On Collapsing Unions


Many human structures last only three generations. After the grandparents have passed on their necessarily imperfect achievements to their children and they have passed them on in their turn to their grandchildren, the great-grandchildren reject them and all is dissolved. For the fourth generation stops looking back to the imperfect past and, freeing itself from the weight of history, looks to the future, hoping for better.

The Soviet Union

The Soviet Union was born out of the European suicide of the First World War. International empires centred in Western Europe were not content to limit themselves and continually wanted to expand. Having colonized the world, they were therefore obliged to clash with one another and also destroy the one remaining Empire outside its control, the Russian Empire, using its traitors to create the Soviet Union in its place.

The Soviet Union had a Marxist view of the world. Covering one sixth of the world’s land surface, but with little more than 5% of the world’s then population and responsible for only a small part of world production and trade, the vast Soviet Union was unable to meet the needs of its peoples and so became irrelevant. It had overreached itself out of hubris.

Twenty-five years ago the Soviet Union collapsed. It was effectively founded in 1917, more or less three generations before it collapsed (February 1917 to December 1991). The Soviet Union collapsed because people ceased to believe that its anti-patriotic injustices and straitjacket of tyranny were worth continuing it. They ceased to believe in its atheistic and materialistic ideology, realizing that there was greater.

The European Union

The European Union was born out of the European suicide of the Second World War. International empires centred in Western Europe were not content to limit themselves and continually wanted to expand. Having colonized the world, they were therefore obliged to clash with one another and also destroy the one remaining Empire outside its control, the Soviet Union. Having failed in this in 1945, the European Union was formed.

The European Union had a Eurocentric view of the world. Today, covering a tiny amount of the world’s land surface with little more than 5% of the world’s population and responsible for only a small part of world production and trade, this corner of Western Europe seems unable to meet the needs of its peoples and is so becoming irrelevant. It has overreached itself out of hubris.

Today, the European Union is collapsing. It was effectively founded in 1945, more or less three generations ago (May 1945 to 20??). The European Union is collapsing because people are ceasing to believe that its anti-patriotic injustices and straitjacket of tyranny are worth continuing it. They are ceasing to believe in its atheistic and materialistic ideology, realizing that there is greater.


Apostasy from the Orthodox Faith determined the collapse of the Russian Empire and its dissolution into the atheistic Soviet Union. In turn, the loss of belief in atheism determined the collapse of the Soviet Union and its dissolution into many constituent countries, above all the Russian Federation.

Apostasy from the Christian Faith determined the collapse of the European Nations and their dissolution into the atheistic European Union. In turn, the loss of belief in atheism is determining the collapse of the European Union and its dissolution into many constituent countries, perhaps into a Eurasian Confederation.