Category Archives: Freedom

Collapse and Victory

Now in July, the Ukrainian front lines are collapsing under the far superior, Russian-led military forces. The poor Ukrainians have virtually no air power, weak artillery, relatively few drones and often poorly trained and press-ganged troops, thousands of them fresh out of prison, so short is manpower. Some 14,000 of them are being killed or wounded every week. Little wonder that many are surrendering or else running away.

It is a guessing game as to how long the stumbling and unconstitutional Kiev dictatorship can continue. No-one thinks that the tragedy can continue beyond the end of this year, some say it will end before the US elections in early November, some say it will end by the end of the summer. But God knows.

Such is the situation in the Russian-led Eastern half of Europe. And what of the situation in the US-led Western half of Europe, notably among the Big Three, France, UK and Germany, each governed by a political pygmy?

In France the narcissistic ‘Jupiter’, Macron, is being deposed, even though he had imagined that French people would massively vote for him as he thought he was a genius. In reality, one of the most detested French leaders ever, who thoroughly despised the French people, he only ever loved one person, himself, and nobody ever thought he was a genius.

In the UK, formally EU-free despite the equally narcissistic Cameron who had imagined that all would support him, a Second Reformation, the first for 500 years, is under way. This Reformation sets out to defeat the corrupt Establishment and its unelected technocrats like Sunak and Starmer. Freedom and Fairness, the highest English values, are being promoted by the opposition to the Establishment, what in the USA is called ‘the Deep State’. If this protest movement in the UK eventually succeeds and if in the USA Trump defeats the present senile ‘leader of the Western world’, the dysfunctional US ‘President’, and then removes the puppeteering clique behind him, there will be a new honeymoon between the US and the UK, a real special relationship.

In bankrupted and deindustrialising Germany, the highly unpopular Scholz puppet-coalition is tottering. Its arrogant and insulting attitude towards China is catastrophic, fatal for German industry. It is doubtful if the minority Scholz regime will outlast the coming Russian victory in the Ukraine, which Scholz has got all wrong.

So much for the Big Three of Western Europe.  As for the rest, Prime Minister Orban is launching a new Sovereign Alliance of European Patriots – in Hungary, Slovakia, Austria (the Freedom Party), Germany (AdF), Czechia, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Romania, and soon France (The National Rally) and the UK. The rest will follow. Freedom is in the air.

Meanwhile, we in White Russian East Anglia live under the protection of our unconquerable saints in our holy places, in Bury St Edmunds, Hoxne, Ely, Walsingham, Sheringham and Wroxham, from the Tsar’s Kings Lynn to the Orthodox Colchester of Constantine and Helen. With our cottage culture of Suffolk farmhouses, Alfred Munnings, sweet peas, rose gardens and Royal Albert, we shall not only resist, we shall also be victorious.

Pagan or Christian?

Christ was born into the Roman Empire. Indeed, He was persecuted by the representatives of Roman Power like the puppet King Herod or Governor Pilate, who played essential roles at His birth and His death as a man. As the mob chanted: ‘We have no king but Ceasar’. Then the Romans continued to play an essential role in the lives and martyrdoms of the first Orthodox Christians, for instance, of the Apostles Peter and Paul. The question for the first Orthodox was always: ‘What shall we do with the Roman Empire’? Their answer was to make it Orthodox Christian as well, an achievement which began to become visible in the fourth century under the Emperor Constantine.

The nearly two millennia of opposition have not so much been between Pagan and Christan, but more exactly between successor-states to Pagan Rome and successor-states to Christian Rome. Thus, the Teutonic barbarian leader, Karl the Tall (748-814), better known by his French name of ‘Charlemagne’, undertook the revival (‘renovatio’) of the pagan Roman Empire. He tried to build a successor-state or ‘empire’ to it. In a later version, this would later come to be called the ‘Holy Roman Empire’, though there was nothing Holy or Roman about it and its Empire was as ramshackle as its very recent version, the European Union. Indeed, the EU capital in Brussels is only 100 miles from Karl’s capital in Aachen (Aix la Chapelle). It was precisely as a result of Karl’s attempt to revive Pagan Rome at the end of the eighth century that the first serious distancing from the Church, centred in the Orthodox Christian Roman Empire with its capital then in New Rome, later called ‘Constantinople’, was seen in parts of Western Europe.

Fortunately, after Karl’s death in 814 his one-man show fell. Nevertheless, it was an ominous sign and towards the end of the ninth century and then again at the start of the eleventh century the same temptation of imitating the power and riches of Pagan Rome reappeared. This degenerative process finally hit a peak in 1054. Then the elite of what is now known as ‘the Collective West’ cut itself off from the Orthodox Christian Faith of Christendom, still then centred in New Rome. The choice of the Western European elite (the peoples of Western Europe had nothing to do with it) was the gradual adoption of the values of Pagan Rome. Meanwhile, the Christian Roman Empire continued in the East, minus the West, whose elite was steadily falling away from the Christian Faith.

The ideological result of the revival of Pagan Rome was called by the absurd name, a contradiction in terms, of ‘Roman Catholicism’. This was even though you cannot be local and Catholic, that is, you cannot be Roman and Catholic, you can only be Orthodox and Catholic. True, the Orthodox and Catholic Church has always suffered on its fringes from what we can call ‘Localism’. In Western Europe the specific form of the disease was the especially grave disease of Romanism, which led to the outright abandonment of the Orthodox and Catholic Church and Creed. Its old saints, the fruit of the Holy Spirit, were literally and figuratively buried and so largely forgotten. However, it is also true that the Orthodox and Catholic Church has suffered from other forms of ‘Localism’, for example, from ‘Hellenism’ (Greek nationalism) and ‘Russianism’ (Russian nationalism). However, they are marginal, condemned nationalist or ‘phyletist’ racist) movements, not of the mainstream.

