The Modern Nightmare

Countries and societies are governed by two principles. They are represented by the political tendencies of what in modern times are known as Left and Right. One principle, espoused especially by the Left, is Social Justice, as seen in the provision of free public health and education systems, good public infrastructure, roads and pavements, and public transport (rail and bus). The other principle, espoused especially by the Right, is what is called Social Conservatism, which is a phrase meaning personal, family, social and national moral responsibility.

When political parties promote only Social Justice, they end up making people dependent on the State and personally irresponsible, as people think only of their rights, but not of their duties. Destroying individual initiative and enterprise, people start leading short-sighted and amoral lives for short-term pleasure and become self-destructive, even suicidal.

When political parties promote only Social Conservatism, they end up making people selfish and narcissistic, as people think only of their own individualistic interests and idolizing money. Destroying the sense of society and personal, family, social and national responsibility, people start leading short-sighted and amoral lives and become self-destructive, even suicidal.

The nightmare is that of today’s Secularist Western societies, where there is poor Social Justice, as seen in lack of free health and education systems, Third World public infrastructure, roads and pavements, and lack of public transport. This creates a large underclass, fatal for social stability and social cohesion. And at the same time there is little Social Conservatism, as it has been replaced by the illusion called ‘freedom’, which means the destruction of personal responsibility and of the collective values of family life and patriotism, leading to social irresponsibility, bordering on depravity and sexual perversion, such that the most detestable evils of prostitution (‘sex work’) and pedophilia have become commonplace as they are not only permitted but, indirectly, promoted. This is suicide.

Social Injustice and Social Depravity are coming to reign in such societies and are promoted globally and imperialistically by military, economic and social forces as part of the West’s ‘New World Order’. Here is the nightmare of modern Westernized life with its intense injustices and personal, family, social and national irresponsibility. All this is the opposite of Orthodox Christian society, which contrary to Western Secularist values, promotes both Social Justice and Social Conservatism. This can be seen in Christian monarchies, before Left and Right came to exist. These are the unitive values above mere Left and Right, those of the Tsar’s Empire before 1917 and of New Rome before 1453. As part of the Church of God, both tried to incarnate the Kingdom of Christ on earth, with justice in society as well as personal, family, social and national moral responsibility.