Category Archives: World War III

Pessimism or Optimism?


The tragic events in the tragic Ukraine are a turning-point in history. The defeat of the Western elite there is not a defeat that comes every 500 years, but every 1,000 years. For already in the eleventh century through its ‘crusades’, the elite had proclaimed the racist ideology that it is exceptional, superior to all others and has the right to conquer, control and exploit the rest of the world. The rout of the elite in the Ukraine proves rather that it is exceptionally aggressive and in fact spiritually and morally inferior. However, the cornered beast that is the contemporary Western elite is a dangerous animal. It will lash out at anyone, as it does not want to admit reality, that its power is temporary and that it rules over just a few countries in the world community, which it is long since time to integrate on an equal footing with the Global Majority.


World War III

Pessimism about the world situation is understandable. Washington is for now controlled by highly belligerent and delusional hotheads, whose ideology is American superiority and whose puppet is the demented Biden. He will do and sign anything they want. Could the US NATO vassals, some of whom have even since 2014 had troops in the Ukraine, launch an attack on Russia through Kaliningrad? Or through Belarus? Or through Transdnistria? (US, French and Romanian troops are already in Moldova). Or will the US directly attack Iran? Or will the US launch a direct war against China through the ‘Chinese Ukraine’ of Taiwan? Or will they begin a nuclear war? Such are the speculations of pessimists on ‘World War III’ and possible further Western folly. For this is undoubtedly folly, insanity similar to Hitler’s in 1941.

Hitler’s Folly

Until June 1941 Hitler had reigned victorious and supreme in Western Europe, from Greece to Norway. Italy, Spain and Portugal which he had not invaded, were ruled by Fascist allies. And he could do whatever he wanted with and obtain anything he wanted from the supposedly neutral but hypocritical Sweden and Switzerland. Offshore Britain, which he had humiliatingly routed and chased back into its island at Dunkirk in May 1940 and repressed in summer 1940, was not worth wasting any more resources on. The main British interests were its colonies and dominions, from Australia to Canada, from Kenya to South Africa, from India to Egypt. These were irrelevant to Hitler. Entirely dependent on the USA for food and arms, despite its rhetoric Britain was incapable of launching an invasion of German-controlled Continental Europe. But the triumphant but delusional Austrian megalomaniac wanted more than just control over Western Europe. In June 1941, like the triumphant but delusional Corsican megalomaniac Napoleon before him, he attacked eastwards, the USSR, and then in December 1941 he declared war on the USA. It was suicide for little Germany.

The Isolation and Delirium of the Modern West

And so today Washington and its European puppets, who include Zelensky, are committing suicide, just like Napoleon and Hitler before them. The name ‘Biden’ will go down in history as one who was defeated just like Napoleon and Hitler. Washington has declared war on Russia through its Fascist proxies from the far west of the Ukraine. Washington has declared war against the whole Muslim world in Palestine, Yemen and Iran through its proxies in Israel. And now Washington wants to declare war on China through its proxies in Taiwan and the Philippines. India, Africa and Latin America stand by in support of Russia, the Muslim world and China. The billion of the West stand isolated against the seven billion of the Global Majority. The West has isolated itself in its aggressive, paranoiac and self-destructive folly.


In the Ukraine: Liberation

The Ukraine is being liberated from the US Nazi puppets in Kiev, illegally installed there by the billions of dollars pumped in by the US elite. Many predict the liberation in the coming weeks or months, sooner or later. But what will come next? It is one thing to win the war, another thing to win the peace. The East and the South of the Ukraine are Russian, they were part of Russia until 1922. That is clear. But the centre and the west are different. The centre is different, it is not Russia, the west is Ukrainian and the far west is more like Poland than Rus and its people are generally not even Orthodox. There will be a New and Sovereign Ukraine, an independent country, with its own ways, free of US interference. And Soviet-style centralisation from Moscow will not work. The real Ukraine has its own identity.