The split of the West from the Church in 1054 led directly to the bloody sack and plunder by the Pagan Romans/Roman Catholics of the Christan Capital in 1204. This was part of their system of campaigns of organised violence known as ‘the crusades’, which were intended to increase the power and riches of the Western elite.  Just as these ‘crusades’ began before the official First Crusade in 1096, for instance in England in 1066, so they continued long after they officially ended in 1291. Indeed, they have continued to this very day, as they are an inherent part of the violent Pagan Roman system of imposing might against right. They became overtly capitalistic and exploitative, especially grasping of gold and silver, though still acting under the pretence of ‘spreading civilisation’. Thus, the conquest of the Americas, Asia, Oceania and the ’scramble for Africa’ were all ‘crusades’, and indeed those who ran these genocidal expeditions often used that word to describe them.

Thus, in 1812, to the delight of the Pagan Roman elite, a host drawn from twelve Western nations invaded Russia under the leadership of the murderous tyrant Napoleon. In 1854, Imperialist France and Britain, allied with the Muslim Ottomans (Muslims supposedly being Western enemies!), again invaded Orthodox Christian Russia and the Roman Catholic Cardinal Sibour of Paris in turn called that too a ‘Crusade’! In 1914 and again in 1941 German troops together with a host of other nationalities from the Collective West invaded Russia and the lands around it, wearing belts with the words ‘Gott mit uns’ (‘God with us’). However, in both cases in the end it was in 1814 that the invaded and wronged but still victorious Russians liberated Paris and in 1945 Berlin. And in 2003 the Protestant sectarian George Bush genocided and  invaded Iraq in order to grab its oil and gas and stated that God had told him to do it! Whoever his god was, he was not our God.

Then in 2014, a century after the German invasion of 1914, the elite of the Collective West, including Germans, gathered in triumph in the centre of Kiev (where the German invaders had stood twice before in the century before). This was after power had violently been usurped by their puppets from the democratically-elected government of the Ukraine. In Kiev the elite installed a far western Ukrainian (Galician) Fascist junta, whose grandparents had welcomed the Nazis into the Ukraine. Now, ten years on, the same Collective West has been arming these fanatical Ukrainian nationalists to the teeth, so that they can kill pro-Russian Ukrainians and Russians. ‘Our (the U.S.) return on investment is massive. Now let’s give Ukraine all they need’, according to the US Senator Lindsey Graham, calling the death of Russians ‘the best spent of US money’. Thus, he justified the American war against the Ukraine that began in 2014 and developed into the American war against Russia. But why make Russia your enemy and want to kill Russians, as did that other Westerner, Hitler? Where does this Western Russophobia come from?

The Collective Western elite’s command and control centre has since 1945 not been in Western Europe, but in the USA. This took over from the bankrupt British Empire, which hated Russia as a rival. The USA has even further than semi-pagan Britannia adopted the values of Pagan Rome, to the point of repeating its pansexual degeneracy. On the other hand, Christian Rome continued in the East, where Christ was born. After the sack of the Christian capital in 1204 by the Pagan Romans, the Christan centre of influence remained in the East, but gradually went northwards to Russia. Here is why the Pagan Roman elite has always tried to destroy Russia. Its Christian Roman Faith is hated by the successors to Pagan Rome. All the invasions of the Russian Lands by the Collective West throughout history have been about its jealousy of the neighbour next door. ‘Everything is due to us, as we are the bearers of the only true Civilisation’, they arrogantly proclaimed, confusing their mere technology with Civilisation! Here is why the Americans and their Western European vassals are fighting against Russia in their proxy-war in the Ukraine today. Their cowboy slogan is still ‘the only good injun is a dead one’, that is, ‘the only good Russian is a dead one’. Hence their demonisation of Russia, which rejects their Pagan Romanism and its sexual depravity.

This struggle between Pagan Roman and Orthodox Christian Roman is symbolised visibly even in the very architecture of the Washington White House, built in the Pagan Roman style, and the Moscow Kremlin, with its many churches and their gleaming crosses.

The Collective West has been poking the Russian bear for decades. Like the Chinese and other Asians, the Russians are incredibly patient, but if poked one time too many, the results are frightening. This is the history of the Western war against Russia of 2022-2024. There are still people in the Western elite, admittedly fewer than before, who think that they can defeat Russia. That is pure delusion, self-deception, wishful thinking. They are lying to themselves. As for the equally delusional anti-Russian far western Ukrainians (as opposed to the pro-Russian eastern and southern Ukrainians), the Collective West has continually lied to them and betrayed them. At first, they told these deluded Galicians of the far west that they would support them for ‘as long as it (= Ukrainian victory?) takes’. This turned out to be a lie. Once the Collective Western elite realised that the Galicians could not even take the much-coveted future NATO naval base in the Crimea, coveted since the Western anti-Russian Crimean war of 1854 and then by the Western Nazis in 1942-44, the Collective Western elite was no longer interested in supporting its failed puppets of the Kiev regime.

The two Presidents, Biden and Zelensky, are the greatest friends of Russia. For incompetent clown-presidents are what Russia wants – though it did not expect to get them so easily. Though the Ukrainian dictator ‘of democracy’ has banned his elections (due in March 2024) and also opposition parties, this year is a year of elections in the Western world. However, nearly all the Western countries are dominated by a Uniparty system. In other words, the electorate is granted a choice between two almost identical candidates, who are both puppets beholden to the same oligarchy. This is the myth of ‘left’ and ‘right’, with those on the so-called left often more to the right than those on the so-called right and vice versa. This is why in the West elections have low turnouts. Without an independent party which represents the people’s interests, what is the point in voting?

