Monthly Archives: November 2016

Red Russia or White Russia?

Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union almost exactly a generation ago, the question has often been raised as to what the destiny of Russia is – to be Red or White. For some, called Red Russians, are Soviet-born, and others, called White Russians, were born outside the Soviet Union. Of course, the question is purely abstract, inasmuch as both Red Russia and White Russia are dead. Red Russia died a generation ago, though it had been dying for a generation before that. As for White Russia, I was one of the many priests who buried its last representatives in the 1980s and 1990s. Nevertheless, I am an heir to White Russia, just as there are those who are heirs to Red Russia. And, although it may sound strange to some, I find myself in complete agreement with the heirs of Red Russia and I know and respect them. Why?

Although there were heroic Tsarist figures in White Russia, there were many anti-Tsarist figures also, indeed, many of the latter were atheists. Their only concern in fighting the Reds was not to fight against atheism and for the restoration of the Tsar, but to get their property and money back. In other words, they were capitalists, without spiritual significance. That is how the White Movement was undermined, betrayed and lost – by their spiritual impurity. Their heirs, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren, are sometimes shocked to learn that the Tsar’s Russia had free schooling and an advanced educational system, with almost 90% literacy, and more or less free healthcare (a one rouble stamp per year in your passport) and a strong social protection system. Social justice was a priority.

More than this, the Russian Empire of Tsar Nicholas II keenly supported anti-colonial independence movements around the world, whether in Siam (Thailand) and Morocco, Korea and Ethiopia, South Africa and Tibet. The fact is that what the Soviet Union is praised for – its free education, free medicine, social justice and anti-colonialism – was merely its inheritance from the Tsar’s Russia. On the other hand, what it is castigated for, its slaughter of millions of its own citizens in artificial famines and concentration camps, its vicious persecution of the Church, dissidents and minorities, its alcohol, abortion, corruption and divorce epidemics and its initial inability to defend its borders against Hitler’s hordes (in the First World War, the Germans got no further than the western borders of Russia), were not parts of the Tsar’s Russia.

Today, with Red Russia dead, there is no going back to its appalling, genocidal practices, especially in the early Troskyite days of the anti-Russian Zionist Bolsheviks. As for the compromised part of White Russia that was not White at all, the money-grubbing and exploitative part that was anti-Tsar and carried out the February Revolution for its own selfish, nationalistic, political, power-grabbing interests, it too is dead. It withered away in irrelevance and bankruptcy in Paris and elsewhere. What is left? There remains the White Russia in exile that believes in Holy Rus and today encourages and is encouraged by that part of today’s Russia that believes in the same. This, we believe, is the Russia that will yet triumph over the remaining negative vestiges of the Soviet era, its alcohol, abortion, corruption and divorce.

Today, the struggle of the heirs of both Red and White Russia is not against one another. It is a common struggle against the anti-Christian traitors of post-Soviet Russia, the corrupt, power-seeking oligarchs who control so much of the media, industry and bureaucracy. These are those who, in their own selfish interests, act as the puppets of the anti-Christian Western neocons, against whom we heirs of White Russia in the West also struggle and against whom we struggled in 1917. For today’s neocons are the spiritual descendants of the selfsame secularists who betrayed the Church in Western Europe a thousand years ago, splitting it from the rest of the Church, making it first Roman Catholic and then Protestant, and who also betrayed the Tsar’s Russia in February 1917. They all say that Might is Right: but we all say that God is Right.

The Tyranny of Parliament

After the Norman invaders, blessed by the most powerful man in Western Europe, had overthrown and slaughtered the people’s King at Senlac near Hastings just over 950 years ago, they proceeded to install a tyrannical monarchy. This enslaved the people through establishing feudal castles and serfdom. Within 150 years the barons of this Norman Establishment, jealous of the King’s power, decided through Magna Carta to take some of it for themselves. Over 500 years later, in the 17th century, the tyrant Cromwell came, beheaded the King, dispossessed the barons and took power for himself through Parliament. To this day Cromwell, the Hitler of his day and responsible for probably a million deaths even without modern killing technology, is remembered through his statue outside the Norman Establishment Parliament in the Norman capital of London. We the people still await Denormanization.

