Monthly Archives: January 2015

The New Year

Every day in the world thousands die from disease (far more die in Africa every day of easily curable malaria than from ebola); every day thousands of bodies of the freshly murdered are burned in the abortion incinerators of the Western world (who said the Nazis did not win?); every day hundreds are murdered at the hands of Western-armed terrorists in Syria and Iraq, every day eighty people die from guns in the USA; every day 24 US ex-servicemen commit suicide because they cannot live with their consciences after Iraq and Afghanistan; every day several Ukrainians die at the hands of the Western-installed Nazi junta in Kiev. Amid all this death comes the present hypocritical hysteria and gross manipulation in France.

‘Charlie Hebdo’, owned by a billionaire Jew, was not a satirical magazine at all (15 years of living in Paris taught me that), but a pure piece of anti-clericalism and pornography, which was so intolerant that it never mocked either itself, nor Judaism, nor Israel, but weekly blasphemed against Christ, the Mother of God and also Islam. It is indeed the twilight of Europe. The forces that rule the world have been so swift to manipulate these barbaric murders in Paris that slightly crazy conspiracy theorists have even begun to write that the whole atrocity was deliberate and the psychopaths manipulated.

Because of this atrocity they say that now Western Europe will become a militarized police state as the USA has become since 2001; that now Western Europe will never criticize Israel’s genocide in Gaza again; that now Western Europe (especially France) will never lift anti-Russian sanctions – just when it was beginning to drift away from American policies and join the Beijing-Moscow axis; that now Western Europe will become a mere slave of Washington, debilitated by a continual civil war between Muslim and Non-Muslim, between jihad and McWorld. In any case, preparations for the coming of Antichrist are clearly under way in Western Europe.

Whatever the truth behind mass manipulation in France and Western Europe, one thing is clear: 2015 opens with the continuation of the present World War that the West began last year. The present phase of this World War that has clearly broken out in Iraq, Syria and the Ukraine, but is simmering from Paris to Nigeria and from Afghanistan to Hong Kong, has also given rise to the economic scorched earth policy of the Russian Federation. Provoked by last year’s NATO invasion of the Ukraine, that policy is to retreat, heading economically eastwards towards the Eurasian Economic Union and China, and when the time is ripe to counter-attack economically against NATO.

It was this same scorched earth policy, though in its military manifestation, that brought first retreat eastwards and then Russian troops to liberate Paris in 1814 and Berlin in 1945. It is the same policy that may bring the Russian Federation to liberate Western Europe from its mass hysteria now. The information attack against Russia through pathetic Western propaganda for the naïve and brainwashed mob, the economic attack against Russia through sanctions, the currency attack against the Russian rouble, the resources attack against Russian oil by encouraging Muslim fanatics in Saudi Arabia to pump oil, all continue. The EU, vassal of Washington, is bankrupting itself. It is now a question of time as to who will win.

Since the fall of the Soviet Union, the Western world has gone mad, its millennial aggression no longer held in check by any opposition. Now, on the ruins of the discredited atheist Soviet Union and the ruins caused by the Western materialism of that Soviet Union and to the anger of Western secularists and atheists, we can see the return to the world stage of a reborn Imperial Russia and its Orthodox Christian culture. Russians lived through the murderous consequences of Western atheism and so rejected it; the Western world is now entering through its own will into that atheist culture, wilfully ignoring the lessons learned by Russia from it.

‘Russia is a land that borders on God’, wrote the poet Rilke. And the Baltic German Walter Schubart added: ‘Only Russia is capable of making spiritual mankind, which has sunk into materialism and has been ruined by the thirst for power’. Now, at Orthodox Christmas, from Mt Athos one of the foremost elders of contemporary Russia, Hieroschemamonk Raphael (Berestov) has written that we must strengthen ourselves in the face of the sufferings of the present World War. However, Elder Raphael has also consoled us, affirming that during this War the coming Russian Orthodox Tsar-Conqueror will appear and all Orthodox hearts will recognize him. For when he is anointed, all Orthodox minds will be enlightened. St Seraphim of Sarov will witness to him and he will receive his orb and sceptre from the Mother of God who has held them since 1917 and there will follow a great cleansing. May it be so!