In South-East Europe: The BRICS Alliance

It was the BRICS 5. It will soon be the BRICS 10. Tomorrow will it be the BRICS 20 or the BRICS 30, or the BRICS 40, or the BRICS 50? The Alliance keeps growing and overtook the old US-controlled G7 some years ago. The Alliance is also replacing the old US-controlled ‘United’ Nations, which was only ever a puppet show. Now the Alliance, a genuine World Alliance, could liberate South-East Europe. South-East Europe consists of sixteen countries, previously largely those of the Hapsburg and Ottoman Empires: Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, (North) Macedonia, Albania, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Czechia, Slovakia, Austria and Hungary. Moreover, half the population of South-East Europe is Orthodox. The leader of one of them, Hungary, is Viktor Orban, the only outstanding leader of Europe, the only non-puppet. Moreover, his country geographically connects Russia to Serbia, which latter with Hungary is both soon to be visited by President Xi of China. Could Serbia and Hungary one day join BRICS and then form a loose Confederation together with the other countries of South-East Europe? In ten years from now all may be possible.

In the Rest of Europe: Realism and Repentance

Realising that it has failed, that its ethnocentric values of superiority to all others were all along false, the Western European world has to return to its roots and its own identity, which is not that of a pseudo-America. Under its present management of puppets, appointed by the US elite and protected by the US media which manipulates the zombified populace, the West can return to roots. It is possible. A Western world under new management would be a different matter. ‘Make Europe Great Again’, as Viktor Orban has said. And he is the only longstanding ‘Western’ leader we can talk to, as he alone understands our Orthodox mindset. Perhaps this is because the first Hungarian Christians were Orthodox. If Europe is to be great again, it must understand that this means spiritual and moral greatness. The time of its military and colonial ‘greatness’ is long over. Its return to its roots and identity is the return to the first millennium of Europe, the Age of its Saints.  The Age of its Shame, however, is  the now ending second millennium since Christ’s Crucifixion.


Western elitists, like the disastrously failed British Prime Minister Truss, proclaim that they must be saved within the next ten years, or else they will lose all their power. Perhaps it will be so. We can only note that pessimism about the possible aggressive intentions of that elite does not take into account Divine Providence. Tomorrow there could be a tsunami or an earthquake in the Sodom and Gomorrah of California and all will change. We may note that in August 1918 St Aristocleus of Moscow prophesied, and this prophesy was recorded over sixty years ago: ‘The end will come through China. There will be an extraordinary explosion and a Divine miracle will be revealed. And life on earth will be quite different, but not for very long. The Cross of Christ will shine forth over the whole world’. We shall see. Only God knows the future.


The Spiritual Significance of the American-Inspired Conflict in the Ukraine

Introduction: Two Civilisations

The tragic Moscow-Washington war which is currently starting to come to an end after nine years on the battlefields of the Ukraine, where very many Ukrainian men are dying in futility, will continue for another year. The Western arming of the Kiev regime which has prolonged the war by years is the result of the attempt by the Western world to expand eastwards in yet another ‘Drang nach Osten’. Once more the West crossed over the civilisational line which runs through the far west of what is at present called the Ukraine, more exactly Galicia, formerly part of south-eastern Poland, formerly part of the ill-fated Habsburg Empire, centred in Lemberg/Lviv/Lvov. That line separates Western Secularist Civilisation from Orthodox Christian Civilisation. It is a civilisational line which should not be crossed. When France and its allies crossed it by invading what was then the Russian Empire in 1812, it led straight to the downfall of Napoleon. When Austro-Hungary crossed it by invading Serbia in 1914, it caused World War I and, ultimately, the tragedy of 1917, when a Western atheist ideology was imposed by Non-Russians on the former Russian Empire and killed tens of millions.

When Nazi Germany crossed that line by invading what was then the USSR in 1941, it led it to its suicidal downfall, the destruction of Berlin, and to lose World War II. After Washington crossed that same line by overthrowing the democratically-elected Ukrainian government in 2014, Washington suicidally signed the death-warrant of its own US-run, dollar-driven, unipolar Western world. For the centre of Western Secularism is today the American Empire elite  in Washington (however much it disguises itself with euphemisms like the EU, NATO, the G7, the ‘free world’, the ‘international community’, the ‘rules-based order’ etc). And the centre of Orthodox Christian Civilisation (however far it has fallen, lapsed and been deformed and divided) is still in Moscow. Whenever Western Secularism, as ever inspired by the Pagan Roman example, has tried to expand eastwards in order to steal land and exploit resources, whether it was under Charlemagne, the Teutonic Knights, the Poles, Charles XII, Napoleon, Hitler or Biden, it has failed. Such is the case again today. Some people never learn.