However, every 100 years or so independent parties do break through the Establishment/Deep State Globalist monopoly. Today, the choice is between ‘Globalists’ (all the puppets of ‘left’ or ‘right’ who represent US interests) and Sovereignists and Patriots (who represent national interests). However, it is unlikely that the latter can win, as all the lies of the media narrative are controlled by the Globalist left and right. The general absence of any moral purpose, accompanied as always by  the absence of the desire to tell the truth and incredible corruption, among the oligarch-owned Globalists of the American Empire and their vassals is the sure sign of drastic Civilisational decline. The Globalists live by the Lie, of which Solzhenitsyn prophetically warned fifty years ago, before the fall of the Soviet Empire. It is a very slippery slope. The question as to whether it is too late to halt Civilisational decline, let alone reverse it, we shall only be able to answer with more certainty at the end of 2024.


Samaritans, Scribes, Pharisees, Saducees and Prophets

The coronavirus epidemic has, officially, infected 0.02 % of the world population, 5% of whom, officially, have died from it. It has now taken as many victims as swine flu did in 2009-10. According to UK government statistics, 85% of victims are aged over 70, the average age of victims in the UK is 84, the over 90s have an 85% chance of recovery and 96% of victims had serious underlying health problems. The lives of most of these victims have been shortened by several weeks and even months.

However, the virus has also revealed that there are those who are called Christians, including certain clergy, who are actually afraid of death. The scandal among the faithful is naturally enormous. Clearly, there are those who claim to be Christians who do not seem to be in reality. All has been revealed.

What can we say of these false or weak Christians? As I have grown older, I have realised that there is indeed nothing new under the Sun. Human nature and the results of spiritual impurity do not change and we can categorise those who call themselves Christians into exactly the same categories as those whom Christ encountered when He lived on earth. Namely:

The Samaritans

These are the nominal masses who identify the faith with a particular place, like the Samaritans who would only worship on Mt Gerizim. Their faith decides events because, with their mood swinging one way or the other depending on the elite, it affects the whole of history, as we saw in Russia in 1917. The battle is to Church them –our Faith does not depend on a place or a nationality. We have to bring them onto the side of Christ, telling them that ‘God is a spirit and that they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth’ (Jn. 4, 24).

The Scribes

These are the modern intellectuals and dreamers, who make the faith into some sort of Protestant personal opinion in a completely disincarnate way. They will refuse to baptise babies until their parents and godparents have been made into intellectuals like themselves. They love to read and write books, whose titles are barely comprehensible. However, they despise others and consider themselves to be ‘very spiritual’, far above the common masses, who for them are just peasants not clever enough to understand them. In fact, the Scribes are not spiritual at all, because they live in their brains and imaginations. They do not supply spiritual food, but only wordy, academic food, nourishment for the brain in clubs for intellectuals. Woe unto them.

The Pharisees

These make the spiritually living faith into a mere institutional religion, the manipulating arm of the State. In history the Pharisees, rich men who lived luxuriously next to the Temple in Jerusalem, operated a money racket. Why else did Christ overturn the tables of the moneychangers in His Temple? (Matt. 21, 12). The Pharisees co-operated closely with the Roman oppressors, shouting ‘We have no king but Caesar’ (Jn. 19, 15), since their interest was to be next to money and power wherever it was. Today, the Pharisees represent the episcopal tyranny of the ‘princes of the Church’, clericalism, and love being close to the State, to orders, protocols and driving fancy cars. They have no love for the people, for the faithful parish priests whom they persecute and for the monks. They hate confessing and mixing with the flock. They seek the support of the nominal masses by asserting only their ethnic, that is, worldly, identity. Woe unto them.

The Saducees

The Saducees rejected the Resurrection, for it was a miracle too far for their narrow and unbelieving minds. These are the liberals, modernists and ecumenists who follow the secular tide, whatever it is and wherever it goes. They are ‘woke’, supporters of LGBT, they are the politically correct who follow health and safety rules and the recommendations on coronavirus to the letter, making them into legally binding laws, which they are not, masking themselves and masking others, preventing them from worshipping Christ. They can have no principles because they have no beliefs. Conformists to the core, they will obey whatever the spiritually impure tell them to do.

The Prophets

These are the faithful, the Orthodox, who venerate the persecuted Saints of God. They may not be Prophets as such, but they are infused with the spirit of prophecy, the Holy Spirit. These are the spiritually living, the real Orthodox, the pillars of the Church, who live the faith despite the oppression of bishops and false pastors, who are Scribes, Pharisees and Saducees. The Prophets spend their time fighting for and maintaining the Faith and Churching the Samaritan masses. We are responsible and do not seek death, but we certainly do not fear it, for Christ long ago defeated it and all the machinations of the Scribes, the Pharisees and the Saducees.



The Limits to Destroying Freedom

As coronavirus peaks in many countries, despite the grim toll still having caused far fewer deaths than swine flu, the experiment to see just how far the globalist political establishment and their slavish media could go in destroying freedom forever is coming to an end. As the month of May and good weather approaches, the peoples of the Western world are revolting against imposed mass bankruptcy, forced unemployment and debt enslavement. The people have been deprived for long enough. Most of those whose deaths from old age and chronic illnesses were going to be hastened by the virus, as well as those in a few other tragic categories, have left us.

The question now is what will happen after this artificial crisis? Will freedom be restored? Or will all this be made into an attempt to take away human freedom permanently? Certainly, the media have been proved to be highly effective at zombifying large numbers of the public in several countries. However, it is also clear that their credit is now hitting an all-time low. Two or three months is as long as people will swallow lies for. Now we must beginning facing the future. The conditioning and ranting of the media with ‘it will never be the same again’ is not to be believed. We must take back our freedom.


Who is Sovereign: Parliament or People?

The UK Prime Minister has decided to suspend the Westminster Parliament for a brief period as it refused to implement the will of the people to leave the European Union. Some are outraged by this, but they forget that the MPs in Parliament were not elected democratically, that is, by a majority of their constituents. In the singularly undemocratic UK system, most governments are in power simply because only 30-35% (not 50% +) of the 65% of the electorate who voted chose their representatives of the government in power. Little wonder that about a third of the electorate do not even bother to vote and cynicism about overpaid and unrepresentative politicians is at an all-time high. Minority governments, and they virtually always are in the UK, do not have respect. The people have been lied to all too often down the generations.