Je Suis Les Otages

On Orthodox Christmas Day, a day when, like any other day, the French State allowed the murder of 600 people by new herods in the new Bethlehems of French abortion clinics, 12 people were barbarically murdered in Paris in an appalling act of terrorism by crazed psychopaths. Before anyone deliberately tries to twist our words and accuse us of justifying such an act, we unreservedly condemn it as the atrocity that it was. The fact that several atheists or blasphemers were murdered makes no difference – murder is murder and all are children of God, even if because of some psychological distortion some hide behind irrational atheism.

Thus, today, the billionaire oligarch, arms dealer and mass murderer of his own people, Poroshenko (Waltzman), walked as a free man in the streets of Paris together with EU leaders. If they had all been protesting at the never to be justified barbaric atrocity that occurred there last week, we could wholeheartedly have joined them. However, the union of these secularists with this war criminal proves to all that the real reason for their parade is not in fact belief in freedom and dignity, but a politicized, self-justifying belief in the double standards of Godlessness.

Those same EU leaders supported ‘Pussy Riot’, whose name is a synonym for lust and violence. That was a slippery slope which has brought a nasty result. The Western-organized Pussy Riot blasphemy took place in a shrine dedicate to all those who gave their lives to defend the Faith against the mass murderer, atheist blasphemer and arch-secularist Napoleon, ‘the founder of Europe’ and founder of the French secularist State, who stabled his horses in churches. Of course, EU leaders supported Pussy Riot. But look where it has led them. Blasphemy always ends up in violence.

On the one hand, the politically correct secularists of Western Europe say that Christians should not wear crosses so as not to offend Muslims, but on the other hand they give atheists the ‘freedom’ to blaspheme and deliberately and needlessly offend Muslims, Christians and those of any other non-secularist, spiritual teaching. When offended and blasphemed, as so often happens in the modern West as in the absurd book and film ‘The Da Vinci Code’, real Christians are taught to turn the other cheek because they know of the New Testament and the word ‘forgiveness’.

However, Muslims, like Jews, are peoples of the Old Testament and have never accepted the New Testament (like certain people who call themselves ‘Christians’ but are not), and their motto is ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’. Therefore, why deliberately and needlessly offend them instead of using reasoned argument against them? However, the terrorists who committed the atrocities in Paris hardly represent Islam. They belong to those fanatics who use Islam (or any other religion) to justify their amorality and sadism, because they are warped sociopathic and psychopathic criminals. In their case they are children of immigrants who have never fitted in or tried to fit into a Western society, rejected, unemployed and probably unemployable in a misgoverned French economy that has been in freefall for two decades.

Therefore, it is all the clearer that the real if covert motivation for today’s parade in Paris is not the defence of freedom of speech, but the secularist hatred for and rejection of any kind of spiritual life and spiritual freedom. There has been no demonstration in favour of freedom of speech, but rather in favour of the bullying lack of respect for spiritual values which constitutes political correctness. If they believed in freedom of speech, they would not practise the censorship of political correctness. This was a demonstration of thisworldliness.

And so it is also clear that the real winner of the awful, barbaric events in Paris, to be condemned universally, is neither Islam, nor Christianity, but Satan, whose sadistic laughter can be heard around the world, from Paris to Syria and the Ukraine, as freedom to blaspheme is justified by Europe’s atheist elite. A world that has rejected Divine laws and instituted blasphemy in its place lives under the rule of Satan. And Satan laughs because his millennial project to cast Christ out of Western culture is nearing completion.

On a Sunday in France two million went onto the streets instead of going to church. However, 63 million did not go onto the streets. In France some are saying ‘I am Charlie Hebdo’, others that ‘I am Ahmed’ (the murdered Muslim policeman). What do we Orthodox Christians say? Horrified by psychopathic terrorists, on this day, when we commemorate the Holy Innocents and all Orthodox Christians who died of hunger, thirst, freezing and the sword, we say: ‘Je suis les otages’, ‘I am the hostages’.

For we are hostages, victims, caught between the hatred and blasphemy of secularist atheism and the hatred and blasphemy of fanatical terrorism. And who are the Innocents? They are: Christ on the Cross, against Whom the secularists blaspheme daily; the infants of Bethlehem killed by Herod; the 600 aborted every day in France; the millions of refugees in Iraq, Syria, the Ukraine; the hostages who died in a Paris supermarket; the millions of dead killed in the crossfire between blasphemers and psychopaths all over the world. Je suis les otages.