The Double Tragedy

Nevertheless, however much we reject Western Secularism, that does not mean that today’s post-Soviet Orthodox Christian world or post-American Orthodox Christian world are to be accepted. Far from it. They are both deeply compromised and flawed, politically dependent on Non-Orthodox Christian mentalities. For a long time those in the Western world who found their spiritual home in Orthodox Christianity and wished to join the Orthodox Church would join one of two Local Churches, either the Russian, whose centre is the Patriarchate of Moscow, or else the Greek, whose centre is the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Neither is very attractive today because neither is free of a secular mentality.

The tragedy of today’s Patriarchate of Moscow is that it has voluntarily become politically dependent on the post-Soviet mentality. Although much of what it does is Orthodox in intention, it still operates in a Soviet way. Hence the strange mixture. Thus, it has gone from being a multinational Church in a multinational country (the USSR) to becoming a multinational but also nationalist Church? That inherent contradiction is killing it. It is less and less attractive to all Non-Russians. The tragedy of today’s Patriarchate of Constantinople is that its leadership has gone from being an Imperial Church to becoming over the last three generations a subsection of the US State Department mentality. Whatever that orders, the politicised Patriarchate in Istanbul agrees with. It is less and less attractive to Non-Greeks.

The Fall Into National Politics

Politicians were put in charge of the Church on earth. Not Churchmen. As a result, several of the Local Orthodox Churches are today riven by territorial, = political and national, disputes. However, the main dispute is that between precisely the Patriarchate of Moscow and the Patriarchate of Constantinople and concerns the territory of the Ukraine. Sadly, the two Patriarchates are not arguing about a territory where successful new missions have been working, they are arguing about a traditionally Orthodox, but today largely lapsed, territory. Sadly, neither are they arguing about who will restore to the Faith the largely lapsed people of that territory, but about to whom ecclesiastical jurisdiction over that largely lapsed people belongs. Meanwhile the actual Ukrainian Orthodox Church under Metropolitan Onufry, to which the faithful belong, is crushed by both sides.

That territory is also claimed by two different forms of Roman Catholicism, Greek and Latin, and a variety of Protestant sects. Little wonder that those two Patriarchates, that of the Russian Federation and that of Constantinople, are engaged in a conflict on Ukrainian territory. This Russo-American proxy war has been allowed by God as a punishment. All are unworthy of the Faith, so there is war, not peace. The conflict is meant to bring both sides, Ukrainian and Russian, back to their senses, for both sides suffer from the same disease of centralisation. This has infected these lands since the 17th century, when the Russian State began persecuting the Old Ritualists in order to impose conformity even to the point of tiny ritual detail. This disease worsened greatly during the Soviet period and since then both the post-Soviet Russian State and the post-Soviet Ukrainian State (the Ukrainian State is a purely Soviet invention) have persecuted minorities.


Today this centralisation essentially results in extreme nationalism. Thus, the Ukrainian State has as its slogan ‘Glory to the Ukraine’, not ‘Glory to God’. And the new nationalism of the Russian Orthodox Church, so far from the old multinational Russian Church of the Tsar’s age in which we were brought up, seems to be intent, consciously or unconsciously, on expelling from itself Non-Russians, and is even proud of such actions. Orthodox Russia has not been restored since the fall of the USSR. There is only post-Soviet Russia. The great tragedy is that the Russian Church, free from State interference, appears to want to take on itself the persecution of those who see a multinational future for the Church. However, a persecuting Church repels, whereas a persecuted Church attracts.

For example, one well-known Metropolitan of the Russian Church openly mocks the Ukrainian language as ‘a dialect’. As a result of such attitudes, even if the Russian State conquered the whole of the Ukraine (which it does not wish to do in any case), Ukrainians would still not attend churches where the name of the Patriarch of the Russian Federation, which is what he has become, is commemorated. Church-going is voluntary. No Non-Russian in the Ukraine is voluntarily going to attend a Russian church any longer, especially if his country has been at war with Russia and his compatriots, however misled, have been killed. In Latvia that Patriarch is already no longer commemorated – by order of the State. In Lithuania several priests have left the Moscow Patriarchate, as in Estonia nearly thirty years ago. How long before Western countries also ban churches which commemorate the Patriarch of Moscow?


