Monthly Archives: November 2016

Towards the Reshaping of Europe

Western European governments have over the last two years held several hypocritical commemorations of the millions of victims of the First World War, the flower of the youth of Europe. These commemorations have all been hypocritical because at no point has any of those governments expressed repentance for the blasphemy of 1914, which was no less than a renunciation of the Christian Faith. As there has been no repentance, neither has any punishment been apportioned for the perpetrators, first of all the elites of Germany and Austria-Hungary, which attacked Serbia and then Russia, but secondly France and Great Britain, most of whose elites also longed for war.

The First World War, begun against Russia by Austria-Hungary and Germany, led directly to the Russian Revolution, orchestrated and welcomed by Great Britain and France and financed by Germany and the USA. That nightmare led directly to the birth of the Leninist-Troskyite Soviet Union with its massacred millions, the rise of Hitler who invaded the Soviet Union, killing 27 million, two generations of Cold War with its threat of mutually assured destruction (MAD), proxy wars worldwide and then a generation of Neocon-Trostyite invasions and coloured revolutions worldwide. Perhaps 100 million dead. Not including the hundreds of millions who have died so far in the abortion holocaust.

This year, Brexit, as yet only a foretaste of freedom has come to enslaved Western Europe and in the USA the election of a pro-Christian, non-neocon promises change. In France, after a decade of extraordinary, anti-Christian and pro-US decadence, the leading candidates for the new Presidency are the pro-Russian Fillon, a convinced Christian, and the anti-EU Russophile Le Pen. Coming elections in Austria, Holland and Germany also promise positive change. In Southern Europe people are thirsty for social justice and in Eastern Europe, Hungary is pointing to freedom. The nightmare of the last 25 years, or perhaps the last 50 years, is at last coming to an end in generational change.

Despite the anti-Russian propaganda of the elite of the bankrupt US-vassal Baltic States, of the CIA-run junta of oligarchs in Kiev, of the sabre-rattling leaders of the Ruritanian Army of 20,000 active soldiers, the Ruritanian Air Force of working 200 aircraft and the Ruritanian Navy of 20 ships of Great Britain, an international laughing-stock, forces are at work in Europe to restore peace. The new Cold War, so vigorously and so blindly begun against Christian Russia by the anti-Christian US, UK and German elites and their military-industrial complexes, which have vastly profited from their massacres in Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and the Yemen, may be coming to an end.

In Russia itself, the fifth column, which came to power through its US sponsors under the drunkard Yeltsin in the disgraceful and murderous 1990s, is at last weakening. Last week another corrupt minister of the liberal faction was arrested. There is now at last a new Orthodox Minister of Education, though she is hounded by Western-controlled media. In the Russian Church Herself, the minority fifth columnists, beloved by the US embassy, are a discredited rabble of Western-oriented scribes and pharisees. A new generation is coming, quite uncompromised by the Soviet past. They may sweep away the fifth columnists here, as in society in general. The non-globalist future awaits us.

Towards a New New World Order

Neoconservative. Criminally insane spenders that believe in killing brown people for the new world order. Huge Orwellian government, unfathomable amounts of spending, bomb tens of thousands of people to death to rearrange the globe. Take the worst aspects of the liberal and conservative positions and combine them into one and you would have a NeoCon.

Neocons are the greatest threat to life, liberty and property this country has ever known.


President Obama has come to the EU to see Chancellor Merkel. They are both panicking. The Neocon Project for the New World Order centred in the USA and in its European Union colony is unravelling. Globalism is under threat because the peoples of the world place some things, like their historic identities, higher than mere money. The chattering classes, who for decades have been put in control of the Western media, not least of the BBC, despising and condescending as ever, call those who are leading the new reality ‘populists’, which in their language is an insult, for anyone who wants freedom and listens to the people is clearly a ‘pleb’, not one of the insiders from the privileged Establishment elite.

