Why there is no Peace on Earth

They burned the bones of the king…into lime.

Amos, 2,1

A restored Russia is needed by the world, which has lost the spirit of life and trembles in fear, as before an earthquake.

St John of Shanghai

Russia will not be restored until she understands who our Russian Tsar Nicolas was.

Elder Nicholas Guryanov

‘The Tsar and Russia are inseparable from each other. If there is no Tsar, then there is no Russia, and the Russian State will inevitably go astray from the path Divinely foreordained for her. This is understandable, for that which God entrusts to His Anointed cannot be entrusted to the crowd.

The tasks of the Tsar of Russia imposed on him by Divine Providence go far beyond the bounds of the tasks assigned to one who is vested with the authority of the State. He is not a head of State who is elected by the people and there to please the people, by whom he is appointed and on whom he depends. The Tsar of Russia is anointed to his Tsardom by God and is appointed to be the Image of God on earth: his task is to do the works of God, to express the will of God, to be the bearer and preserver of the general Christian ideal of earthly life.

As a result, the tasks of the Tsar of Russia went far beyond the bounds of Russia and embraced the whole world. The Tsar of Russia struck a balance in world affairs, in international relations in both hemispheres. He defended the weak and the oppressed, united peoples made up of many tribes through his supreme authority, guarded Christian civilization and culture, he was he who ‘stands in the way’, to whom the Apostle Paul refers in his second epistle to the Thessalonians, saying: ‘For the mystery of iniquity works already, only he who now stands in the way will stand in the way, until he is taken out of the way (2 Thess. 2, 7).

This is what the mission of the Russian Orthodox Sovereign and Tsar consisted of…His task was not only for the good of Russia, but for the peace of the whole world…

And until Russian Orthodox have understood the mission of the Russian Sovereign Tsar, until they are conscious of what the tasks of the Sovereign and Lord’s Anointed were and are, until they have pledged themselves before God to aid the Tsar in carrying out those tasks, the grace of God will not return to Russia and there will be no peace on earth’.

Prince N. D. Zhevakhov, Bari, Italy, 14/27 May 1928