The Origin of Western Hypocrisy

The puppeteers who created jihadists and ‘radical Islam’ – groups of criminal fanatics and psychopathic/sociopathic terrorists like Al-Qaida and Islamic State – are regretting it. Originally created, trained and armed by Washington to fight against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, then against the Russian Federation in the Caucasus, then against the Syrian government – the jihadis of radical Islam are wicked genies who have been let out of their lamps. In this century radical Islam has already attacked the USA in 2001, London in 2005, then spread throughout North Africa and the Middle East, from Iraq to Nigeria (9,000 dead last year alone) and Libya to Syria. Now radical Islam has rebounded again, this time in France. Quite predictably, it has dared to attack typically intolerant Western secularist ideologists who praise outrage and blasphemy, pouring oil on the fires of Islam.

When radical Islam attacked countries outside the West and Western interests, in Soviet-controlled Afghanistan, in Chechnia, in Beslan, in Libya or in Syria, it was good, but as soon as Western troops began dying because of it in Afghanistan and Iraq and Western civilians in New York, London and Paris, it was bad. In exactly the same hypocritical way, those who deplore barbaric deaths, including those of anti-religious and anti-Tradition blasphemers in Paris, do not deplore the unreported genocide of thousands of religious and traditional Ukrainians by the State terrorism of the Western-installed arms-dealer Poroshenko. Yet, he came to power through overthrowing a democracy and marches in Paris at their sides as an honoured guest on behalf of the freedom to outrage millions. The West has an intolerant compulsion to annihilate everything outside itself. Why these systemic double standards?

The history of Western hypocrisy stretches back into the millennial past and even beyond. Europe, and later its settlements around the world, was built on the systemic violence which started with Charlemagne, called ‘the Father of Europe’, on massacres, invasions, ‘crusades’, inquisitions, persecutions, burnings and feudal wars, on the systemic killing, enslaving and looting of the peoples of the planet, from Saxony to England, from Jerusalem to Constantinople, from the Americas to Asia, from Australasia to Africa. Gold and slaves were taken in the name of the idol of ‘progress’, concentration camps (‘reservations’ and ‘detention camps’) set up in a process called ‘spreading Western civilization’, the price of which is a billion Western and Westernized prosperous consumerists, a billion modest, three billion poor, three billion desperately poor and a planet on the verge of ecological catastrophe.

The history of Western hypocrisy goes back then to that point in history when the elite of the peripheral Western European provinces arrogantly appointed itself as the centre of the world, usurping even the authority of God through its new ideology called the ‘filioque’. This asserts that all the power and authority of God (‘shock and awe’) comes from fallen human nature, which takes the place of God and, worshipping itself, calls itself ‘humanism’ and ‘rationalism’. Thus, the elite then usurped the legitimate Christian Empire, making the pagan vestiges of Old Rome into its model and plundering the Christian capital in New Rome with its barbaric, military might. Today this is still apparent when Western people refuse to become Christians, that is, refuse to join the Orthodox Church, because they prefer their ‘Judeo-Christian’ (deformed Christian) culture, for they put their culture before the Church.

Western culture is then filioquized, that is, it claims the supreme authority of God for the fallen human nature of the Western and Westernized (‘filioquized’), thus idolizing and absolutizing that nature. Hypocritically, Western culture claims to be multicultural. It is not. It is strictly monocultural. Its cultural arrogance, utter intolerance and blasphemous disrespect are breath-taking. Only when any religious belief is reduced to folklore or psychopathological schism, degutted and castrated, is it acceptable to the West. Any, including perhaps especially Western people, who seriously reject and challenge Western atheism in favour of authentic and consistent Christian beliefs, are ostracized, mocked, despised, condemned as ‘eccentric’, ‘backward’ or ‘retarded’ and their faith blasphemed. The West may be at the very centre of apostasy, but spiritually it is hopelessly provincial, as it always has been.

This is why, like its model, the pagan Roman Empire, the egocentric and formerly ethnocentric modern West lives in moral degradation amid suicidal depopulation, too selfish even to reproduce, relying on cheap immigrant labour to function. This is the grave that Western ‘civilization’, with its aggressive atheism, has dug for itself. The only Christian alternative to Western totalitarian disrespect for spiritual belief is centred in Russia, at the heart of Christian civilization. Viciously attacked by Western materialism and atheism in 1917 and left for dead, it has risen from the tomb. Although it is now facing a new propaganda onslaught from the atheist West, which is also arming the Nazis in Kiev, its new Vietnam, it is the only strong centre of faith in the Risen Saviour, around which the last spiritually healthy forces of Europe and of the world can gather as the storm clouds of 2015 loom.