Category Archives: Bullying and Betrayal

Standing up to the Bullies: The Chickens Come Home to Roost

Foreword: Retribution and Faith

There is such a thing as retribution, also called requite or recompense. Retribution is popularly known as ‘getting your just desserts’, ‘karma’, ‘payback’, or ‘the boomerang effect’, but the words of the Saviour express it as According to your faith be it unto you (Matthew 9, 29). This means that, if we have no faith, we will suffer, but if we do have faith, we will suffer only as much as we need and we can bear, for God is with us. This is the meaning of the saying: ‘We are Orthodox, God is with us’. His grace protects us, for we are with Him.

That God is with us depends on Faith. However, if we do not have Faith and it is replaced by a mere ideology, regardless of whether it is liberal or conservative, not only do we lose Divine protection, we also become stupid. This is because ideologies are not based on reality, but on intolerant ideals imposed by trying to make reality fit them. When reality refuses to fit, the ideologies collapse. This is what happened to Fascism and Communism. Today, this is true of Globalism, the one-size-fits-all incredibly intolerant Western ‘liberal’ woke ideology.

A Bully

As everyone has long known, the new (and old) US President is a bully. However, it is possible to stand up to him. Russia and China do. In fact, anybody can stand up to a bully, it is a question of will-power and allies. However, the new US President is also an Anti-Globalist, he believes in local spheres of influence. His sphere is Northern America, which is why he will take over Greenland and then maybe Canada, perhaps working from the east, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan etc to Ontario and Quebec in the west, as the most resistant.

He may even want to take over Latin America, though that is very uncertain, since those countries have become much more independent in recent decades, refusing their old role as vassal banana republics. In the wider world, he may want to take over the rest of the Anglosphere – Australia, New Zealand and the mother countries, England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. The latter could agree, given the bankruptcy of the EU and British Establishments. But for all of them there is still the very strong alternative of BRICS, of China and Eurasian Russia.

The Technique of the Bully

When American authorities overthrow legitimate governments and then occupy their countries, from Iraq to the Ukraine, they first boss the local people around, insisting that everyone speaks American, instead of their native English, or whatever the local language may be. Next, they ship out the gold reserves. Thus, straight after the coup in Kiev in 2014, the US conquistadores took out the $15 billon of gold reserves from Borispol. Those who come here do the same, they want the gold, any treasure and property they can get their hands on.

In other words, they attempt to asset-strip, intimidating, humiliating, picking on the slightest weakness, as all bullies do, and then expelling the legal owners and taking over their church property. ‘Give me the keys’, they scream down the telephone. Then, when nobody goes there any more, because the legal owners, clergy, choir and people, have been ‘defrocked’ and expelled by them, they plan to sell the by then empty church property to buy themselves a bishop’s palace, from where they can continue to practise their guru’s papal infallibility.

Resistance to the Bully

Our unwavering adherence to the practices and canons of the Church has been criticised by the same ‘crazy convert’ fringe. They express personal hatred, personal jealousy and bullying persecution, trying to close the churches of the faithful people, bought and set up with their own money. They even defrock the clergy of other Local Churches because ‘their paperwork is not in order’, while themselves taking in misled clergy from other Local Churches without letters of leave! However, the truth is now out the world over. All can see it.

Having canonically and clearly belonged to the Patriarchate of Romania for three years, that is, to the mainstream of the Church, we are able to concelebrate with all Orthodox. There are no schisms here. This freedom is the fruit of standing up to bullies, having principles, defending the integrity of Church life – all recognise us as canonical. However, those who created schism and are out of communion with others, the schismatics whom we left, are ever more isolated, stewing in their own juice, with nobody listening to them. They are talking to themselves.

Real Clergy Unite

The fate of all whistleblowers is to be persecuted at first, but later they are justified and they say: ‘Told you so’. For those who slandered and punished the whistleblowers have painted themselves into their own self-created corners, where they are ignored by all, if they are at all noticed. The most distinguishing feature of the punishers is their imagined infallibility and power – they never apologise, but instead they only justify their lack of Christian faith and way of life. This is proved by their inability to repent for the evil they have committed.

The duty of all non-careerist, that is, real, bishops and priests is to pray, celebrating the services and distributing the sacraments. In this way they gather the people together, they unite, for dioceses and parishes are communities and families. However, there are those who want to divide families, setting son against father, daughter against mother, one nationality against another, one jurisdiction against another. The dividers are unpopular, well known for not telling the truth, persecuting and closing churches. Such isolate themselves.

Afterword: The Cleansing Has Begun

Meanwhile, those who do their jobs of gathering together are respected and are invited to concelebrate everywhere. For they are in unity and communion and communion is the sign of belonging to the Church. This communion enrages even more the dividers, schismatics and persecutors, for they are ever more isolated and all see that they are out of communion with others, confined to their tiny sects and ghettoes. And the more they rage, the more they are ignored and even mocked. They have created a vicious circle for themselves.

The Great Cleansing of the Church is coming. Yes, the Church has been infiltrated, as it always has been. In the time of Christ, the Twelve were infiltrated by a traitor, Judas. It is no different today. They shout that Russia must leave the Russian Ukraine to its Fascist fate of genocide, fully agreeing with their US masters. It is normal – they have the same masters as the Ukrainian puppets, they are brothers. It is sad to see that the Church too has been infiltrated by them. But the Church too will be cleansed of them. There is no doubt about it.