Today the Norman Establishment has at last allowed the people to vote on our membership of the tyrannical and powerful EU – the EU is only the spiritual descendant of him who blessed their invasion and slaughter in 1066. It allowed this vote only because in its hubris and utter contempt for the people it was sure that it would win. However, since it lost that vote, it is now attempting to deny the people even that freedom. Parliament, in which sits a group of MPs representing a small minority of the voters is said to be superior to the people. This Norman trick to deprive the people of long-awaited freedom is now going to delay Brexit further. It is clear that the battle for freedom from EU tyranny will continue. Clearly and not surprisingly, the Norman Occupation of 1066 is far from over. This is because it is above all a spiritual occupation, an occupation of minds and hearts. And it is only spiritual liberation that will at last bring us real social, economic and political liberation.

On False Spiritual Fatherhood

Although fortunately rare, false spiritual fatherhood exists. In order to understand this, we must first understand what true spiritual fatherhood is.

True spiritual fatherhood is the guiding of the person towards salvation, away from the sins to which it in particular is prone. It is not the suppression of the person and its replacement by a self-serving personality cult of the false spiritual father. In such cases of personality cult, it will be seen that the victim (‘spiritual child’) will start physically resembling the so-called spiritual father. In other words, clones will be produced. This cloning involves not only external resemblance by wearing the same clothes, having the same hairstyle, cultivating the same walk, gestures or mannerisms, repeating the same words, wearing the same glasses, but also psychic resemblance. In such a case, it will be found that the clone will by mimetism (imitation) start to physically resemble the guru, the physical features changing to those of the cult leader.

Such a cult can very swiftly be identified by the exclusivist attitudes of the cult members or adepts to outsiders. These outsiders will not be recognized by them, for they cannot exist. They cannot exist, because no-one has a right to exist outside the cocoon of the exclusive cult. They have no right to exist because they owe no obedience to the idolatrous cult. In this way the cult takes on a sectarian, esoteric mentality, cutting itself off from the wider Church. Its spiritual pride becomes narcissistic, reflecting the narcissism of its idolized founder, who may have suffered from NPD (narcissistic personality disorder – google for details). Eventually, however, the cult begins to wither and die because of its spiritual pride, becoming irrelevant to the wider world. This is summed up by the Gospel words, ‘By their fruit ye shall know them’.

We write the above in order to warn the naïve, often young and intellectual. As we have said above, false spiritual fatherhood is rare – but it does exist.

The Christian Empire, not Zionist Imperialism

Whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: Even as the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve. (Matt 20, 27-28)

For the peace of the whole world, the good estate of the holy Churches of God and the union of all people, let us pray to the Lord.

Petition from the Great Litany of the Church

The hope for the global unity of all humanity in the Church is expressed in the above petition. For we believe that the voluntary union of all people in unity in diversity can only come through peace in the whole world and the good estate of the Local Orthodox Churches. This is the opposite of the globalism of the New World Order. This presumes the war of the whole world, the bad estate of the Local Orthodox Churches and the forced union of survivors in a global electronic concentration camp, in which all diversity will be destroyed and sameness imposed. All will be forced into speaking the same language, dressing the same way, watching the same images and listening to the same voices. All dissent will be ruthlessly crushed by imperialism.

Like all isms, this imperialism is infected with the secular, that is, with spiritual pride. It does not matter whether an ism started with a Christian motivation, any word ending in ism is so tainted, including Catholicism, Papism, Protestantism, Lutheranism, Anglicanism, messianism, traditionalism, conservatism, liberalism, old calendarism, new calendarism or any other ism. The words Church, Christianity and Orthodoxy are not so tainted because they are not secular, they are not spiritually proud, but humble. Thus, although we belong to the Christian Empire on earth, for nearly one hundred years without an earthly head, our head for now being the Mother of God, we reject imperialism, which is the demonic spirit of imagined superiority.