Centralisation is voluntary; the Russian State did not force the Church administration to centralise. The two main parts of the Russian Church both had the freedom to proposed a decentralised and multinational future, both in the former USSR and outside it, and openly rejected it, choosing a sectarian future. What we have said also applies equally to the Patriarchate of Constantinople, whose stifling centralism caused so many divisions in history and already in ancient times was in part responsible for the departure of the Copts and the Armenians, as well as the peoples of Western Europe, from the Church. The Church is not a centralised State, but a Family or Confederation of Churches. The Apostle Paul wrote not to a Centralised Church, but to different local Churches, in Corinth, Thessalonica, Philippi, Ephesus, Rome etc. This follows the principle of the Incarnation, that the Church is incarnate locally.

Indeed, several Local Churches have been or still are involved in disputes about the territories they control. These territories include all the former Catholic and Protestant countries of Europe, except for Poland, but including Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. However, these territories also include the Ukraine, Moldova, possibly still North Macedonia and potentially Belarus. Here we do not mention Africa, the Americas, Oceania, as well as Asia, outside the Russian Federation, Georgia and the territories of the Patriarchates of Antioch and Jerusalem, which are also in dispute. Essentially, none of these disputes are about geographical problems, but spiritual problems. In reality, those who have spiritual food to give to the people will control any territory in question, not those who pretentiously claim and bully.

Conclusion: The Holy Trinity

In this month, when the post-Soviet Russian State has at long last handed back the Icon of the Holy Trinity, painted by St Andrei (Rubliov), to the Church, surely it is time to begin implementing the unity in diversity, which is the Holy Trinity, into Church life. We await the liberation of the Church from narrow nationalism, in order to lead the whole Orthodox Christian world into freedom, cleansing and deposing unworthy clerics – money-minded businessmen, protocolish bureaucrats, embittered homosexuals and convert schismatics, and rejecting their purely political decisions, which they cloak in their purely political interpretations of the canons

The latter appear for the moment to have taken over the administration of these two Local Churches of Moscow and Constantinople because there has been no-one, no international Synod and no Council, to keep the order of Catholicity. This is apocalyptic, for if this situation continues and no-one brings order on earth because we continue to be unworthy of it, then Christ Himself will come down again from heaven, just as He promised, and end it all. Then there will be a new heaven and a new earth, because of the best efforts of Satan to close churches and destroy mankind, which are so apparent just now. But our God is great because He works miracles.



Prophetic Views: After World War Three

Introduction: Conditions for Peace in the Ukraine

The present head in Kiev, born in the eastern Ukrainian Krivij Rih in early 1978 and who still speaks Ukrainian badly, is a ‘co-religionist’ (= atheist) of one who was born almost exactly 100 years earlier, some 350 km to the north in Ukrainian Yanovka. He was Lev Davidovich Bronstein, also called Trotsky. Both were sent to foment war in the Russian Lands by the elite of the USA and Great Britain. Indeed, Bronstein died in North America, as his successor may also do.

In an interview with RTVI on 29 March, as also reported on the English-language Pravda website, the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Galuzin, stated that the conflict in the Ukraine can be resolved, but that there are eight conditions (1). These are:

  1. The West must stop supplying weapons to the Armed Forces of the Ukraine (the Kiev Army).
  2. All armed forces must cease hostilities.
  3. All foreign mercenaries must be withdrawn from the Ukraine.
  4. Kiev must renounce any ambition to join NATO and the EU
  5. Kiev must confirm its non-nuclear status
  6. Kiev and foreign governments must recognise the territorial realities that the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, Zaporozhye and Kherson, not to mention the Crimea, are now part of the Russian Federation.
  7. Kiev must restore its contractual and legal situation with the Russian Federation and the civilian infrastructure that it has destroyed since 2014 must be restored at the expense of the West, which was responsible for it.
  8. Kiev and the West must lift all anti-Russian sanctions, withdraw lawsuits, cease legal proceedings against Russia, Russian persons and juridical entities.

So speak the politicians, but what do the men of God say?

