Daily Archives: April 25, 2017

Why the United Nations Organization Should Move to Saint Petersburg

History tells us that the spiritual father of the United Nations was the last Christian Emperor, Tsar Nicholas II. At the very end of the century before last, it was he who called for an international organization where peace could be negotiated and war stopped. It was he who wanted to ban cruel arms such as chemical and biological weapons, bombing from the air (at that time from balloons) and attacks from under the water. Although the International Court in the Hague did come from his initiative, that was taken over by those who seized power worldwide after the Russian Revolution and is not used for what it should be.

As regards Tsar Nicholas’ calls for peace, they were firmly ignored by the Western Powers and only five years later, in 1904, they unleashed the Western-armed and Western-financed militaristic Japan on the peaceful Russian Empire. On the verge of victory, despite treason inside his Empire, Tsar Nicholas made peace with a bankrupt Japan, in the hope that the Western Powers had learned their lesson; they had, but only for a few years, until 1914. Thirty-six years later the two largest Western Powers then reaped the whirlwind that they had sown in Japan in 1904 at Pearl Harbour and at the surrender in Singapore, where the hopelessly under-equipped British Army was utterly humiliated by the Japanese.

Nevertheless, Tsar Nicholas’ idea for an international form for peace also bore fruit in the League of Nations and then in the UN. Unfortunately, this latter was taken over by the world elite, which set it up in New York and used it as just another instrument, like NATO in Brussels, its EU next-door neighbour, the G7, the International Court in the Hague or the Nobel Foundation. Today, as before, the UN is not representative of the real world, being a corrupt pawn in the elite’s hands. What can be done?

Firstly, surely the UN Security Council could in the future represent the continents of the real world. At present North America is represented by the USA, Europe by its largest nation, the Russian Federation, and Asia (including the tiny population of Australasia) by China. However, South America and Africa are not represented at all, neither is the second largest population in the world in India, and tiny Western Europe is represented by two small nations, American vassals, that no longer count in today’s world. Surely, instead of all this, powerful India should have a place in the Security Council (through China and India nearly one third of the world’s population would be represented), followed by the largest nation in South America, Brazil, and the most powerful nation in Africa, the Republic of South Africa.

Secondly, let the UN be transferred to Saint Petersburg, the city where Tsar Nicholas II first had the idea of an international organization to avert war. Transferred from the manipulations of the global warmongers of the world and their genocidal histories, the United Nations Organization, made representative of the real world and not of the ghetto of the rich and power-grabbing West, could then at last be successful.

On Orthodox Missionary Work

Now that the Church Outside Russia (ROCOR) has officially taken up the task of missionary work in the renewed Diocese of the British Isles and Ireland after several decades of disruption, it would be well to consider the nature of the missionary work that we need to do.

First of all, we must understand that there is only one sort of authentic missionary and pastoral work. This serves the people as a community, it is not an ideological plan on a map with pins in it, it is not top-down, but down-top, from the grassroots. Now, wherever there is a demand, ROCOR will do its best to meet that demand, setting up parishes where there is a need, now with official support. Where there are thirsty Orthodox people (at least one of whom can sing and read) and where there are premises, we will provide a priest. We can think of many cases in history of such missionary work, for example the mission of St Augustine in England in 597 or that of Sts Cyril and Methodius to St Rostislav, always in answer to a request. We can build nothing where there is not a spiritual need and a willingness to make sacrifices.

But what of areas where there is no actual demand, but just unconverted souls, potential Orthodox? Here we can take the examples of St Herman in Alaska and St Nicholas in Japan. They lived simply in a place for many, many years, praying, learning and understanding the people among whom they lived, before missionary work began. They waited for people to come to them, they did not serve themselves by imposing themselves on others. Self-serving (usually in the name of some personal problem and unfulfilled ambition) is pseudo-missionary work. It tries to impose itself, being characterized by gurus, vagantes and clericalists who like fancy titles, dressing up and having their photographs taken. They who do not look after the people, do not travel to meet people, even despising them for their simplicity.

We should be wary of the sort of ‘missionary’ work that despises the people, their languages and their customs and tries to force them into a strange mould that is not theirs. That is the false missionary work of those who use their personalities, not heartfelt faith in God, to convert others.