A Christmas Present from Russia


Russia’s “Startling” Proposal to Europe:
Dump the US, Join the Eurasian Economic Union

Slowly but surely Europe is figuring out that as a result of the western economic and financial blockade of Russian, it is Europe itself that is suffering the most. And while Germany was first to acknowledge this late in 2014 when its economy swooned and is now on the verge of a recession, now others are catching on. Case in point: the former head of the European Commission, and Italy’s former Prime Minister, Romano Prodi who told Messaggero newspaper that the “weaker Russian economy is extremely unprofitable for Italy.”

The other details from Prodi’s statement:

Lowered prices in the international energy markets have positive aspects for the Italian consumers, who pay less for the fuel, but the effect will be only short-term. In the long-term however the weaker economic situation in countries producing energy resources, caused by lower oil and gas prices, mostly in Russia, is extremely unprofitable for Italy, he said.

“The lowering of the oil and gas prices in combination with the sanctions, pushed by the Ukrainian crisis, will drop the Russian GPD by five percent per annum, and thus it will cause cutting of the Italian export by about 50%,” Prodi said.

“Setting aside the uselessness or imminence of the sanctions, one should highlight a clear skew: regardless of the rouble rate against dollar, which is lower by almost a half, the American export to Russia is growing, while the export from Europe is shrinking.”
In other words, just as slowly, the world is starting to grasp the bottom line: it is not the financial exposure to Russia, or the threat of financial contagion should Russia suffer a major recession or worse: it is something far simpler that will lead to the biggest harm for Europe’s countries. The lack of trade. Because while central banks can monetize everything, leading to an unprecedented asset bubble which if only for the time being boosts investor and consumer confidence, they can’t print trade – that all important driver of growth in a globalized world long before central banks were set to monetize over $1 trillion in bonds each and every year to mask the fact that the world is deep in a global depression.

Which is why we read the following report written in yesterday’s Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten with great interest because it goes right to the bottom line. In it Russia has a not so modest proposal to Europe: dump trade with the US, whose call for Russian “costs” has cost you another year of declining economic growth, and instead join the Eurasian Economic Union! From the source:

Russia has presented a startling proposal to overcome the tensions with the EU: The EU should renounce the free trade agreement with the United States TTIP and enter into a partnership with the newly established Eurasian Economic Union instead. A free trade zone with the neighbors would make more sense than a deal with the US.

It surely would, but then how will Europe feign outrage when the NSA is found to have spied yet again on its “closest trading partners?” Some more on Russia’s proposal from EUobserver:

Vladimir Chizhov told EU Observer: “Our idea is to start official contacts between the EU and the EAEU as soon as possible. [German] chancellor Angela Merkel talked about this not long ago. The EU sanctions [on Russia] are not a hindrance”.

“I think that common sense advises us to explore the possibility of establishing a common economic space in the Eurasian region, including the focus countries of the Eastern Partnership [an EU policy on closer ties with Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine]”.

“We might think of a free trade zone encompassing all of the interested parties in Eurasia”.

He described the new Russia-led bloc as a better partner for the EU than the US, with a dig at health standards in the US food industry.

“Do you believe it is wise to spend so much political energy on a free trade zone with the USA while you have more natural partners at your side, closer to home? We don’t even chlorinate our chickens”, the ambassador said.

The treaty establishing the Eurasian Union entered into life on Thursday (1 January).

It includes Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia, with Kyrgyzstan to join in May.

Modelled on the EU, it has a Moscow-based executive body, the Eurasian Economic Commission, and a political body, the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, where member states’ leaders take decisions by unanimity.

It has free movement of workers and a single market for construction, retail, and tourism. Over the next 10 years, it aims to create a court in Minsk, a financial regulator in Astana and, possibly, to open Eurasian Economic Commission offices in Astana, Bishkek, Minsk, and Yerevan.

It also aims to launch free movement of capital, goods, and services, and to extend its single market to 40 other sectors, with pharmaceuticals next in line in 2016.

And as a reminder: The Eurasian Economic Union, a trade bloc of former Soviet states, expanded to four nations Friday when Armenia formally joined, a day after the union between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan began.

So the ball is in your court, Europe: will it be a triple-dip (and soon thereafter quadruple: see Japan) recession as your Goldman-controlled central bank plunders ever more of what little is left of middle-class wealth with promises that this year – for real – is when it all turns around, or will Europe acknowledge it has had enough and shifts its strategic, and trade, focus from west (speaking of the TTIP, Germany’s agriculture minister just said “We can’t protect every sausage” referring to the TTIP) to east?