The Third World War and the Prophecies of the Saints and Elders

For us it is clear that we are in World War Three and have been for some time. True, some consider that there has only ever been one World War, but in three parts. This generational World War Three, or, as some would have it, World War One, Part III, began in 2014 in Kiev. It broke out on the centenary of World War One (Part I), which effectively began in Sarajevo in 1914, and 75 years ago there was World War Two (Part II), which effectively began in Warsaw in 1939. All of these Wars began further and further to the east, as a result of the Western world’s aggressive expansion eastwards.

Since 2014 the world has been facing a financial crisis, whose roots go back to 2008 and in fact well before, as well as facing the genocide launched by the US-installed Kiev regime and then the global control attempt with the genetically engineered and then leaked covid-19 virus. World War One lasted over four years, World War Two nearly six. If World War Three ends in 2024 as many think, it will have lasted for ten years, the same length as both previous World Wars combined. The prophecies which foretold all these things are, like all prophecies, conditional. Negative prophecies come about because of lack of repentance, positive prophecies come about because of repentance. If there is only lukewarmness towards them, then the timings of the prophecies expand like elastic, which is why the times are always vague, as in the Book of Revelation, for whose fulfilment we have been waiting for nearly 2,000 years.

Many recent and canonised saints from the Russian Lands have prophesied today’s events. Among the saints are Seraphim of Sarov (1754-1833), John of Kronstadt (1829-1908), Seraphim of Vyritsa (1866-1949), Laurence of Chernigov (1868-1950), Kuksha of Odessa (1875-1964), John of Shanghai (1896-1966) and Amphilochy of Pochayev (1894-1971). Among the elders, as yet uncanonised, are Fr Tavrion Batozsky (1898-1978), Seraphim Tyapochkin (1894-1982), Christopher Nikolsky (1905-1996) Nikolai Guryanov (1909-2002), Zosima Sokur (1944-2002) and Iona Ignatenko (1925-2012).

All these speak of a Tsar who is coming, some say as the successor to President Putin. It is said that he will lead Russia after World War Three is over. It is said that he already lives in Russia and knows his destiny. Fr Seraphim Tyapochkin, whose blessing I received in Russia in 1976, said that any in Belarus and the Ukraine who oppose Russia are ‘servants of the devil’. He also said that the monks of the Kiev Caves Monastery, under threat of expulsion as I write, also have ‘a weighty word to say and will pray and obtain from God the union of the three brother-peoples’.

Schema-Archimandrite (a title denoting a senior monk) Christopher (Nikolsky) of Tula prophesied of the early 1990s after the collapse of the USSR and the freedom obtained by the Church that: ‘They will adorn the churches. But that will be unnecessary, only prayer is necessary….Open the churches so you can pray. That is all! There is no need to decorate them from top to bottom. That is just a Satanic temptation, we do not need that, we are Orthodox Christians, we need everything that is simpler. We must save our souls, and all that beauty is unnecessary….That luxury is unnecessary, we need prayer, we need salvation’ (2).

This Elder greatly venerated Tsar Nicholas II and his Family and in the 1980s foretold that they would be canonised: ‘The Tsar and his irreproachable servants suffered for us, washing Russia in their blood….The people will pay because we betrayed him’. ‘Gregory Rasputin was a great, great man of God. He will be canonised together with the Tsar and the Tsarevich. He was honourable and great before God; he was slandered’. ‘Russia will prosper, there will be a new Tsar, Russia will rise from the dead and free itself from this Satanic infection…but all depends on our repentance, collective repentance…without repentance a Tsar will not come…before then there will be wars…they want to trample underfoot the Orthodox faith and rub it out into dust…After 2008 time will fly, a year will be like a month, after 2008 be especially humble…Orthodoxy will be gathered together from the splinters and go on its way’.

As for Elder Tavrion, well-known to a close priest-friend, he said: ‘The Church (by this he meant the episcopate) consciously betrayed the Tsar. (This is a fact). It was on the side of the enemy – the crucifiers of Christ….The Tsar bought back Russia through his suffering and death. But Russia will for long reject him. Many bishops will be against his veneration, but after a time they will nevertheless glorify him, but they will not glorify him as he is glorified by God in heaven….but the time will come when the people, not many, will glorify him as is needed…then all will fall down in front of him and weep and ask for forgiveness…and then Russia will rise up from its chains’.