The refusal by MPs to implement the result of the Brexit referendum after three years (!) has proved that most MPs are indeed anti-democratic. The anti-democrats even call for a second people’s vote because, as they say, the people are so stupid that they got it wrong the first time! Such is their patronising elitism. The ruling Conservative Party was indeed put into fifth place at the recent European elections as a result of its failure to respect the electorate. And the then Prime Minister had to resign for failing to implement what she had been chosen to do and had promised to do. Most of those who wanted Brexit were fed up with losing out in the EU and some of them were indeed financially modest; most of those who were opposed to Brexit had profited from the EU and belong to the effete, wealthy and ultra-wealthy, power-loving Establishment class who control all the political parties.

Brexit was then to a large extent the choice of the underclass of 52%, despised and patronised by the Establishment and its condescending BBC propaganda mouthpiece. The people voted against the elite who had ignored them and had expressed contempt for them for nearly half a century. But the worm always turns and so the outrage of the arrogant and anti-democratic Remainers is very hypocritical. With the suspension of the Westminster elite, the present Prime Minister has left his own gilded cage and gambled that the people will be grateful to him. In Brussels the equally oligarchic and unelected elite is worried. If the UK leaves the EU successfully, it is inevitable that other countries (Hungary? Italy? The Czech Lands? Sweden? Denmark? Ireland? Others?) will also leave. The inevitable end of the tyrannical EU is in sight.

But what will replace it?


Towards Freedom for the Peoples of Europe

European Election results in Great Britain show that the majority have rejected the old fogeyism of centre-left and centre-right groups which have been compromised by their elitist and anti-democratic views. The majority wants the restoration of national freedom and national identity, which have for so long been trampled on by the centralizing diktats of the ageing Westminster and Brussels Establishments. However, the significant minority from the self-interested, anti-national class, made up of the Metropolitan elite and supported by the Establishment-owned media, voted to continue to make themselves money out of the EU. With little idea of grassroots reality outside the large cities, they wish to leave this rest of the country in the corrupt and tyrannical straitjacket of Westminster and Brussels. In their intellectual and class snobbery they arrogantly despise ordinary people as ‘too stupid to understand’. So they voted for the freedom for themselves to continue profiteering regardless of the people.

Not at all to be overlooked, a third, generally younger and very dynamic group voted for social justice and against the Capitalist-Consumerist Establishment that for generations has devastated the Planet for greed. This group is for instance outraged that in one of the richest countries of the world hundreds of thousands of rejected people have been forced to obtain nourishment from food banks and millions of students and ex-students have been indebted for life by Thatcherite Blairism, Cameronism and Cleggism. It is clear that if those who want freedom from the EU can ally themselves with these causes of social justice and environmentalism, they will be unstoppable. There is outrage against decades of injustice, the ever-widening gap between rich and poor, hypocrisy, stagnation and the compromises of the self-serving and self-admiring elite. This is deaf and blind to the needs of the outcast underclass, who will never be able buy themselves even a small flat, and does not grasp that only justice can satisfy them.

Although the UK is some years ahead in the struggle against EU tyranny, these results are reflected in those that are starting to be seen elsewhere in Europe, especially in France and Italy. This movement for freedom could in just a few years time turn into the end for all the old, anti-democratic European centrist parties, founded and corrupted by transnational lucre. In defence of themselves and supported by the State-paid media, they label democratic parties ‘populist’ or ‘far right’. Such propaganda lies will not work. There is a clear difference between national movements for freedom and frankly Fascist and racist trends such as UKIP and the former French National Front presented. It is clear that if, before the inevitable general elections in the UK and other EU countries, the old parties do not radically transform themselves, they will die out for their treason, cowardice and deceit. The time is coming when all must decide whether they are for the peoples of Free Europe or, on the contrary, for EU elitist tyranny.

Meanwhile, also on Sunday 26 May, the Russian Patriarch consecrated the new and beautiful Orthodox Church of All Saints in Strasbourg, the home of the old and hideous EU Parliament of All Rogues. Preaching of the failure of the former materialist Superpower, the Soviet Union, to build human happiness without God, his words indirectly pointed to the folly of the atheist European Union in attempting to do the same. Let those who have ears hear.


Wanted: A New Guy Fawkes

A great political struggle on the Brexit issue is going on in the United Kingdom. It is not the political struggle between the elite of the EU and the UK. It is not the struggle between Leavers (‘Brexiteers’) and Remainers (EU worshippers). It is not the struggle between the Prime Minister and Parliament. It is not even the struggle inside the two main political parties, which, true, are completely divided on Brexit, and always have been. No, the great struggle is between the Parliament and the People, for the former refuses to implement the wishes of the People, even after almost three years (some might say ever since 1973). ‘Representative democracy’ has once again failed to be either representative or democratic, but has shown itself to be an elitist tyranny – as the whole British Establishment construct and the whole EU project always have been.

Historically, Parliament as we now know it came into being in the seventeenth century. This was at the behest of wealthy and power-hungry aristocrats and capitalist businessmen (‘merchants’), interested in colonialist exploitation and slavery, and also rich farmers. Together they usurped and then murdered the Christian King, the defender of the People, so that they could gain even more power and make even more money on the backs of the exploited and enslaved. (Indeed, incredibly, a statue of one of the most bloodthirsty capitalist farmers, he who murdered the King and then killed a million Irish men, women and children, still stands outside Parliament unchallenged to this day). Thus, the utterly corrupted Members of Parliament were simply the puppets who carried out the orders of the moneyed elite. Many, it seems, still do the same.