What the elite proposes is not freedom, but ‘democracy’, which is as totalitarian a myth as it is possible to find. As unelected, therefore ‘democratic’, EU bureaucrats have all clearly stated, no other nation in the EU is to be allowed a referendum on freedom (nor in the Crimea): other peoples too might decide that they too want to leave the EU (just like the Kiev junta, one of the most corrupt organizations in the world), so corrupt that its accounts can never be audited. After all no-one, no-one at all, was ever asked if they wanted to join the EU. They are well aware that the Eton schoolboy Mr Cameron only allowed a referendum in the UK because in his arrogant hubris, completely out of contact with reality, he thought he would easily win it.

Now that Brexit has been repeated in the USA, it is clear that the Neocon Project that has led to a USA bankrupt to the unimaginable tune of $20 trillion, which will never be paid off, Western Europe awaits the inevitable collapse of the EU fantasy. The question is not if the EU will collapse but when. However, there is a far more important question even than this. That is, what will take its place? As we know, nature abhors a vacuum, therefore in view of the negative phenomenon of the coming collapse of the EU, what positively could take its place? There is no purpose in destructiveness, we look for constructiveness. When we see something destroying itself, we have to think ahead to what could take its place.

Over the last decades we have consistently maintained that we would like to see not an unelected German-led Political Union in the tiny, artificially isolated corner of Western Europe, a Fascist straitjacket ruled by the anti-people EU elite, but a Free Confederation of All European Nations, stretching from Reykjavik to Vladivostok. What we want to see is a community of sovereign nations which would have come into existence in 1917 after the Russian liberation of Vienna and Berlin, had international forces of evil, the first neocons, not brought about the so-called Russian Revolution, thus guaranteeing another eighteen months of World War One, World War Two, the Cold War and then, since 1991, the rape of Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

That rape, ensured by the neocons, arrogantly proclaimed, like the pseudo-scientific Marxists, before them, that there was not alternative to them, for this was ‘the end of history’. At present the Neocon hawks and warmongers of the US and the EU are intent on building a wall against the majority of European territory, aiming its rockets and bombs at it, menacing its peoples with nuclear holocaust, provocatively parading their battleships, submarines, planes, tanks and troops along its borders and sabre-rattling accordingly. Their media report their lies exactly as they want. And they want a new Cold War, a divided Europe. Why? Because if they allowed a Free Europe, a Europe of free, anti-globalist peoples and sovereign nations, they would lose all their power and their fat globalist salaries.

We propose a free Europe, of free trade, of co-operation, of peace and disarmament, a Europe of music, art and literature, a Europe that celebrates its cultural roots in the first millennium of Christianity, a Europe to which newcomers from other races are welcome, providing that they accept these our Christian values. What do the enemies of the peoples of Europe say to that? This is what one American says:

” …A number of thoughtful Americans suspect that the neoconservatives are responsible for 9/11, as that event gave the neoconservatives the “New Pearl Harbor” that their position
papers said was necessary in order to launch their wars for hegemony in the Middle East. 9/11 led directly and instantly to the invasion of Afghanistan, where Washington has been fighting since 2001. Neoconservatives controlled all the important government positions necessary for a “false flag” attack.

Neoconservative Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who is married to another neoconservative, Robert Kagan, implemented and oversaw Washington’s coup in Ukraine and chose the new government.

The neoconservatives are highly organized and networked, well-financed, supported by the print and TV media, and backed by the US military/security complex and the Israel Lobby. There is no countervailing power to their influence on US foreign power.

The neoconservative doctrine goes beyond the Brzezinski doctrine, which dissented from Detente and provocatively supported dissidents inside the Soviet empire. Despite its provocative character, the Brzezinski doctrine remained a doctrine of Great Power politics
and containment. It is not a doctrine of US world hegemony.

While the neoconservatives were preoccupied for a decade with their wars in the Middle East, creating a US Africa Command, organizing color revolutions, exiting disarmament treaties, surrounding Russia with military bases, and “pivoting to Asia” to surround China
with new air and naval bases, Vladimir Putin led Russia back to economic and military competence and successfully asserted an independent Russian foreign policy.

When Russian diplomacy blocked Washington’s planned invasion of Syria and Washington’s planned bombing of Iran, the neoconservatives realized that they had failed the “first
objective” of the Wolfowitz Doctrine and had allowed “the re-emergence of a new rival . . . on the territory of the former Soviet Union” with the power to block unilateral action by

The attack on Russia began.”

