Tag Archives: Freedom

Is Europe Doomed By Vassalage To Washington?


By Paul Craig Roberts

“One Ring to rule them all . . . and in the darkness bind them.”
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

July 29, 2016 “Information Clearing House” – World War II resulted in Europe being conquered, not by Berlin but by Washington.

The conquest was certain but not all at once. Washington’s conquest of Europe resulted from the Marshall Plan, from fears of Stalin’s Red Army that caused Europe to rely on Washington’s protection and to subordinate Europe’s militaries to Washington in NATO, from the replacement of the British pound as world reserve currency with the US dollar, and from the long process of the subordination of the sovereignty of individual European countries to the European Union, a CIA initiative implemented by Washington in order to control all of Europe by controlling only one unaccountable government.

With few exceptions, principally the UK, membership in the EU also meant loss of financial independence. As only the European Central Bank, an EU institution, can create euros, those countries so foolish as to accept the euro as their currency no longer have the power to create their own money in order to finance budget deficits.

The countries that joined the euro must rely on private banks to finance their deficits. The result of this is that over-indebted countries can no longer pay their debts by creating money or expect their debts to be written down to levels that they can service. Instead, Greece, Portugal, Latvia, and Ireland were looted by the private banks.

The EU forced the pseudo-governments of these countries to pay the northern European private banks by suppressing the living standards of their populations and by privatizing public assets at pennies on the dollar. Thus retirement pensions, public employment, education and health services have been cut and the money redirected to private banks. Municipal water companies have been privatized with the result being higher water bills. And so on.

As there is no reward, only punishment, for being a member of the EU, why did governments, despite the expressed wishes of their peoples, join?

The answer is that Washington would have it no other way. The European founders of the EU are mythical creatures. Washington used politicians that Washington controlled to create the EU.

Some years ago CIA documents proving that the EU was a CIA initiative were released.

See:http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/1356047/Euro-federalists-financed-by-US-spy-chiefs.html andhttp://benwilliamslibrary.com/blog/?p=5080

In the 1970s my Ph.D. dissertation chairman, then a very high-ranking official in Washington with control over international security affairs, asked me to undertake a sensitive mission abroad. I refused. Nevertheless, he answered my question: “How does Washington get foreign countries to do what Washington wants?”
“Money,” he said. “We give their leaders bagfuls of money. They belong to us.”

The record is clear that the EU serves the interests of Washington, not the interests of Europe. For example, the French people and government are opposed to GMOs, but the EU permits a “precautionary market authorization” of GMO introduction, relying perhaps on the “scientific findings” of the scientists on Monsanto’s payroll. When the US state of Vermont passed a law requiring labeling of GMO foods, Monsanto sued the state of Vermont. Once the paid-off EU officials sign the TTIP agreement written by US global corporations, Monsanto will take over European agriculture.

But the danger to Europe goes far beyond the health of European peoples who will be forced to dine on poisonous foods. Washington is using the EU to force Europeans into conflict with Russia, a powerful nuclear power capable of destroying all of Europe and all of the United States in a few minutes.

This is happening because the paid-off with “bagfuls of money” European “leaders” had rather have Washington’s money in the short-run than for Europeans to live in the long-run.

It is not possible that any European politician is sufficiently moronic to believe that Russia invaded Ukraine, that Russia any moment will invade Poland and the Baltic states, or that Putin is a “new Hitler” scheming to reconstruct the Soviet Empire. These absurd allegations are nothing but Washington propaganda devoid entirely of truth. Washington’s propaganda is completely transparent. Not even an idiot could believe it.

Yet the EU goes along with the propaganda, as does NATO.

Why? The answer is Washington’s money. The EU and NATO are utterly corrupt. They are Washington’s well paid whores.

The only way Europeans can prevent a nuclear World War III and continue to live and to enjoy what remains of their culture that the Americans have not destroyed with America’s culture of sex and violence and greed, is for the European governments to follow the lead of the English and exit the CIA-created European Union. And exit NATO, the purpose of which evaporated with the collapse of the Soviet Union, and which is now being used as an instrument of Washington’s World Hegemony.

Why do Europeans want to die for Washington’s world hegemony? That means Europeans are dying for Washington’s hegemony over Europe as well.

Why do Europeans want to support Washington when Washington’s high officials, such as Victoria Nuland, say “F*** the EU.”