Guy Fawkes, born in York in April 1570, was the son of Edward and Edith Fawkes (the names of our Old English saints). He was a provincial and devout, but naïve and idealistic Roman Catholic who challenged Parliamentary tyranny. However, he tried to do this by violence, by blowing up Parliament with gunpowder. And that was his undoing. For he was betrayed on 5 November 1605 and then tortured and in January 1606, aged 35, murdered. His name is the origin of the word ‘guy’, meaning man or person. It seems to us that we now need a new Guy Fawkes, a non-violent ‘guy’ who will blow up Parliament with words, as the pen is always mightier than the sword. Guy Fawkes has been described as ‘the last man to enter Parliament with honest intentions’. We would say ‘the last man to enter Parliament with honest intentions so far’.



Questions and Answers February 2019


Q: What would you answer to those who claim that the present problems between the Patriarchates of Constantinople and Moscow regarding the Ukraine are simply an ethnic problem?

A: No, it is not an ethnic problem, it is a dogmatic problem. It is all about faithfulness to Orthodoxy, that is, to the Oneness, Holiness, Catholicity and Apostolicity of the Church.

Just imagine if the Russian Church had backed atheist-promoted modernists in Constantinople against its persecuted Patriarch (as Constantinople did in the 1920s in Russia against the heroic missionary Patriarch St Tikhon), interfered in the internal affairs and territories of other Local Churches, insisted on a racist and nationalistic ethos and so had opposed itself to any missionary, apostolic work and multinational activity, had fallen away from the Orthodox calendar, messed about with the Liturgy, canonized dubious political figures, promoted freemasonry, practised simony, preached ecumenism and semi-Catholicism (as Constantinople had already done in the fifteenth century), got itself paid by the US State Department, but the Church of Constantinople had remained faithful to the Orthodox Tradition. In that case we would be supporting the Church of Constantinople and not the Church of Russia. Canonical crimes are canonical crimes, regardless of the ethnicity of the culprits.

Moreover, it is now clear that Constantinople will not repent, as it is still justifying its outrageous acts. It is even going to sack the old bishops and appoint new Bartholomew-esque bishops in North America, Australia and the UK and so everywhere dig an abyss between itself and us Orthodox. Therefore, it is clear that this schism is at least semi-permanent. Only repentance on the part of the proud of Constantinople can overcome the problem they have caused and there is absolutely no sign of this at present.

Therefore, given the paralysis and irresponsibility of others, the Russian Church is now reorganizing its administration of the Non-Orthodox world, as in the now 15 countries in the Russian Orthodox Western European Exarchate. (Since the Synod on 26 February Malta has been added to it, leaving only the five Nordic countries and Germany, Austria and Hungary to be added in due course). The same thing is happening in the Russian Orthodox South-East Asian Exarchate with its Metropolitan of Singapore and now four dioceses, Singapore, Korea, Thailand and the Philippines and Vietnam. South Asia, mainly India and Pakistan, is at present a no-go area. (South-West Asia is largely the canonical territory of Antioch, as Africa is that of Alexandria, just as North Asia is Russian canonical territory). In the remaining continents of the New World, maybe we shall one day see a Russian Exarchate for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean and possibly another for South America, leaving the rest of North America and Oceania to ROCOR, if competence is shown.

Thus, all faithful Orthodox of all nationalities will end up independent but in association with the Russian Church. This will recreate the canonical situation in North America before 1917, with all Orthodox united within the Russian Church, before Constantinople introduced division with its ‘jurisdiction’ 100 years ago. Only the modernists in the Local Churches will go under Constantinople. The tiny, modernist and unfaithful minority who want a Protestant, ‘reformed’ Orthodoxy, a Traditionless, gutless and saintless Halfodoxy, disunited, unholy, uncatholic and unapostolic, will follow the schismatics. This is simply a falling away from the Orthodox Church. In these latter times the chaff is being separated from the wheat. This is not some ethnic dispute, where there is truth on both sides, but a dispute in which there is right and wrong, Thirteen Local Churches against One evildoer. This is the great cleansing we have been awaiting for so long, the tares are leaving us.

Q: What is your policy regarding those who frequent churches under Constantinople and who want to take communion and other sacraments in the Russian Church? Do you refuse them?

A: Certainly not! We do not punish the people for the anti-canonical actions of an elderly US-run Turkish Patriarch, whom they never chose. As long as the Russian Church does not have a full network of parishes in the Diaspora, catering for all the faithful of all languages, we will give the sacraments to those who have no choice but to attend nearby Constantinople churches at times, even though they know that their Patriarchate is utterly wrong. Of course, if there are actually those among them who consciously support their Patriarch, then we cannot have communion with them because they are enemies of the Church of God. But such extremists do not approach the Russian Church anyway.

Q: The Patriarchate of Constantinople has only one Western Diocesan bishop, Metropolitan Athenagoras in Belgium. Will he stay with Constantinople?

A: This is none of my business, though I know that he fully shares in the Phanariot ideology. I also note that the only Non-Diocesan Western bishop under Constantinople, Metr Kallistos (Ware), has not expressed any indication that he will move either.

I remember Metr Athenagoras in the 70s when he was a young layman. He and his family left Rue Daru for the Greeks of Constantinople, if I remember rightly, in 1987, after the whole Bruges convert parish (and Peckstadt family) was mistreated by the tyrannical and unjust German Archbishop of Rue Daru, George (Wagner). (He was an ex-Catholic, who managed to alienate Russians with his Russophobia and Western Orthodox with his refusal to recognize any liturgical languages apart from Greek, Latin and Slavonic!! What a disaster – really Rue Daru never recovered from this German intellectual. I witnessed all this first-hand).

At that time the Bruges parish could have joined Moscow, though many of the Moscow bishops outside Russia were very corrupt. (I can still remember how in 2003 the Sourozh Diocese Cathedral was still refusing to have any icon of the Royal Martyrs (‘there is no space for them’, as they so eloquently said, in fact not about their empty walls, but about their empty hearts), even though Moscow had at last canonized the New Martyrs and was negotiating with ROCOR, and how that Cathedral also refused to sell books written by Fr Seraphim (Rose), who was very popular inside Russia.