Washington’s Perilous War for Hegemony by Paul Craig Roberts

St Olaf’s Burial Place Found

St Olaf was one of the last ancient Orthodox saints in Western Europe and he was honoured by a church in Novgorod and another in Constantinople. For a canonical Orthodox icon of St Olaf, see:

St Maria of Helsinki

‘All the tears that you have shed will glitter like diamonds on the robes of the Mother of God; for all your sufferings and trials God will especially bless you and reward you’.

Prophecy of the Holy Martyr Tsarina Alexandra (1)

There are a number of ancient Orthodox saints in Scandinavia: St Anschar (Oscar, + 865) in Demark; St Sunniva (c. 990), St Olaf (+ 1030) and St Hallvard of Oslo (+ 1043) in Norway: St Olaf (+ 1022), St Sigfrid (+ 1045) and St Anna of Novgorod (+ 1050) in Sweden. However, there is no ancient Orthodox saint in Finland as such, as it came to the Faith so late, already in Roman Catholic times, so it missed out on being in communion with the Church. However, in the renewal of Orthodoxy in modern times Finland does have a saint: Righteous Mother Maria of Helsinki.

Born on 16 July 1884 in Oranienbaum in Russia as Anna Alexandrovna Taneyeva into a family with Imperial connections, she was to become a lady-in-waiting and the closest friend of the Tsarina Alexandra. Snobbish and profoundly jealous aristocrats, rich but without nobility and imbued with selfish vanity and vulgarity, detested her. Typically for them, they dismissed here and slandered her as stout, unattractive, talkative, naive and unintelligent. However, children loved her and the pious Tsarina saw her pure, kind-hearted and childlike face and beautiful, tender eyes and valued her immense piety and generosity. Thus, the Tsarina befriended Anna, preferring her to the superficial and unspiritual court snobs, and in 1905, at the age of twenty, Anna was given a position at court. The three following years she went on holiday with the Romanovs.

In 1907 Anna Taneyeva married Alexander Vyrubov, an officer in the Imperial Chancellery. A few days before she had been warned by Gregory Rasputin that the marriage would be an unhappy one, but she had ignored him. The marriage remained unconsummated, for Anna’s husband did indeed turn out to be mentally deranged, having tried to kill her, and had to go for treatment in Switzerland. Within eighteen months the unconsummated marriage had been annulled. After the Revolution Anna’s mother told interrogators that her son-in-law had ‘proved to be completely impotent, with an extremely perverse sexual psychology that manifested itself in various sadistic episodes in which he inflicted moral suffering on her’.

Anna Vyrubova, as she had now become known, became one of Elder Gregory Rasputin’s followers and on orders from the Tsarina went to visit his home village of Pokrovskoe in Siberia in order to investigate rumours about him, which turned out to be baseless. Her importance grew at court and with the death of St John of Kronstadt Elder Gregory became more and more important to her. For some years she served as a go-between for the Tsarina and Elder Gregory at those times when his healing powers were needed. During World War I Anna trained as a Red Cross nurse and cared for soldiers along with the Tsarina and the Tsarina’s two older daughters, the Grand Duchesses Olga and Tatiana. Her great generosity to the poor left her virtually penniless.

In January 1915 Anna was severely injured in a train accident between the capital and Tsarskoye Selo; the convalescent found herself crippled, but credited Gregory with saving her life through his prayers. In September 1916 she, Lili Dehn and Gregory went to Tobolsk to venerate St John of Tobolsk who had been canonized. Anna opened St Seraphim’s military hospital with the huge amount of 100,000 roubles she received from the railway company in compensation for her accident. She also planned to build a church dedicated to St Seraphim of Sarov on her property.

On the evening of 16 December 1916 Elder Gregory told Anna of a proposed visit to Prince Yusupov in order to meet his wife who was reportedly ill. The next morning Gregory’s disappearance was reported by his daughter to Anna. An investigation followed and the murderers Prince Yusupov and Grand Duke Dmitri were placed under house arrest. Two days later Gregory’s brutalized body was found. On 21 December it was taken to be buried in a corner on Anna’s property adjacent to the Imperial Palace. The burial was attended by the Imperial couple with their daughters, Anna, her maid and a few of Gregory’s friends.