Europeans are already suffering from the economic sanctions that their overlord in Washington forced them to apply to Russia and Iran. Why do Europeans want to be destroyed by war with Russia? Do Europeans have a death wish? Have Europeans been Americanized and no longer appreciate the historic accumulation of artistic and architectural beauty, literature and music achievements of which their countries are custodians?

The answer is that it makes no difference whatsoever what Europeans think, because Washington has set up a government for them that is totally independent of their wishes. The EU government is accountable only to Washington’s money. A few people capable of issuing edicts are on Washington’s payroll. The entire peoples of Europe are Washington’s serfs.

Therefore, if Europeans remain the gullible, insouciant, and stupid peoples that they currently are, they are doomed, along with the rest of us.

On the other hand, if the European peoples can come to their senses, free themselves from The Matrix that Washington has imposed on them, and revolt against Washington’s agents who control them, the European peoples can save their own lives and the lives of the rest of us.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts’ latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West, How America Was Lost, and The Neoconservative Threat to World Order.

The Peasants Revolt: Two Miracles in Two Weeks

In the week before Pentecost and the week after Pentecost two international miracles took place.

Miracle One

For fifty-five years the Church had been under the threat of a Vatican II-style Council. After many organizational meetings the proposed Council turned into a highly secretive, largely Greek, largely irrelevant, inter-episcopal conference representing fewer than 20% of the Church. The largely meaningless and secular-based agenda was forced on everyone, the organizers refused to listen or consult the ordinary clergy and people, and so it was a failure. The fact that the Russian Church and three other Local Churches did not take part is a miracle, thus keeping our Faith uncompromised. The wisdom of the fishermen of Galilee won the day over the rationalizing of the politicians and philosophers, as the much-despised peasants revolted.

Miracle Two

‘The nations of Europe must be guided towards a Superstate without their peoples understanding what is happening. This can be carried out in successive stages, each camouflaged as having an economic goal, but which will end up by leading them irreversibly into a federation’.

Jean Monnet 1952.

For forty-three years we the ordinary people of the UK have been dreaming of freedom from EU tyranny, after it had been imposed on us by the Unionist Establishment based in London. For at least twenty-five years the phrase ‘democratic deficit’ was used to describe the EU, and yet nothing changed. Indeed, even the accounts were so corrupt that they could not be audited. The EU elite was too arrogant to listen to ordinary people whom it mocked, patronized and insulted as mentally handicapped racist yobs. If the anti-democratic EU elite tries to take away our new freedom, revolt will only grow. That the EU is beginning to break up is because of its intransigeance, hubris and imperial overreach outside the original six founder countries.

Ever the successor to the medieval Catholic European Superstate, the EU was only ever popular in ex-Catholic countries, like France, western Germany, northern Italy and later Ireland or Poland. This can be seen very clearly in Northern Ireland where last Thursday the Catholics voted to remain in the EU and the Protestants voted to leave. The ex-Catholic EU club never managed to get the Protestant-minded British people, let alone ex-Protestant Switzerland, Norway or Iceland to join. Denmark and then Sweden and then Finland were forced into joining only because the British elite had betrayed the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) it had set up as a rival and instead of it had joined the future EU.

Thus, the whole Protestant North never wanted the EU, but was forced into it by their elites. And the same was true of the whole Orthodox East and South (including ex-Greek Sicily and southern Italy), whose elites were openly bribed (as was the British Establishment and the Prime Minister Heath) to join it. The Papist straitjacket of Brussels was never wanted and the ‘Holy’ ‘Roman’ Empire of Bonn/Berlin was rejected. 75 years ago Britain stood alone against Hitler’s Third Reich. It was saved – by Russia, with the madman’s attack on 22 June 1941. 75 years later, on 23 June 2016, Britain has been saved from the new Reich – by the people’s thirst for freedom. To paraphrase: The bureaucrats of the EU are haunted by a spectre – the spectre of freedom.

It is our hope that a third, local, miracle will now follow.

Independence Day

Fooled, Europa! Ruled by such fools and knaves,
Britons never any longer shall be slaves.