Or else the Bruges converts could have joined ROCOR. However, to accept the Tradition and disciplines of the Church in all their integrity, as is normal for ROCOR, was far too much for them. They wanted a ‘pick and choose’ Orthodoxy for the consumer age. Such converts play a fantasy game and never want the real thing, skirting around it, like people who skirt around a lighthouse and are then surprised when they are wrecked on the rocks around the lighthouse.

Rue Daru

Q: What do you think is the future for this group after their meeting on 23 February?

A: Here the chickens have come home to roost and decisions have to be made at last after so many decades of putting off the question. These decisions cannot, like Brexit, be continually put off. A few will surely join one part or another of the Russian Church (as some already have), including perhaps the elderly Archbishop Jean himself. However, most will remain under Constantinople, and a few may go off to join various curious Protestant-style or New Age sects, where some of them originally came from.

Q: Will the Rue Daru parish in Rome join ROCOR?

A: I have no idea – you must ask those involved. What I do remember is how ROCOR lost this parish to Rue Daru in 1985 through the incompetent meddling of Bishop Gregory Grabbe, who had sent an old calendarist American convert priest there (he was later defrocked, like several other convert priests whom Bp Gregory had had ordained by the innocent and naïvely pure Metr Philaret). I was there at the time and remember it well. Rue Daru at once ordained a Russian-speaking man for the Rome parish and three months later made him an archpriest (such was the favouritism of Rue Daru also!)


Q: Do you think that Brexit will happen?

A: Only if the UK is democratic will it happen. Over 45 years have already been spent in the Brussels straitjacket. On the other hand, both the EU and the UK Establishments, including the Remainer Mrs May, are against Brexit. The mere fact that the people were once allowed to express their opinion was a miracle, but since then we have seen the battle of the people against the elite and anything can happen.

Q: Why do countries which have lost their monarchy veer between left-wing and right-wing governments?

A: Because such countries get governed by ideologies/philosophies of either left or right. Whenever this happens, injustices happen because such ideologies are based on ideals, not on reality. Idealistic intellectuals (like Lenin or Hitler) are ruthless because they always force reality to fit their personal ideology, slaughtering all the millions who refuse to accept it and silencing all others by fear. We can see this on a lesser level in recent UK history with the idealistic obsessions of Thatcher (‘the free market’), Blair (meddling in other countries and starting wars) and Corbyn (Stalinist socialism). The question these ideologues never answer is: Does my ideal actually work? And by definition no ideal ever works, precisely because it is ideal, not real, not realistic, not practical. If you govern with an ideology, you will always end up being tyrannical and being hated. You have to govern with a heart.

Q: There are only two faiths in the world which have always been persecuted, Orthodoxy and Judaism. Why?

A: Because they both contain Truth. Where there is no Truth, there is never any persecution. The Truth of Judaism is that God is One and that He is sending His Son to bring justice to the world (The Second Coming). The Truth of Orthodoxy we know (The First Coming).

Worldliness in the Church

Q: Why are there so many Orthodox in the Ukraine, Russia (and maybe other parts of the world, and this may have nothing to do with just Orthodoxy, but all religions) who can be heard saying, “My believing is inside me.  I don’t believe in Church but I believe in God.  I follow Orthodox traditions and go to church sometimes.”  Is this primarily a reaction to the influence and momentum of Communism, like the saying about how the Communists almost accomplished in Russia in 70 years what the Ottoman Empire failed to accomplish in the Balkans in 400 years?

A: You are indeed quite right, this saying is very common, but it is also universal. The reason for this is corruption (’institutionalization’) in the Church; clerics turning the Church and Faith into a business, a mere religion. This makes people cynical. We need churches which are free of the tables of moneychangers and we need bishops (the simoniacs are usually Greek and Romanian) and priests whose main concern is people’s souls, not their wallets. In the West no jurisdiction is free of this; I remember the old ‘pre-Revolutionary’ ROCOR of 45 years ago – it too sometimes had this money, money mentality, which was the bane of the pre-Revolutionary Church. Our universal Russian Orthodox task is not at all the restoration of the pre-Revolutionary Church (as some very ignorant people imagine), but the cleansing of the pre-Revolutionary Church.

Therefore, this is nothing to do with Communism. We need apostolic St Pauls, who work as tentmakers, not rich bishops with fancy cars. This has been the combat of my life; it is why I do not serve in a den of corruption. I have always refused to do so and for that reason they have never wanted me.

Russian Converts

Q:  Why are there personality tensions in the Church inside Russia, for example as in the recent internet conflict between Fr Andrei Tkachov and Fr George Maximov?

A: The Church inside Russia has many converts. It sometimes reminds me of what I saw in the West in the 1970s: young women dressed in long drab dresses and young men with long beards, crosses or prayer knots on display. The neophyte mentality – imitating the external dress of monks and nuns – works regardless of nationality and even if the parents were nominal Orthodox. Converts have to show off – just like neophytes in any religion, from Islam (long beards and a uniform) to Buddhism (people dressed in saffron robes and with shaven heads). It is converts who create this hothouse mentality, usually on the internet. It is all so immature. It is time for teenagers to grow up.

The Future

Q: When will there be a new Tsar in Russia?

A: It is vital to understand that this can only come about when Russian Orthodox are worthy of the last Tsar. You cannot have a next Tsar, if you do not love and venerate the last Tsar and all those who served him – and were martyred for it. Read what others said of the last Tsar and his family:

‘It was the holiest and purest family’. (The Tsar’s valet Volkov, when interviewed by the investigator Sokolov 100 years ago).

‘There, in that house (the Ipatiev House), blossom the great souls of Russia, smeared with the mud of politicians’. (The Holy Martyr Eugene (Botkin)).

When this happens, then we shall see headlines like this:

‘Tsar restores the unity of the Russian Lands’.

