The Myth of White Supremacy

With such a title some might be expecting me to affirm simply that the idea that white people are superior to other races is a myth. That is so obvious that it is not what I have to say. The real myth is far more radical than that.

White supremacy began in the eighth century when the tyrant Charlemagne massacred 4,500 Saxons at Verden in October 782: this was white against white, the white elite against the white people. There is no such thing as White Supremacy – only White Elitism. After a period of nearly three centuries of chaos, White Elitism raised its ugly head again in 1054 when the spiritual descendants of Charlemagne broke away from the Christian Church and founded their own self-justifying, pseudo-religious organization in Rome, once the capital of the incredibly cruel and barbaric pagan Roman Empire. Again, it was white against white. The whites have always been the first victims of the White Elitists.

In 1066 the White Elitists in Rome used their Norman shock troops to massacre 100,000 English; white against white. They continued to massacre in Wales, Ireland and Scotland. There followed the barbaric ‘Crusades’ when white elitists massacred members of the Orthodox Christian (white), but also Arab and Jewish races. However, that was exceptional. Most of the Middle Ages in Western Europe was the history of the bloodshed of white people by the White Elitists, for example, in ‘Wars of Religion’. And in fact it was only really after 1492 that the White Elitists began to massacre other races systematically by organized violence through elitist projects like the Spanish or French or British Empires.

And even then they did not stop massacring other white people, as, for instance, the English Hitler, Cromwell did in Ireland, massacring a million. In the 20th century the White Elitists continually massacred white peoples, and over 40 million white people died in two European wars, 30 million Slavs alone. This was the White Holocaust. Why? Because the White Elite had renounced Christ. White ideologues like Lenin and Hitler made their atheism plain. The people were oppressed by the Elite. It can be seen today in the Brexit debate, where the White Elitists are ready to betray the People, as they have done in England for the last 953 years. And they claim to run a ‘representative democracy’!!!

In New Zealand, a pro-Kiev regime white terrorist who had murdered whites in the Ukraine, murdered fifty Muslims. He was not a White Supremacist, but a White Elitist. As the old proverb says: ‘A fish rots from the head’.