The unexpected has happened and, after over forty years of the US-imposed EU straitjacket, more people in the UK have voted for principles than for self-interest. The electorate has rejected Project Fear of the Westminster elite. Failing to step outside the foreign country that is London into reality, the political elite, which all too often stuffed its pockets with EU cash, has lost the people. Foreign figures, President Obama, NATO Fascists, Angela Merkel, EU officials, the Pope of Rome (and his bishops in the UK), as well as bastions of the Establishment, Blair and Cameron (should that be Clair and Bameron?), the BBC, most of the Press, the Church of England, MI5 and MI6, all took part in Project Fear, and lost, underestimating the thirst for freedom of the people, so long ignored, so long neglected, so long despised. Even though they manipulated the shooting of a female MP (the conspiracy theorists at once saw in it an Establishment assassination) in their desperation to garner votes at the last minute, they still lost.

On the 950th anniversary of the enslavement of England, and soon after of the other peoples of these isles, to the European Superstate run by the then new Roman Papacy, the forerunner of the present Superstate, people have chosen freedom. Freedom here may also mean freedom for others. Scotland may leave the artificial UK and Ireland may at last be able to reunite. As for other European countries still enslaved to the US and German-run EU, they too may at last be allowed the chance to regain their sovereignty with the people being allowed freedom from the tyrannical EU elite. In the Netherlands, in Denmark, in Sweden, in France, in Italy, in the Czech Republic, and elsewhere, especially in Eastern Europe, referenda for freedom may be held. The EU, merely a post-war model of Europe and reaction to the Second World War of long ago, may be dead. A Europe of Sovereign Nations, at peace because living in freedom, now seems possible at last. The UK has chosen the wide world to a political customs union in a narrow corner of the Eurasian Continent. 75 years ago Britain stood alone against the Third Reich; now it has happened against the Fourth Reich.

Free Europe

After making a series of threats if the peoples of the UK vote for freedom next Thursday, including starting World War III, creating economic meltdown and mass employment, destroying the health system and bankrupting the State pension fund, the Remain enslaved to the EU lobby, has exploited the murder of one of theirs by a lunatic as yet another reason to intimidate the public. Having used the US and German leaders and every single member of the British Establishment, from former spies to the Canadian head of the Bank of England, from corrupt businessmen to the ever-sycophantic BBC to spread their propaganda, they then had to exploit a murder.

All of this is a sign of their desperation. Of course, the chances are that their intimidation will work and the end of EU tyranny will not come next Thursday. The UK and 27 other European countries will not obtain their freedom from the Fourth Reich. The peoples of Europe, like those in the Netherlands, France and the Czech Republic, who have already requested it, will not be able to obtain free votes on ending tyranny. It does not matter. The end of the EU will inevitably come. It is only a matter of time. Nevertheless, it is a national sadness that in all probability it will not be the peoples of the UK who will fulfill their historic duty in bringing freedom to Europe, but some other people and event.


By Victoria Bingham, a Bible-believing Christian from California,
June 6, 2016

In World War I, the first and most outrageous, unjustified, unnecessary massive conflict of the 20th century, 17 million people died, another 21 million were wounded. It was absurd, There was no reason for the scope of that war. The Archduke Ferdinand’s death was an excuse. The Zimmerman Telegram, which bamboozled the US population into agreeing to go to war, was an excuse.

The reality was the powers wanted a war; towards that end alliances were created; endlessly interconnected links between nations were forged, dragging non-involved nations ultimately into the vortex. There had been unprecedented and unnecessary military build-ups and displays of might, Kaiser Wilhelm ran around daily flaunting his military dress; campaigns of name calling and accusations were endemic, PSYOPS and propaganda machines were operating at full media steam to create bogeymen, and bogey nations, and bring the respective jingoistic, prideful, gullible populations on board, People believed the lies because they wanted to; and were dragged into the meat-grinder that was the First World War.

Which war was followed close behind by the 1918 flu epidemic. When the war ended too quickly (Russia for one thing made a surprise premature peace with Germany and got out), pharmaceutical profitmongers with extra vaccines on their hands sold them to the populations with the lie that the returning soldiers would be ‘carriers’ of germs, (Like the same lies that circulate today among the vaxxed pop, who want to believe that ‘the unvaxed’ are the great ‘unwashed’), creating the whole epidemic from the vaccines themselves. The resulting international scourge took another 20 million people. Again because people believed a lie.

This ominous early 20th century litany of grave events, which exploded in 1917, is coming up on exactly 100 years ago. People still believe the lies. They’re still vaccinating themselves, and others. The PSYOPS makers are still manufacturing lies, the biggest right now is that Russia is a threat to the world, that Iran is a threat to the world.

