Daily Archives: July 9, 2019

On the Naming of Wars: History is Written by the Victors

Many have remarked how after the Allied victory in 1945 the Nuremburg war crimes trials rightly tried Nazis, but not the Allies, who had bombed and murdered 500,000 German civilians. For history is written by the victors. In the same way the Western world names the wars it starts and wins in a way that does not reflect reality. Thus the two ‘World Wars’ were essentially Western Wars and should be called such. The fact that colonial troops were dragged into them as cannon fodder does not mean that those colonies started those wars and, as for Japan, it was essentially a Westernized country.

For example, in the case of Great Britain, which has invaded most of the world’s countries (exceptions include Luxembourg, Andorra, San Marino, Liechtenstein and the Marshall Islands), we have many examples of deliberately misnamed wars: the so-called ‘India Mutiny’ which was in fact the First Indian War of Independence, or the so-called ‘Boer War’ which was the British Genocide in South Africa in order to steal gold and diamonds. In Vietnam the Wars against foreign invaders from the 1940s to the 1970s are rightly called, respectively, the French War and the American War. Today the United States refers to its wars and battles against the CIA-founded and funded Al-Qaida, Taliban and others as ‘The Global War on Terror’, which is in fact ‘The Global War of Terror’.

Even wars named after the two main combatants are misnamed, as the order in which the combatants is named is significant of bias. For example the ‘Mexican-American War’ was in fact the American-Mexican War, the ‘Spanish-American War’ was the American-Spanish War, the ‘Franco-Prussian War’ was the Prussian-French War and the ‘Russo-Japanese War’ was the Japano-Russian War, for the first countries were the aggressors. Wars named after locations also often hide the reality of aggression. For instance: the Crimean War was the Western-Ottoman Invasion of Russia, the Korean War was the American Genocide in Korea and the Gulf War or ‘Operation Desert Storm’ was the Western Genocide in Iraq or the Oil Grab War.

We should also be careful of words added to a nation’s name or location to describe a war, such as rebellion, insurrection, revolt, mutiny, revolution, uprising, intervention, coup, troubles and border. Examples include the Philippine Insurrection, in fact The Philippine War of Freedom, the Boxer Rebellion, The Chinese War of Independence, and the Russian Revolution, in fact the British-orchestrated Palace Treason of power-grabbing and treasonous Westernized oligarchs (who closely resembled the spoilt Decembrist aristocrat rebels of 1825, except that the latter fortunately failed). A more recent example is ‘The Troubles’ in Northern Ireland, in reality an Irish War of Independence against British Establishment tyranny.

Some wars do have names in certain places that reflect reality: so the American colonial conflicts are correctly known in the ex-British colonies as Queen Anne’s War and King William’s War. This is also true of wars with nicknames. Thus, the American Civil War is sometimes referred to as ‘Mr. Lincoln’s War’, as well as ‘The War of Northern Aggression’, while American participation in World War One is sometimes called ‘Mr. Wilson’s War’, after President Wilson. However, these are the exceptions.

What we need is history to be written truthfully, not by the victors, not by the losers, but by those who love the truth. This is the history that will one day be written – at the Last Judgement. Then we shall see that many who are first will be last and many who are last will be first. Then it will be seen that it is not always good to be a victor.


Three Western Failures: Communism, Fascism and Secularism

Communism = Christianity without Christ.

The originally Jewish ideology of Communism, imported from Germany into Russia, failed, and Russia began its long and repentant return to authentic Christianity (Orthodoxy). However, its return has been much slowed by the temptation of the illusions of Western Capitalism, which gives out its glittering technological beads to the natives in exchange for their birthright. Some Russians have fallen to this temptation, its most notable victims being oligarchs and other wealthy Westernized liberals.

Fascism = Catholicism without Christ.

Fascism, which also developed in Germany, but in the twentieth century and so well after Communism, failed in 1945. Thus, Catholicism, which had sponsored Fascism as a political and cultural anti-Russian project, was soon after obliged to protestantize itself in order to survive. The alternative, to repent for its nine hundred years of heresies and to return to Orthodoxy, would have been too radical for it, as it would have meant renouncing its inherent secularity, its corrupting power.

Secularism = Protestantism without Christ.

This is the only surviving Western ideology now. This is today’s globalised Plastic Civilization of secularised Protestantism, the ‘human right’ of Consumerism that ransacks and pollutes the globe. We know that this too will fail, simply because Communism and Fascism failed before it and they were merely variations on the same theme of Materialism. They were the same atheist, capitalist Secularism, even if forms of Materialism run by totalitarian States, whether Communist or Fascist.

All these Western failures are simply variations on a theme, that of the same pseudo-rationalistic ideology, which in fact is deeply irrational. The essence of this ideology consists in the misbelief that human-beings have no souls, that there is nothing after death and that our only care can thus be the organization of our life in this world for our comfort. Any such ideology is doomed to failure for it does not take into account spiritual reality, the origin, existence and destiny of our immortal souls.