On 21 March 1917, very ill with the measles, the much slandered Anna Vyrubova was arrested for no reason by the masonic Kerensky dictatorship. Completely innocent, she underwent five months of harsh imprisonment in the Peter and Paul Fortress in Saint Petersburg that even included an unnecessary and humiliating medical examination to prove her virginity. The fifteen interrogations on her political role concluded that she was too morally upright, honest, sincere and childlike to have done anything wrong and she was released.

Anna’s memoirs describe her harsh treatment in the damp prison, her illness, the beatings, kickings, mockings and being spat upon, and her narrow escape from execution when, miraculously, she met several old friends of her father on a Saint Petersburg street who helped her to escape. This she attributed to St John of Kronstadt, who had already consoled her in a dream before her arrest. She endured much hardship and poverty avoiding the Bolsheviks, but only reluctantly escaped to Finland in early 1921.

Her memoirs, Memories of the Russian Court (2), published in Paris in 1922, provide rare and valuable descriptions of the home life of the Tsar and his family. No-one understood Gregory Rasputin and the Tsarina better than Anna. Condemned and slandered by the worldly as naïve and unintelligent, she had foreseen everything that would happen with the overthrow of the Tsar. The ‘intelligent’ politicians and aristocrats who had betrayed the Tsar had foreseen nothing.

In 1923 Anna became a nun at the monastery of Valaam under the name of Mother Maria. She lived under the spiritual direction of Valaam elders and lived in poverty as a pious Russian Orthodox nun. Unable to enter the convent of her choice due to her physical disabilities, she stayed in her own very modest house, living the strict monastic life of a secret nun. At first she lived with her mother and then, when she died in 1937, a loyal friend called Vera Zapevalova (+ 1984), poorly and reclusively.

Anna spent this second half of her life first in locations in Finland, then in Sweden and after the Second World War in Helsinki. For over forty years a nun, she died penniless aged 80 on 20 July 1964 in Helsinki, where her grave is located in the Orthodox section of the Hietaniemi cemetery. She had been born one day before the date of the martyrdom of the Imperial Family and reposed three days after it. In birth, as in death, she had been tied to them. So ended the life of one who was faithful to the end to the ideals of God, Tsar and Homeland.

‘In Finland you have a saint – Anna Vyrubova – said a hieromonk from the Trinity St Sergius Lavra. Turn to her in any need for help’. ‘Go to her grave in the Orthodox cemetery there, stand and pray. Feel how easy it is to pray there, how calm and peaceful your soul becomes’ (Bishop Arseny). (3)

‘May God help us all….to unite with one another in peace and love, offering our tears and ardent repentance to the Merciful God for our countless sins, committed before the Lord and the Tsar crowned by God…And only then will a great and mighty Russia rise up, for our joy and for the fear of our enemies’. (3)

Mother Maria


1. P. 196 of ‘Vernye’ (The Faithful) by O. V. Chernova, Moscow 2009


3. P. 203 of ‘Vernye’ (The Faithful) by O. V. Chernova, Moscow 2009

The Paris School and the Future

The phrase ‘Paris School’ (of Russian religious philosophy) is a vague phrase because many of its representatives ended up not living in Paris or even France and because it was such a very varied phenomenon. Thus, it included intellectuals mainly of Russian origin (but not all of them), who ended up living as far apart as the USA, England, Finland, Bulgaria (the anti-monarchist plotter, Fr George Shavelsky) and Constantinople (the philosopher Metr John Zisioulas). Some of these were close to Orthodoxy, others were in open heretical revolt against the Church and constructed anti-Church ideologies, others were simply harmless eccentrics who lived in the clouds.

A representative close to the Tradition, for example, was the academic theologian (and not philosopher!) Fr George Florovsky, who was ousted from St Vladimir’s Seminary by another much more Protestant-minded thinker of a Paris-born generation, Fr Alexander Schmemann. However, there were others like the notorious Fr Sergey Bulgakov, who founded a new heresy under the influence of the alcoholic Catholic occultist Vladimir Soloviov. The latter was the real founder of the School, who infected it with all its basic currents of Gnosticism, Origenism, liberalism and ecumenism and had a great influence on the enormous intellect of the polymath, Fr Paul Florensky.