Have you ever asked yourself who the real threat is?

Do they speak Russian in Mexico…or Spanish?
Farsi in Libya…or Italian?
Russian in India,..or English?
Russian in Guatemala,..or Spanish?
Farsi or Chinese in the Honduras…or Spanish?
Russian in Brazil…or Portuguese?
Russian in Morocco…or French?
Do they speak Farsi in Vietnam and the Philippines…or French, Spanish and English?

Who are the real colonialists down through the last 600 years? It’s not Russia and Iran. The colonialist nations were, and still are, England, Italy, France, Spain, Germany and the United States. Their parliaments never met a war they didn’t like, because after the carnage comes the carving up of the spoils.

Yes, ironically these are those who make up the body of NATO, an empire who knows no bounds. If NATO decides they don’t like how a country is being run, or they don’t like who’s running it, they bomb. Bombs away, without compunction for the fact that in each case so far, since the breakup of Yugoslavia in the 1990s right on down to Iraq, Libya, Serbia, Syria et al, that far more people wind up being killed by NATO bombs, than those killed by alleged despots. That, and the nations so ravaged by NATO bombs are left in ruins, having power vacuums into which chaos pours like bad bacteria into an open sore.

But they’re at it again and people are falling all over the place, for the same lies.

The Latvians have made it illegal to speak Russian in Latvia. Speaking Russian is punishable by arrest. The Russians have been made the scourge of the media in most every western nation. Russia, a Christian nation for 1,000 years, taken over by the Western financed and installed *Communists in 1917, is again being set up for a fresh attack. Putin is a threat for no other reason than he won’t kowtow to the World Bankers, and he keeps getting in NATO’s way in their bid to dismantle Syria.

(*Lenin traveled through Germany on his way to Russia in 1917, with a trainload of gold. Yet he never worked a day in his life. Where did he get the gold from? Find that out and you’ll find out how Russia was taken over much in the same way that the United States is being taken over now).

The same source of funding went to the deposing and brutal murder of the Tsar Nicholas, a man who was so fundamentally NOT military-minded, so much so that he struggled to win a war with the tiny nation of Japan in 1905, when they attacked his eastern flank without first declaring war.

The same sort of funding from the same sources went to another man who would rule a destitute nation, in a depressed economic state, and yet who somehow went on to build the biggest war machine in history; the Third Reich. The man: Hitler.

We are bombarded daily on the news with lies; lies about diseases, lies about Zika; lies about Ebola and Aids; lies about vaccines; lies about Iran, lies about Russian aggression, (who is circling whom anyway?) lies about school shootings and journalist shootings, and church shootings, and gun violence and race wars and lies about what really happened in Benghazi, lies about 911, lies about how the Towers fell, lies about terrorism.

Lies about politics certainly top the list. You can’t even use mainstream online research outlets. Go to Wikipedia to learn about Crimea’s 2014 Referendum to leave Ukraine. (Ukraine.. who would have just loved to bomb the Crimeans into submission, as in fact they did other Eastern Ukrainian cities – by way of warning) and you will find the title as a foregone conclusion. You are actually to BELIEVE that Russia annexed the Crimea!

(I happened to see a Newsweek article about the same ‘Annexation’ recently, when the 2 year anniversary crowds in Crimea were out celebrating with fireworks in the sky and tears of joy on their cheeks. Somehow Newsweek thought showing the celebrations fitted with an article suggesting that the Crimeans were cowed into rejoining Russia).

We’re governed by departments whose names are lies: “Defense Department”, “Homeland Security”, “The Environmental Protection Agency”, (Funny they never make a peep about Monsanto) and by programs whose names are lies: “Affordable Care Act”, “Patriot Act”, “The National Defense Authorization Act”, and mantras whose true goals are the acceptance of the illusions like, ‘Support the Troops”.. unilaterally, unambiguously, no matter what or why. Ask no questions like: ‘Why are we in Syria’?

All of which is leading to the biggest lie of them all. When he is revealed, the man of sin, he will deceive the world and God will give ‘them’ up to believe the lie. Why? Because they “loved not the truth.”

Loving truth means earnestly seeking it out. It means, according to the Scriptures, digging for her as for hid treasure.