Considering just whose interests are represented by the unelected bureaucrats in Brussels, we won’t be holding our breath.

Paris: Violent Extremism Breeds Violent Extremism

In the eleventh century, the Western world, then meaning only some parts of Western Europe, finally rejected any kind of spiritual centre outside itself and made itself into its own spiritual centre. Thus, having become ethnocentric, it started to view all other civilizations as cannon fodder for its wholly unprincipled and egoistic purposes. All other civilizations became ‘good’ if they supported the exploitative and genocidal egoism of the West, but ‘barbaric’, ‘backward’, ‘primitive’ and ‘anti-democratic’ if they did not.

For example, the Jewish elite was useful to finance its tribal wars at various points in the Middle Ages, or to finance the Reformation and the wars that followed it (like Cromwell’s in Britain and Ireland), or to finance its twentieth-century ‘world’ (in fact Western) wars, but when ordinary Jews were not needed for this purpose they could be massacred.

For example, the Muslim world could be massacred, as in the eleventh century in the Iberian Peninsula, as in the Crusades, as today in the Gaza Strip, because Muslims are ‘in the way’. However, when it suited and suits the unprincipled purposes of the West, the Muslim world could and can become its closest ally, as in the anti-Christian Crimean War and in Bulgaria in the 19th century when the West supported anti-Christian massacres by Muslims, as in the West’s contemporary support of barbaric anti-Christian dictatorships in Saudi Arabia (whose Muslim fanatics were responsible for 9/11 but which was not invaded), in Qatar and Bahrein, as in Chechnia, Kosovo and Bosnia, where the West supported the establishment of anti-Christian Muslim criminal mafia governments, as in Afghanistan, where the CIA set up Al-Qaida, as in Iraq, where the CIA-imposed dictator Hussein was then betrayed by the West once he had outlived his usefulness and lived to see his country pillaged and over a million of his people massacred and exiled, as in Libya, where Britain and France bombed the legitimate regime to pieces and ensured that its armouries were pillaged by Muslim fanatics, as in Syria, where the West financed and trained fanatical Muslim terrorists and encouraged their own Western-born jihadis to fight there – until they started carrying their jihad into Iraq and now into France, or as in the Crimea where it supports the Muslim Tartar minority against the Christian Russian majority.

Thus, modern ‘radical Islam’ is a Western invention. Arms for the never to be justified barbaric atrocity of the outrage in Paris came from the arms-dealing mafia in Kosovo and from Libya. Sow the wind and you will reap the whirlwind. Government elites in Western Europe (as also in the USA, Canada and Australia) have over the last sixty years brought into their countries tens of millions of Muslims, to be exploited by their industrialists in low-paid jobs. The elites never consulted their peoples they dictate to about their immigration policies – the elites live in wealthy, white-skinned areas and do not see what they have done. Now they face the backlash. This began with the sadistic terrorist Breivik in Norway. Now it is clearly visible in Germany and France.

In one sense the extremist and totally unjustifiable atrocity in Paris is successive French governments’ own fault. Having committed atrocities in the Muslim world for centuries (not least by slaughtering two million in its colonial war in Algeria fifty and sixty years ago or in Libya a score of months ago), the French now see Muslims bringing atrocities to France. Having in the French Revolution officially renounced its own Christian roots and opened the door to freedom for blasphemy, French governments have created all the conditions for a spiritual vacuum, for unprincipled and cynical belieflessness. But nature abhors a vacuum and the devil always fills it. The renunciation of Christian spirituality in the West has led to a vacuum which has been filled by the satanic spirituality of terrorism. The totally unjustifiable atrocity in Paris is but a consequence of the West’s own spiritual crisis of unbelief and faithlessness.

Western violent extremism in the Muslim world has bred Muslim violent extremism in the Western world. To our great sorrow, the atrocity in Paris will be repeated elsewhere in the Western world by Western-born and Western-bred Muslim terrorists. And these will in turn bring a violent backlash for Muslims living in the West. The terrorist atrocities that the West has committed with bombs, uranium-tipped shells, bullets and drones in Iraq, the Balkans, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Syria are now spreading to the West, exactly as predicted. He who sows the wind shall indeed reap the whirlwind. The Western world has brought this atrocity on itself.