‘Christian troops from Russia liberate Eastern Europe from EU tyranny’.

‘Afghans plead with Russian Imperial forces to free them’.

‘Russian Tsar stands on the Mexican border and demands: ‘Tear down this wall, Mr Trump’.

Do not be surprised; everything is still possible.


Catalonia: The Coming End of the EU Empire

By 1940, the whole of Roman Catholic Europe, from Slovakia to Italy, including France and ‘neutral’ countries like fiercely Papist Ireland, Spain and Portugal, were living under Fascist dictatorships. This was only natural. Under the centralizing lapsed Roman Catholic Hitler (like the centralizing lapsed Roman Catholic Napoleon, who in effect was also a Fascist), a centralized Fascist European Superstate had come into being. He was greeted as a hero in Fascist Croatia and the Fascist western tip of the Ukraine. This was only natural, for Roman Catholic Europe was only following in the footsteps of the centralized Pagan Roman Empire (also in effect a ‘Fascist’ Superstate) and of the centralized Carolingian Empire (also in effect a ‘Fascist’ Superstate).

Today we see the same in Catalonia. The Spanish State, firmly backed from central headquarters in Brussels, is suppressing the Catalan movement for freedom. This is quite different from the independence movement in Scotland, which Brussels actively supports, since Scotland is anti-Brexit and therefore worth disrupting Britain for. However, it is quite similar to the Ukraine, where the bloody war against a free Ukraine by the centralizing EU-supported Fascist junta in Kiev, rages on. It is also quite similar to the recent Kurdish referendum, where the near hundred-year battle for Kurdistan rages on against centralizing Baghdad. Self-determination turns out to be highly selective. It means self-determination only for those whom the Western elite supports.

As the centralized Spanish government and brutal police terrorize the Catalans, we see that not much has changed in Europe. The fight for freedom goes on. In Europe artificial conglomerates have everywhere fallen, from ex-Yugoslavia to Czechoslovakia. In the Ukraine, a country cobbled together out of Russia, Poland, Romania and Hungary by Communist dictators, the same is happening, as freedom is being won despite US and EU support for the Fascist junta in Kiev. Now, in all the artificial Western European conglomerates, the UK, Italy, Germany, Belgium, France and Spain, the same is happening. Freedom is in the air despite Fascism. All empires built on injustice end. Take note, Brussels and Madrid tyrants.

Fake News and Fake History, Frangistan and Freedom

When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said ‘Let us pray.’ We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Fake News and Fake History

We are told that in 2017 43% of British people still trust the UK media to tell the truth, down from 50% in 2016 (1). Why is the figure still so amazingly high? After all, by the end of the old Soviet Union, the figure for trust in the Soviet media must have been 0%. And the fake news issued by all the Western Establishment media, from the BBC to the New York Times, from Le Monde to German Television, is no more truthful than the propaganda lies issued by the three generations of the Soviet Establishment. The reason for this high figure can only be because many Western people have been so deeply brainwashed by Establishment lies, not over three generations, but over a millennium, forty generations. In other words, what lies behind fake news is fake history.

This fake history actually began over a millennium ago, with the Frankish ‘Charlemagne’ (real name: Karl the Tall) in the First Reich centred in Aachen. He began the first post-Truth society with the news that he had the right to massacre any non-Frankish peoples (Saxons, Slavs or anyone else) who resisted him. This was because he had the self-created divine right to bring ‘barbarians’ to his ‘truth’ and if they refused to accept his truth, then they could be murdered en masse, which he did. As the ‘Father of Europe’ (2), the truth of the Holy Spirit flowed from him as vicar of God on earth – a conscious part of his filioque ideology. Fortunately, his propaganda myth was rejected in and immediately after his time, because Orthodox Christianity was still then strong enough, even in his Western tip of Eurasia, for it to be rejected.

Unfortunately, this spiritual strength did not last and by the mid-eleventh century his propaganda to mask plunder, that the task of Frankish ‘Europe’ was to spread ‘civilization’ among ‘primitive peoples’, had been revived under the popes. As a result, in 1066 the papally-sponsored, feudal Normans invaded, occupied and massacred their way through England (3) and then all Britain. A generation later Frankish Europe began the ‘crusades’, invading, occupying and massacring their way to the Holy Land. In 1204 their greed led them to plunder the Christian Capital of ‘Byzantium’ (real name: New Rome). Their cousins then attempted to plunder Russia under the name of the ‘Teutonic Knights’. In and after 1492 their ‘Frankish’ (4) Spanish and Portuguese spiritual cousins took part in the rape of South and Central America, as well as Mexico.

Later, other spiritual descendants of the Franks got rich quick by plundering Roman Catholicism, under the pretext of ‘The Reformation’. In England, the Tudor ‘reformers’ proved to be ruthless Machiavellians and their descendants massacred all who resisted them in civil wars in England and then in genocide in Ireland. In 1689 they usurped power from the legitimate Stuart Kings and invited Dutch and then German puppet monarchs to permit their merchant class to build an Empire based on slavery. They sang ‘Britons never, never, never will be slaves’, but did not add that everyone else would precisely be slaves, including their own voteless labouring masses. In the 19th century the elite of Western Europe plundered Asia and Africa, as described by the Polish novelist Joseph Conrad in his 1899 novel ‘The Heart of Darkness’.

Nineteenth-century ‘Frankish’ hypocrisy, wiping out the ‘Red Indians’, the Tasmanians, slaughtering spear-armed Africans with Maxim guns (5) and anyone else who stood in their way, led directly to two ‘World Wars’ (real name: inter-tribal European Wars), which Western Europe spread worldwide, not least through the descendants of European colonists in North America. The Western European ideologies of Capitalism, Communism and Fascism did untold damage, creating and using weapons of mass destruction, which killed tens of millions and can destroy the whole planet many times over. In the 21st century the continued neo-colonial attempts to impose Western values on the Middle East, notably on Iraq, called a ‘crusade’ by the Italian leader Berlusconi, in a bid to plunder and control, are still generating massive genocide.