Wisdom, so says the writer of Proverbs, is crying in the streets. The imagery is that wisdom is calling, calling, calling, but no one wants to listen. Wisdom suggests many things that are patently obvious to some, but somehow others cannot see. A ‘spiritual blindness’ is at work. Examples are myriad, but how about the most fundamental: God. People see an arrow head in a cave and say, “The work of a man”. The same people can see the incredibly marvelous creation yet fail to say, ‘The work of God’.

Truth must be dug for. It takes work. It cannot be gleaned by tuning into the networks at night. It is not crying in the streets as the unwelcome wisdom is, truth is for those who love it and pursue it. Lies are easy to be found. Not truth. Basically, to find truth it MUST MATTER to you more than anything else on earth.

Truth can be elusive, when information is too often corrupt. I’ll give you one example. How many of us who have lived through at least 30 winters on this planet, haven’t had the experience of changing their minds about something. Something they were utterly persuaded of, but new information came along, and you realized that you had been deceived. You had believed, if only for a time, a lie.

I think one of the most frightening images in this world is the mass mob scenes. You know, like the famous crowds hailing Hitler by the tens of thousands or the riots that occupy rallies and places where a microphone is put to someone selected from the masses, and they are unable to articulate why they are following along. It was the same in the Lord’s day. He was lauded and welcomed on the road to Jerusalem by palm-waving throngs, who later called, in similar unison, for his crucifixion on the road to Calvary.

I cannot help but wonder what the Lord would have said to NATO when they asked, ‘Shall we call down fire from heaven to help the people of that country?”

The cards are being stacked just as they were before 1917. The template is visible all over the world as nations align themselves, military build-ups are being carried out at unheard of levels, with unheard of weaponry and every new day, a new generation of aircraft and missiles is on display for our expressions of shock and awe. But when the unleashing comes this time, and the unfathomable array of international alliances show themselves and their military loyal to whatever calling NATO beckons them to…

I cannot help but wonder what will light the match. The parallels are dozens and dozens. I dare not mouth what I suspect.

Don’t believe the lie. Test the spirits; Weigh everything in the balance. Practise at all times walking by the spirit and not by sight, and practice it with EVERYTHING you hold as true. Wisdom is crying in the streets.

Let us be those who are never fooled at any place or any time. It’s available. The Holy Spirit is never fooled.

Victoria Bingham
June 6, 2016


As the CIA and its subservient corporate international media (like the BBC) pay and give voice to notorious anti-Russian Zionist propagandists like Richard Pipes and Anna Applebaum, censoring and exiling free, principled, Non-Establishment voices, as the Washington elite installs ever more US citizens and local cronies as colonial rulers from Tallinn to Kiev, from Bucharest to Belgrade, from Sofia to Athens, as NATO hawks aggressively occupy the Baltic States with heavy equipment and Fourth Reich tanks are positioned only 100 miles from Saint Petersburg, as NATO tries to make both the Baltic and the Black Sea into its private lakes, as nuclear-armed NATO forces again threaten Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro, carry out exercises in Moldova and still enslaved gauleiter Ukraine, set up missile systems in EU-besieged Poland and Romania and intimidate Sweden and Finland, Hungary and Slovakia, not to mention the last free English in the vassal UK, we seem to be on the point of yet another Western-inspired war in Europe.

Here is a view from one who is neither Russian, nor a member of the Church, on the Russian leader, whom ever more Christians and others in Western Europe are looking to with hope for liberation from the atheist straitjacket of Eurosodom and Gommorhica. Will freedom come?


Would You Like to Become a Spy, Sir? How I Failed to Become a British Spy (Twice)

My first vague contact with spies was when I was 16. This was when I was buying some Russian books in the now disappeared Collet’s Russian bookshop (the Collets were Marxists) in Museum Street London. There were two other customers in the shop, both Americans, talking in a low voice the need to spy on the Soviet Union. Unless they were acting, they were CIA spies, indiscreet, but obviously not afraid of a schoolboy overhearing them. Such were Cold War times; London was the off-duty base (Berlin being the front line; today it is Kiev) and it was full of American spies.

My second contact was at University in Oxford. Now there it was known that some lowly MI5 operative used to search the rooms of students studying Russian at Oxford and Cambridge, no doubt in the hope of recruiting them. Certainly my room was searched, but I was never approached; no doubt they decided that I was too ‘religious’ for them. This was unlike two fellow-students, now well-known, who went on to work for MI6 and the BBC (BBC foreign correspondents double their salary in this way and also get some very useful inside information).

