The Spiritual Meaning of the Scourge of Covid-19

Too much evil has gone on for too long and with impunity. For over 100 years the sons of men have openly mocked God and openly scorned piety. Did they really think that they could continue like this, with their new Sodom and Gomorrah, without grave consequences? Did they really imagine that, having cast off the protection of God’s grace, they were not opening their doors to let the demons in? Did they really learn nothing from the World Wars? Now is the time when the nations have to pay for this impunity. Now is the time of crisis.

In Greek the word crisis means judgement, so now is the time of the judgement of the nations. Judgement is here now in the form of covid. God has allowed this scourge, the mildest of scourges when we think of the scourges of the last century, as one of a series of last warnings. Either repent, or else the hordes of demons, waiting with gleeful malice to come up from the fires of hell to join their many minions already wreaking destruction and death among humanity on earth with other scourges, will set on you much more viciously.

Much of the Roman Catholic/Protestant subculture of Christianity has shut down and confined itself inside, running scared of this judgement. Only the remnant of them. who have still kept some vestiges of the Orthodox Christian Faith, have resisted. Thus, Protestantism largely gave up in obedience to the secular states which created it. As for the apostates of Catholicism, Papostasy, as some have called it, they have continued not only without repentance, but even with self-justification, merging with the world which ‘lies in evil’.

However, part of the (Orthodox) Christian world has done no better and exactly imitated the apostasy of the Non-Orthodox in fear. This is all the more alarming, as the (Orthodox) Christian world has for the last 103 years been living on time borrowed from the mercy of the Mother of God.

However, the scourge has also touched the holy and righteous. In Montenegro one of the few righteous and truthful Orthodox voices in this world who had the courage and honesty to denounce the satanists, that of Metr Amfilochije, has been silenced. He knew that only the Truth sets free and always spoke fearlessly for all who seek the Truth, as I can witness from the San Francisco Council of 2006. And from beyond the grave, the blessed Fr Ephraim of Arizona has also spoken in a vision, warning all to return to Christ before it is too late.

Our common vision with them, both of whom we knew, has always been that of the Restoration of Orthodox Christianity as a United World Civilisation. Since the collapse of the foreign and alien Marxist tyranny, that poisonous import into Imperial Russia from Western Europe, it is petty nationalism, an offshoot of secularism, that has become ever more our enemy in our warfare against the powers of satanism. For Satan will do all he can to prevent the return of Orthodox Christianity as a world power, as it alone is able to stand up to him.

Now the scourge is speaking through the behaviour of Orthodox, both the faithful and those inclined to apostasy There are those who seem to be giving up in cowardice and running away into the waiting arms of the devil. And there are those who do not fear death because they only fear God. They know that if Universal Orthodox Christian Civilisation is restored, they belong to it. If not, they will go, fearless of death, to God, like Metr Amfilochije and Fr Ephraim. And you, whose arms are you running towards? Whose side are you on?