Frangistan and Freedom

The above, presented by fake history as the ‘generous’ civilizing influence of the West among the Rest, ‘the barbarians’, is in fact the unjustifiable justification for the plunder and control of the Non-Western world by the Western world. Because of its origins in Continental Western Europe under the Frank Charlemagne, this Western world became known as ‘Frangistan’ in traditional Persian. However, long before, the Norman invasions of Scotland and Ireland in the 12th century were called ‘the coming of the Franks’, Arabs called Westerners ‘Faranga’ and when the Portuguese and Spaniards arrived off the coasts of China in the 16th century, locals called them ‘Fo-lang-ki’ – Franks. And in modern Hindi all Europeans in general are still referred to as ‘Firang’ (4). In other words, ‘Frangistan’ is the Western world.

With its modern acronyms of USA, EU, NATO and G7, Frangistan, represents much less than one seventh of the world, much less because many ordinary ‘Franks’ can themselves see through the fake history spun by the Frankish elite. In the real world, where live the other six and a half billion of the world’s population, this Western world seems to be isolated. Originally meaning only the Western tip of Northern Eurasia, the name Frangistan comes, as we have said, from the one Germanic tribe, the Franks. Ironically, this meant ‘the free’, but it has come to define the world’s greatest enslavers – whether literally, as before in the Americas and Africa, or else economically, as today. The endlessly greedy and aggressive ‘Franks’ not only destroyed the Christian Civilization of New Rome, but all other civilizations, whoseever assets could be stripped.

Thus, they destroyed the great civilization along the Amazon, reducing the cities by the banks of that river to jungle, they destroyed the other civilizations of South America, among them the Inca, those of Central America, among them the Aztec and the sophisticated Maya, and despised and laid waste to all others in North America, India, China, Japan and the rest of Asia, as well as in Africa. Only when the ‘free’ ‘Franks’, or at least the 43% of them who apparently still believe in the fake history told them, have delivered themselves from their self-justifying fake history, that they are ‘civilized’, demonizing the Non-Frankish peoples with their often far more advanced and humble civilizations, as ‘half-devil, half-child’ (Kipling), ‘wild animals’, ‘savages’ and ‘primitives’ and wishing them dead, will they really be free.

The self-justifying foundation of the ‘civilizing’ propaganda for plunder, ‘the white man’s burden’, is that the Franks persuaded themselves that they alone are ‘Christians’, that ‘God speaks only to them’ (George Bush (6)). But their god is not the Risen Christ, the Living God, Who is ‘an all-consuming fire’ (Hebrews 12, 29), but the sentimental, weak as water, bleeding Western man ‘Jesus’. Thus, there is nothing new in fake news. Western history is a thousand years of fake news. The news is: ‘We are bringing you ‘Christian’ civilization (meaning our plunder of your civilization), and if you reject it, ‘as true Christians’ we will be so kind as to bomb you back into the Stone Age’. Gun and Bible. Freedom will come for the ‘Franks’ only when they give up their thousand years of fake news and retrieve real Western history in the saints of the pre-Frankish past.

The word ‘Europe’ is said to mean ‘the West’ and the word ‘Asia’ ‘the East’. Hence ‘Eurasia’, where all civilization began, means ‘West-east’. By far the greatest part of ‘West-East’ Eurasia is united in the Eurasian Russian Federation. This developed and expanded by assimilation, not by massacre, quite rapidly from Muscovy to the Arctic north, then to the east, gradually heroically overcoming immense Tartar/Muslim opposition, as far as the shores of the Pacific and even across it, then to the south (although ‘Frangistan’ has challenged that expansion by aggressive wars and imposing German puppet kings in the Balkans, especially to the south-west, invading the Crimea twice in a century. With illegal sanctions it is still challenging today the overwhelming democratic will of Crimeans to return to and belong to the Federation (7)).

Indeed, even apart from the Crimea in the south-west, the Christian Federation of Russia (unlike the atheist USSR) has never been able to expand to the west, with Western Europe powers repeatedly invading Federation territory, four times between 1812 and 1941 alone. This tragedy has meant the self-isolation of Western Europe, cut off from Christian Northern Eurasia. Today’s great hope among many in the Federation is that it will at long last be able to establish a Metropolia in Western Europe, thus bringing the extreme Western territory at least into Church order out of its chaos. This will represent a spiritual victory, the victory over 1,000 years of fake news, the millennial fake history of ‘Frangistan’, delivering it and bringing it to rediscover the real Europe, the Free Christian Europe of the Saints of the first millennium, of the Church of God.



2. The monstrous Karl, founder of the First Reich in 800, the mass murderer and forerunner of Bismarck of the Second Reich and of Hitler of the Third Reich, is still quite seriously honoured as ‘The Father of Europe’, notably by the Fourth Reich EU elite.

3. The Norman occupiers wrote their own propaganda history, proclaiming that there had been no English kings or people before them, merely ‘primitive’ and ‘decadent’ ‘Anglo-Saxons’. To this day kings of England are numbered from the foreign kings from 1066 on; not one of them has been English.

4. For a full survey of the word ‘Frank’ to mean a Western European see ‘The Making of Europe’ (950-1350), by Robert Bartlett, 1993, especially pages 101-105.

5. See Hilaire Belloc, in the words of the figure “Blood” in his poem “The Modern Traveller”:
Whatever happens, we have got
The Maxim gun, and they have not.


7. The bilionaire leader of the genocidal, US-installed Kiev puppet junta, Poroshenko (real name: Waltzman) has only this week stated that all Ukrainians who do not accept his tyranny should go and live in Siberia. With these words he has repeated the ‘Drang nach Osten’, ‘Lebesnraum’ policy of Hitler, to exile all East Slavs to the east of the Urals in order to make room for ‘European’ expansion and exploitation in the east.