My third contact took place last Monday. To my surprise, I was stopped at Gatwick Airport as I prepared to board my flight to the Ukraine. A pleasant man dressed as a policeman looked at my passport. Seeing visas for Russia and stamps for the Ukraine, he explained that he worked for Special Branch. Would I like to speak to him since I had some time before the flight? Having obliged me to accept his offer, he told me that they were looking for people who were going to the Ukraine. ‘We need travellers to tell us about the state of the infrastructure, the mood of the people’.

To this he then asked if I would you like me to send my details to his superiors. This was quite simply a crass and desperate attempt to recruit me as a spy. After all they now advertise for spies in the national press and offer them very low salaries. Listening to him inform me that they were very interested ‘for obvious reasons’ in the Ukraine, as in ‘a number of other countries, you understand’, I answered him that this proposal did not interest me, that I did not want my details to be passed on, and that as he could see, I am a Russian Orthodox priest. Desperate times indeed!

First Muslim Mayor of an EU Capital

Following the mayoral election in London, the above is the sensational headline in the mind-numbing British tabloids. But is it really surprising? The last Mayor of London was also a quarter Muslim by his Turkish grandfather. If you invite tens of millions of Muslims over nearly seventy years to come and settle in your countries, you can only expect them to dress as Muslims, build mosques and also engage in national and political life, taking over that life in areas in which they are the majority. Let us be honest, it is only a matter of time before an EU country has a Muslim Prime Minister or President. Perhaps Mr Sadiq Khan will be the British Prime Minister one day. As to the wisdom of government elites inviting tens of millions of Muslims to settle in EU countries over the decades against popular will, that is another question. However, if we look at the facts, there is even worse.

What the foreign-controlled British and EU media did not report was that the other main candidate to be Mayor of London was, like David Cameron, an Old Etonian of Jewish origin. Son of a billionaire and one of the richest men in the UK, he is also married to a banking heiress, a Rothschild. Had he been elected, would there have been headlines, ‘Jew elected Mayor of London’? Of course not. Significantly, in the last few days, the foreign-owned British media have launched a vilification campaign both against the new Labour Muslim Mayor of London and against the Labour Party, accusing it of anti-Semitism, whereas in reality it is simply pro-Palestinian (we should note that the Palestinians are Semites) and anti-Zionist (We should note that, according to the UN, Zionism is racism, and we should add that many Jews are anti-Zionist and most Zionists are Non-Jews).

We do not defend the curious views of the atheist Labour leader, who seems to be stuck in hippy fantasies of the 1970s. However, two things are certain about him, that he is sincere and that he is not a racist. It would appear that in a two-horse race between an elitist, Old Etonian multi-hundred millionaire of Jewish origin and a lawyer of humble Pakistani origin, the people chose the latter. That should not be surprising. It seems a pity that there were no leading English candidates. But then, perhaps we should not expect that in London, a city that seceded from England and Englishness when the feudal Normans, founders of the British Establishment, transferred the English Capital from Winchester to London 950 years ago and brought with them 2,600 foreign traders from Rouen, who had financed their invasion and were duly rewarded, later financing the Norman invasion of Ireland also.

The Emperor Obama

The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.

As You Like It, Shakespeare

Like any pagan Roman Emperor of old, the Emperor Obama has visited his oldest colony (75 years, ever since the ’alliance’ of 1941, ‘the special relationship’). Like any Emperor, he received homage from his local vassal ruler, meddled, told his subjects how to vote, insulted and threatened them if they did not obey him, and received tribute from the local royalty, being presented with Prince George, the two-year old future tributary King. All were too frightened to tell him about his new clothes: for he is living on borrowed time, in a fool’s paradise.

However, today, the day after, is the national day, St George’s Day according to the Catholic calendar, and 400 years since the death of Shakespeare. England and indeed all four nations of these Isles have still a question to answer: To be or not to be? In the frenzy to destroy by suicide their national identities, is this the end of England, the end of these Isles and indeed the end of Europe? However, today, for the Church, is Lazarus Saturday and so the eve of Palm Sunday. This is the day on which the four-day dead, already corrupt, was raised from his tomb. Lazarus chose ‘to be’. So all is still possible. To England we say: Lazarus, come forth!