western oil companies. The Bulgarian puppet government has been instructed by its EU masters (in turn instructed by its US masters) not to allow the South Stream pipeline. Now the Western elite is seriously discussing the next phase of its War – the possibility of launching a full-scale military ‘Hot War’ against Russia in the Ukraine, pouring its NATO troops and arms into the Baltics, Poland, Slovakia and Romania in readiness.

The elite knows that President Putin is determined to find an alternative world order to the dollar Mammon. This is to be based on the Eurasian Economic Union, the BRICS countries, the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization), Iran and the huge Russian oil and gas deal with China. Such a dedollarization of the world economy would greatly weaken the US/EU/NATO mafia, on which the elite has built its power base. In addition, the Russian Orthodox Church is pressing ever more for an end to an economy based on interest and transnational money-lending, for ‘moral economics’, much closer to Christian (and also Islamic) Tradition. Little wonder, as Metr Amphilochy of Montenegro has said, that the arch-materialist warmonger, Tony Blair, declared that the Russian Orthodox Church is a greater enemy to the West than Bolshevism. ‘Moral economics’ would completely undermine globalized Western Mammon.

Now we recall the prophecies of Fr Paisius the Athonite about Russia and Turkey and those of the Elder Jonah of Odessa about the two-year war in the Ukraine, as well as the prophecies which foretell vast Chinese armies in Iraq. The Russian Orthodox world, wherever we live, is a defensive empire of faith, defending international law, respect for national sovereignty, national independence and traditional values. Little wonder that we defend the rights of the real patriots of Europe against the Babylonian EU and its rulers. The elite’s plans for a One World Government are being shaken. The coming of Antichrist which they have so carefully and slavishly prepared may be postponed. The elite is furious and has begun World War V, a war of propaganda, economic and military aggression.