Years ago it was foretold that a worldwide war was coming, a universal revolt, sicknesses and famine, but that the Russian Lands will again be led by a still unknown Tsar and he is already carrying his Cross of service. Elder Nicholas (Guryanov), the saint of the Pskov Lake, called himself the Tsar’s priest, as do many others among us and we indeed have our Tsar’s passports ready. We are soldiers of the future Tsar, still implementing the martyred Tsar’s wishes for the spread of Orthodoxy, interrupted by the judases in 1917. And, as we know, St Seraphim of Sarov prophesied the same 200 years ago.

Even though over a century ago apostate Russians betrayed their Tsar, a betrayal that began at the very top, among the Romanov Family, aristocrats, most bishops of the Church, generals, lawyers, journalists and the professional classes, Russia still has not repented. On the Tsar’s feast day on 4/17 July, most churches are largely empty, icons are decorative but few venerate them. Russia is still asleep – hence this dread conflict in the Ukraine now. The Lord will keep us until the providential day when he appears and lays low our enemies, the enemies of the Church.



  2. Here by ‘adornment’ the holy elder refers to the effeminate decadence with gold and marble that came in to fashion with oligarchs’ money after the fall of the USSR and the homosexual episcopate, which was also prophesied by the Apostle Paul.









Seventy-Five Years after the Unfinished European War 1945-2020

The Great Western European War, which spread to its neighbours in Eastern Europe and Russia and to its then colonies around the world and to its former colony in the USA, was called the First and the Second World Wars. In the part of that War called the Second World War there began at the same time as the original Western European struggle an Anglo-German war in North Africa for access to Middle East oil. Then there began a German war for control of the natural resources of the Soviet Union, which ended with the destruction of the German aggressor, but not with the downfall of Soviet atheism. And in the Pacific there began a war for control of the natural resources of the countries of the Pacific rim, which after Japanese massacres in China developed into a US war against Japan.

Although this Western European War began in 1914, it did not in fact end in 1945. True, it was paused in 1945, just as in 1918, but it continues because of the injustices that it caused. For just as the injustices after 1918 inevitably resulted in the War that began at the end of the 1930s, as was foretold at the ‘Peace Talks’ in 1919, so the injustices after 1945 have inevitably led to continuing conflicts until the present day. Thus, there followed immediately after 1945 the so-called Cold War, a series of bloody wars around the globe, which after 1989 changed into wars in the Middle East, the Balkans and the Ukraine. Today, this is largely a fight for survival against starvation in the ravaged countries of Eastern Europe, in what was once called the Soviet Union, in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Injustices will be righted, but we fear that much more bloodshed will follow before that day can come.

Indeed, the real Victory Day did not come 75 years ago, with its massacred and mutilated, its blind and its crippled, its millions of lives blighted and enslaved, its orphans and its widows. The real Victory Day will come only with the return of Christ at the end of this unjust world.





The EU is Finished and the Third World War Has Started, Says Cypriot Metropolitan

Metropolitan Neofitos of the Church of Cyprus has said that 2017-18 mark the end of the EU project, that the EU party is over. This is according to the website He explained:

‘We can see that the EU is collapsing, there remains only the German Europe of the strong, with which we Cypriots have nothing in common. Unfortunately, we have bet on the wrong horse. The alienation of Europe from Orthodoxy had moral consequences, they have legalized debauchery, idolatry and deified the flesh’. The Metropolitan further quoted the great Serbian saint, Nikolai Velimirovich, who wrote decades ago that ‘the tragedy of Europe is that it has rejected the Kingdom of Eternal Life’.

He added that: ‘The Third World War started six years ago in Syria. This was the prophecy of that man of God Metropolitan Antonios (Kompos) (1920-2005). Shortly before his repose, he said: ‘When the disaster starts in Syria, pray. Everything will start from there, from Syria’’.

Russian Government Concerned Over Western Christianophobia

As one US commentator has put it: ‘Two generations ago President Kennedy decided to put American men on the moon; today President Obama has decided to put American men into women’s restrooms’. In just two generations the Western world has gone from at least a cultural recognition of Christian values through indifference to active and hostile persecution. The last bastion of Christianity in the world today, under attack from the Western world for its adherence to Christianity and vigorous defence of Christian values, is Russia. With a Western-inspired civil war on its doorstep, as every day Christians are massacred in the Ukraine by the US-installed Fascist junta in Kiev, and surrounded by NATO forces threatening war, the battle for Christ is on: