The Western World in Turmoil

With the Washington administration descending into infighting between the new ‘Drain the Swamp’ President and the neocons of the ‘Dark State’, who, regardless of Party tag, have been in control for a generation and do not want to give it up, US powerbrokers seem to be paralysed.

In the US-vassal organization, the EU, the policy of ‘Destroy the Church, the Nation and the Family’ has developed dramatically over the last generation, building on the millennial attack on the Church and the 20th-century attack on the Nation-State by the Western European elite. However, it too is now being challenged by the anti-EU protest of the European peoples, who want either their spiritual freedom (Church Life), or their identity (National Life), or simply their sanity (Family Life) back.

The Western world seems to be reaching a turning-point. Does it continue on the hysterical path towards Antichrist that it took 100 years ago and which it has accelerated on, especially in the last 50 years, or does it stop and perhaps even turn back to its roots and common sense? We of course do not know, but we do know that now is the time for prayer and repentance – or else….