Then in Paris there was also the esoteric philosopher Berdyayev, who was imbued with semi-Catholic mysticism and like Bulgakov never quite shook off his Marxism, but there was also the more Orthodox Fr Basil Zenkovsky who wrote a magisterial ‘History of Russian Philosophy’. Then there were Vladimir Lossky, trained in Scholasticism, but whose views were very close to the Tradition in many respects, but on the other hand, the fantasist Bishop John Kovalevsky or the recently deceased French ecumenists, the ex-pastor Elisabeth Behr-Sigel and Olivier Clement. Their views were respectively as close to Protestantism and Catholicism as is possible without lapsing.

In England there were other representatives of the Paris School. These included the late Metr Antony (Bloom), whose curious, personal views combined a theoretical conservatism with an extraordinary liberalism and influenced several convert followers, like the Jewish Fr Sergei Hackel. Then there was the late ex-Uniat Fr Lev Gillet, who appears to have died either as a Quaker or else a Buddhist (no-one is quite sure), or the Parisian artist and intellectual the late Fr Sophrony Sakharov, whose whole esoteric philosophy of Orthodoxy came to be shaped by the peasant St Silvanus whom he had met on the Holy Mountain, where he had been a librarian.

With such a variety of individuals, some much closer to Orthodox Tradition than others, some more renovationist than others, some more fantasist than others, what do they all have in common? Negatively speaking, it is how far most of them seemed to have stood from the saints of the Church in the emigration like St John of Shanghai (also who also lived for many years in Paris and often came to London) or St Seraphim of Sofia, or from the genuine Orthodox philosopher of the emigration Ivan Ilyin. These followed the wholeness of the ascetic Tradition of the Church, and not selected fragments of it, which is why the Paris School was opposed to authentic monasticism.

However, this was not the essence of the Paris School. Its essence was its intellectual pretentiousness, which contains the pride which is at the heart of all deviations from the Church, without exception. Not understanding that enlightenment comes from the grace of God that alone cleanses the repentant heart, they all mistakenly believed that enlightenment comes from the purification of the intellect and the imagination. This tragic mis-take meant that their views were intellectual, philosophical, more or less renovationist, more or less fantasist, disincarnate from reality and from ordinary Orthodox and Orthodoxy, and so ultimately they became sectarian and cultish.

The proof of this thesis is in the fact that when the time came for the gradual liberation of the Russian Church inside Russia from Sergianism and Renovationism after 1991, they refused to re-enter Her fold and glorify the New Martyrs and Confessors together with Her. They had not been longing to return all along, as had the faithful, but had instead been cultivating their own intellectualist philosophies outside the Orthodox Tradition. Thus, cultivating private, personality-driven sidelines, they failed to see the mainstream of Church catholicity and ended up isolating themselves in the worst sort of isolation – isolation from the real saints, the New Martyrs and Confessors.

This meant that they allied themselves only with the vestigial renovationist and sectarian elements on the fringes of the Russian Church inside Russia. It also meant that they sullied themselves with politics (under the pretence of being apolitical!, which is always political). Thus, they allied themselves with Russophobic elements in the Western world, for example, with the self-justifying neocon hawks and past-worshipping warmongers of NATO, who never wanted the Cold War to end and in their ethnocentricity arrogantly never understand that the vibrant values of Orthodox Christian Civilization are quite different from their dying anti-Christian Western culture.

This is why, when at the end of 2016 the time of generational change had come for renewal in Russia and then, inspired by the Russian example, for the first glimmers of freedom and the hope of repentance in the West, the Paris School and its values stuck to the dead past. These last representatives were now aged, vestigial relics, whose rebellious and often absurd ideologies had been half-baked in the spiritual desert of the 1960s, which had been passed on to a few convert intellectuals in Russia who still had not caught up with the real world. As for the Church, we look as ever towards prophetic holiness and the dynamic restoration of the Tradition in the Holy Spirit that is happening now.

