Draining The Swamp

Introduction: For or Against

As I have always been critical of the compromises of the elite of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, I have twice been asked if I am anti-Greek. No, I am pro-Greek, and not just because I lived and worked in Greece for a year and spoke (now rusty) Greek, I am pro-Greek because I am against those who betray true Greek Orthodox identity in favour of anti-Christian, secularist values. Secularist (or ‘Hellenic’ – in the language of the Apostle Paul) values are not Greek, they are not part of Greek Orthodox Tradition and culture. Therefore, I am pro-Greek and not pro-ecumenist and pro-LGBT, despite what one senior individual in the Greek Archdiocese in North America thinks of that. I support ordinary Greek Orthodox people, clergy and monks, some of whom come to our church. Similarly, I have been asked if I am anti-Catholic. Once more, I do not think in those negative terms. I am pro-Orthodox, which means that I value all the remnants of Orthodoxy that have survived in Catholicism. I have seen sincere piety among Catholics and where I have seen that, I am in that way ‘pro-Catholic’. However, I am not pro-filioque, pro-papist and pro-pedophile.

On the contrary, I am for digging deep in order to reach what is below, the roots. My example is the late Archbishop Augustine of Lvov who in the 1990s told Greek Catholics in his diocese to dig deeper when they said they could not return to Orthodoxy because their ancestors buried in their cemeteries were also Uniats. ‘Dig deeper in the cemetery’, he said, ‘and you will find that your ancestors were Orthodox’. My reply to questions about whether I am pro-Russian Orthodox or anti-Russian Orthodox is the same. I am pro-Russian Orthodox. That is precisely why I am critical of the recent infiltration of the Russian Church by secularist values, including the love of money, careerism, centralisation and homosexuality, which have tried to corrupt it from inside, largely over the last thirty years. I am pro-real Russian Orthodoxy, not pro-a recent oligarchic business version, run so often by careerists, homosexuals and fifth columnists. I believe that the Russian Church should grant at the very least autonomy (with the right not to commemorate the Russian Patriarch, if the local need is such, not just to Japan and China (including now Taiwan), but also to the Twelve: to Africa, Northern America (the ‘NAOC’, though this already has autocephaly under an inaccurate name), Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, South America, Oceania, Western Europe, the Baltics (Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), Central Asia, Moldova, Belarus and of course the New Ukraine, or Kievan Confederation, as it will be. The future is in new Local Churches, not Disneyland imitations of old Local Churches.

Thus, I am opposed to upstart converts who know little about the authentic Russian Orthodox Tradition, only knowing about outward show, and therefore who cause schism. They are those tyrants who come here and try to impose their crazy convert sectarian ways, including their debased English language, on people who had the Tradition before they and their parents were even born. In their incredible aggressiveness (as Orthodox of all other nationalities at once notice), manipulative arrogance and love of money and bling (they love dressing up because, as secular failures (whatever they claim on fictional cvs) they have an inferiority complex) they remind us of GIs who went to Iraq and tortured Iraqis. Why? Because they were American and therefore all was allowed them. They wanted to Americanise us, intimidating us and threatening us. As they know so little, making basic mistakes, they failed and their absurd and ignored petty punishments backfired on them and their incel yesmen followers. Their policy is the same policy as those who in their corrupt hubris, absolutely certain that they were right, went to conquer Vietnam, Afghanistan and the Ukraine, humiliating their peoples and despising and destroying their age-old cultures. They all failed and they all had to go back to where they came from and bear the spiritual consequences of their errors for the rest of their lives – and beyond. So the Russian Orthodox Church is now being cleansed. And I am for cleansing, for draining the swamp that has accumulated over the last thirty years.

The Fall of the Western World into Nazism

In reality, arrogant and aggressive Western hubris is a form of Nazism. We must understand that Nazi ideology is not about some historic German nationalist form of racism. That was only a narrow episode in the long history of the ‘Crusades’ of the Western elite against ordinary peoples worldwide, against the grassroots. Nazism is far broader than Hitlerism. Nazism is the whole ideology of Western superiority, the concept that the Western world is the only one that counts, that as the Rest are inferior to it, the West has the tyrannical right – and delusional pride – to destroy all other Civilisations and cultural values. How? By imposing its own on them through organised violence, such as that employed against England in 1066 (yes, English lives matter too), racial arrogance, economic blackmail and cultural bullying. How did this come about? Where did this all come from? Anyone who knows the West knows that there is great variety among its peoples and that many ordinary people do not share in these hubristic attitudes.

For example, from classic humanist Western culture, who would call Nazis, Dante and Michelangelo, Rembrandt and Vermeer, Shakespeare and Moliere, Cervantes and Goethe, Bach and Beethoven, Heine and Dickens, Chopin and Liszt, Puccini and Verdi, Brahms and Strauss, Hugo and Renoir, Dvorak and Grieg, Yeats and Joyce, Sibelius and Elgar? Nobody. So where did this Western culture of Nazism appear from? Any Civilisation is dependent on its essential spiritual and so resulting philosophical and cultural values. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism are the four most important belief systems in the world, accounting for over 75% of the world, though there are also many smaller systems, such as Taoism, Sikhism and the very small Judaism (0.2%). Now, although the Western foundational system later deviated into the denominational forms of Catholicism and Protestantism, the Western world began as part of Christian Civilisation. Clearly then, this Nazism began from those deviations, not from the original foundation.