Imperialism means self-serving domination over other peoples and their cruel exploitation. It is the belief of imperialists that they are a chosen people, exceptional, as in the messianic Jewish exceptionalism of the ideology of ‘the chosen people’ of the Pharisees in the first century AD, today known as Zionism, the papal exceptionalism of the Crusades all over Europe and in the Middle East, (‘Kill them all, God will recognize His own’), the Spanish and Portuguese exceptionalism of the conquest of the Americas, the British exceptionalism of the Victorian Age, French exceptionalism, the German exceptionalism which started two World Wars against the Slavs, and today’s American neocon exceptionalism with its Trostkyite ethos.

Making itself exceptional, imperialism frees itself with impunity from common human morality and laws. All is permitted, from carpet bombing to dropping atomic bombs on civilians, from napalm to Agent Orange, from shock and awe to ‘collateral damage’, for the end justifies the means. Imperialism means the will to dominate others, not the will to serve others. A similar thing has happened in the history of the three imperial centres of the Orthodox Christian peoples. All three have at times been infected with the spiritual pride of Zionism, which destroyed Judaism and brought it to crucify Christ, as He had upset its plans for domination of the whole world, as expressed by the most Zionist, the Pharisees, the neocons of their age.

Thus, Old Rome was infected by the spiritual pride of imperialism and domination, using military force to achieve its aims, starting in southern Italy, Iberia and England (later in the Middle East, Ireland and Russia), and so fell away from the Church in the 11th century. New Rome (Constantinople) was infected and undermined by the spiritual pride of provincial Greek nationalism (Hellenism), which led it into compromises in Florence, bringing about its downfall in 1453, which nationalism is still alive today. And the Third Rome (Moscow) was at times also infected with Russian nationalism, as can be seen in parts of the history of Russian relations with Georgians, Finns and Poles, with the native peoples of Siberia and Alaska, and others.

The roots of exploitative Russian nationalism go back to the Lutheranized, absolutist Peter I, who invented a national Russian flag, replacing the old, multinational, Christian emblem of the double-headed eagle, introduced Western-style bureaucracy, as seen in his Table of Ranks, thus separating the Tsar from the people, and brought in Western feudal enslavement (serfdom), which lasted some 150 years. This is why the Soviet regime adored Peter and violently reintroduced his serfdom, which it called collectivization. Its first victims, just as Peter’s first victims, were the Russians themselves. For the Leninist and Trotskyite Soviet Union was also a Zionist-style Empire, an Empire without Christ, Messianism without a Messiah.

Superimposed on the already betrayed and undermined multinational Christian Empire of Old Russia, the Soviet Union was resented by western Ukrainians, Poles, Finns, Latvians, Estonians, Lithuanians, Hungarians, Tartars and many other peoples through its centralized will for domination. All such imperialism is opposed to the beliefs of the Christian Empire. The Christian Empire exists not to serve itself by exploiting the peoples who voluntarily desire and ask to belong to it, nor to promote greed for profit and ecologically catastrophic consumerism, but to fight evil. If you do not fight evil, you are in no way messianic, in no way a chosen people. A chosen people is one that lives for Christ, fights evil, serves others and defends the weak.

The Christian Empire has no desire to conquer and subjugate other peoples, making them its inferior, second-class citizens, belittling their languages and cultures, exploiting their resources. It desires only to serve, defend and respect them, seeing them as brothers and sisters, equal because also created by God, telling them of the Goodness, Truth and Justice of Christ and the acquisition of the Holy Spirit by example. In a word, the Christian Empire is the Empire of the Spirit. The Christian Empire in Russia, as in all its incarnations, fell because its treacherous and self-serving elite, largely no longer Christian, had ceased to do these things, being infected in the last two and a half centuries by exploitative imperialism which had been imported from the West.

Nearly one hundred years after the fall of the Christian Empire in 1917, which was the real aim of the First World War, and then the attempt in 1941 to destroy its territorial integrity, which was the real aim of the Second World War, but which was achieved only in 1991, we are now at a turning-point in history. We are faced by the ravaging of the planet by the messianistic imperialism of the Zionist neocon elite with its Soviet-style ‘bright future’. As it attempts to subjugate and control all humanity, the only thing that stands between us and its Antichristic ethos is the hope for the restoration of the Christian Empire. This is the Empire, freed of provincialist nationalism, ready to fight evil, defend the weak and serve the spiritual needs of humanity.