Western World Goes Insane

In the 1980s the governments of the Western world (10% of the whole world) backed Islamist terrorism against the Soviet Union, recruiting for example the terrorist Bin Laden in the CIA, ignoring the (very real) possibility of blowback. After the fall of the Western-invented atheist Soviet Union in 1991, in its demented pursuit of world domination (‘globalism’) the Western world then attempted to crush the peoples of the former Soviet Union and the opposition of the Islamic world, which it had trained and equipped.

Thus, there followed two invasions of Iraq, the destruction of Libya, the attempted destruction of the Magreb, Egypt, Nigeria, Syria, Turkey, the Yemen and threatening Iraq (and North Korea) with nuclear holocaust, overthrowing the governments of Georgia and the Ukraine,  and arming Israel, Saudi Arabia, Bahrein and Qatar to the teeth. So we see how the pursuit of world conquest over the last 27 years has included murdering and forcing to flee millions of innocent victims of Western imperialism.

Backing sadistic Islamist terrorists in Syria who use poison gas and supporting the State terrorism of Israel, the Western world is now preparing to attack once more the government of Syria. US warships are sailing to mass not far from Armageddon in Israel, desperately trying to obtain the support of France and the UK. Russian and Chinese warships are set to oppose them. Turkish, Iranian and Syrian forces will also support them.

In the UK, whose secret services murdered one Russian over a decade ago and attempted to murder another two last month, people fear. The bankrupt government of the UK has no money for decent healthcare, education or roads, but always has money for arms of mass death and destruction. In France and the US ($21 trillion national debt) the situation is similar. Will common sense prevail over the psychopathic Western elite, which so pretentiously calls itself ‘the international community’? The 90% of the world, where common sense does prevail, looks on and prays.