In other words, we of the Orthodox Church are the West’s past. Catholicism and Protestantism are not that past. In other words, their spiritual authority is now small because they have wandered so far from the original Christianity and their institutional State forms have always, even if unconsciously, been part of that Nazi ideology of proud, self-appointed superiority. Yes, although both denominations had already added and taken away long ago, they did until relatively recently still share several basic Christian values. However, over the last hundred years and more, arguably since 1914 when Western elites massacred the flower of their own youth in the trenches, though others would say before this, others after this, they have degenerated. So much, indeed, that most of their denominational leaders now appear to deny even basic Christian values, the Three Pillars on which the Western world had built its Civilisation. How did this happen and what are those Three Pillars?

The Loss of Spiritual, National and Family Identities

Firstly, the Western world lost, or rather renounced, its own Spiritual and Civilisational Identity, that is to say, its belief in Christ the Son of God. It lost its Faith in its own foundation stone. Denying Him as the Risen Son of God and dismissing Him as a mere man and sometimes rejecting that He had ever even existed, it destroyed all faith in its own raison d’etre. Why did it exist any more? For example, it sold its Bibles to Native Americans and Africans, but then stole their lands and resources. What example did those people see in the West? What was the Western ideology worth? In the same way, its politicians and arms merchants blew to pieces Western youth in the trenches of the First World War, so that their bodies could never even be found. It became clear that the West was no longer Christian, just Capitalist, its only interest financial gain, and its reductionist forms of Christianity were only camouflage for making money. (The West always has money for wars, though not to pay doctors and nurses, for roads and hospitals). It had lost its spiritual and ideological foundation.

Secondly, the various Western nations lost their National Identity, that is their Sovereignty. They began to merge not simply into one another, but into an anonymous and homogenous, one size fits all, American standard world. Today, you can visit cities, airports and stores in Western Europe and you may well have no idea which country you are in. They all look the same, they all have the same transnational and transcorporate look and content. Western Europeans increasingly eat, drink and dress exactly like Americans and watch American films and television. The example of this is the US-modelled EU, which is supposed to be a United States of Europe, a single subservient transatlantic part of the USA with the same dollar-pegged common currency, in other words, it is little more than a set of client banana-republics. The Non-EU UK is even more subservient to that model.

Thirdly, the Western world is now in the process of destroying its Family Identity through Transgenderism. By undermining and destroying the basic building block of any Civilisation, the Family, and proclaiming that there are no longer two sexes, male and female, as God made them, it is ensuring its own death. It is even, through aggressive economic blackmail, trying to export this depravity to other countries, which have different civilisational values, in Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa etc. Where will the fathers to provide the seed come from? Where will the mothers to carry children and give birth come from? Transgenderism is the last step in the end of Western Civilisation. It is suicidal, as we can also see in the forced large-scale population replacements by mass immigration which have taken place in Western Europe and accelerated over the last fifty years. It is just as at the end of the pagan Roman Empire. Immigration is always necessary for ageing and depraved societies to survive.

Conclusion: The Role of Russian Civilisation in Possible European Restoration

In the twentieth century Russian Civilisation was almost completely destroyed by the Western-orchestrated overthrow of its Non-Western, non-reductionist, traditional Orthodox Christian Civilisation. This was overthrown in 1917 by the Western ideologies of Bourgeois Rule and then of Marxism, that satanically-inspired ideological idealism. This utterly failed because it never took into account human nature, that is, reality, specifically Spiritual Identity, National Identity and Family Identity. All who opposed its straitjacket had to be massacred, exiled or silenced by fear. That was what happened, at least in the first generation of Marxism in the 1920s and 1930s, after which Russia received the Divine punishment of satanic Nazi aggression in 1941, which at last began to sober minds and prepare them for the following three generations of repentance. Today we are seeing the final phase of that repentance for stubborn sin in a renewed attack of Nazism.

In the last thirty years, the remnants of Russian Civilisation have slowly and painfully been restoring their spiritual roots in Russian Orthodoxy. This very slow and sometimes compromised return to Orthodox Christianity means that Russia is gradually returning to the same roots that the Western world once possessed, albeit long ago. This means that it is returning from that terminus towards which the West is now heading. In other words, today Russia and the West are like two trains passing each other, but heading in two different directions. The Russian train is coming from its terminus and heading towards the restoration of its Spiritual Civilisational Identity, of National Identity and Sovereignty and of Family Identity, all of which it almost lost in the years of Marxism. On the other hand, the Western train is speeding to its terminus – to nihilism, the rejection of everything.

After experiencing the Western deviation of Marxism, founded by the atheist grandson of a rabbi, today’s Russia is utterly opposed to the aggressive and narcissistic LGBT elites of the New West. It is in favour of the remnant peoples of the Old West and their potential return to their spiritual roots in an untarnished Christianity. The symbol of the LGBT New West is its leader, President Biden. He should not be in the White House as President (elected only because his senility guarantees that he can be manipulated by those behind him). Rather he should be in a nursing home with mental health care. So should all those who follow him, for they too suffer from a megalomaniac Napoleon complex, the concept that they are exceptional, that all is allowed them and all are subject to them. We, on the other hand, have worked all our lives for the restoration of authentic Orthodox Christian Civilisation, both for the restoration of real Orthodoxy in Orthodox homelands and therefore also of the real West. To help draw all up from the ruins of modernity has always been our task and always will be. The traitors to Christ will not succeed in stopping us from working for that.