Little Britain or Great England?

British Establishment Imperialists and Neo-Imperialists alike selfishly like to assert that their ideology is justified because the only alternative to a Great Britain is a Little England, an isolationist, xenophobic and inward-looking little country of ignorant and narrow-minded insular bigots. Such gerontocrats are living in the past. The age of Imperialism for the island of Britain has long since gone and it is not going to come back. Indeed, today Great Britain has dissolved into a Little Britain, an often shabby country that nostalgically but incongruously recalls the lost glorious past in an extremely inglorious and often downright vulgar, tasteless and styleless present.

We English Orthodox do not hope in either Great British or a Little British Imperialism or Neo-Imperialism, nor do we place any hope in a Little England. Our hope is in a Great England. By Great we do not have in mind some secularist, imperialist reality, but a spiritual one. When did Great England live? It lived in the seventh and eighth centuries, when our greatest national asset and our greatest export was not the cheap tin trays of the past or the financial parasitism of the present, but our saints. This greatness, laid low by paganism, was revived by the saintly King Alfred the Great (note, the Great, not the Little) in the tenth and early eleventh centuries.

However, since then, for more or less a thousand years, we have not had spiritual greatness. In that time we have for the most part exported war and trade, death and things in exchange for profit, so losing our souls. True, we have also exported ideas, but only the ideas that God is not our Creator and that there will be no Judgement for our iniquities. The path to greatness must therefore start by repentance for the past, which is just the opposite of what today’s Little Britain does. Such small-mindedness will have no part to play in the Great England of tomorrow, for only by returning from insularity to the worldwide Church can England ever become Great again.

On President Trump

The election of Mr Trump in the USA is seen as a disaster by some (like the now discredited Mr Cameron), as a triumph by others. History will tell us which it will be. However, whatever we may think, his victory tells us something significant about the Western world. After a generation of ‘liberal’, neocon tyranny that bombed countries back to the Stone Age worldwide, the West is facing the overthrow of the anti-people, anti-democratic, anti-patriotic and anti-Christian political Establishments of the New World Order in a wave of popular revolt. Strangely enough, this worldwide trend began outside London and other elitist centres in the backwaters of the real England, on St Audrey’s day, 23 June 2016.

Following the unpredicted victory of the anti-Establishment outsiders in the EU referendum in the UK last June, Mr Trump said that his victory would be a ‘Brexit plus plus plus’. He was right, because his victory represents another step in the overthrow of anti-democratic political Establishments around the world. All is now possible, in forthcoming elections in neocon-run Italy, France, Germany and elsewhere, despite the unelected EU gerontocrats who forbid other EU countries to hold referenda on freedom. The propaganda and wishful thinking of the opinion polls, of the chattering classes and of the robot-like Establishment-paid journalists of the six companies who control the Western world’s public media have all been proved wrong. The people have spoken. Why has this happened now?

It has happened because we have reached the end of a generation. The abolition of the Soviet superpower almost exactly 25 years ago at once went to the heads of the US Superpower’s neocon elite and they embarked on a generation of a series of invasions of other countries and overthrows of democratically-elected governments worldwide, imagining that they could rule the world in a pattern of unheard of anti-freedom meddling. That nightmare – because it was a nightmare and their hundreds of millions of victims from Serbia (Clinton’s) to Afghanistan, from Iraq to Egypt, from Libya to Syria, from the Ukraine to the Yemen confirm it – is now at an end. The American people are also tired of tyranny and bankruptcy. The old is out and a new wind is blowing through the world.

Today, the arrogant, dollar-greedy elites of puppet regimes of US neocon vassal states worldwide, from Paris to Berlin, from Kiev to Tallinn, from Warsaw to Tel Aviv, in warmongering NATO and neocon EU, in Latin America and Africa, the puppet-leaders shaped by the spiritual revolt of the disastrous 1960s, are in a state of shock. Living in the denial of their elitist cocoon of the past and unprepared to hear the voice of the exploited people to triumph, these globalists are now justifying themselves, hurling insults. But their insults are those of bad losers. What is to come is uncertain, all that is known is that there will now be change: the future has come. We can only pray that the change will be positive.