Tag Archives: World Peace

The Decline of the USA and the Peace of the Whole World

Although the British Empire can be said to have existed for the five centuries of the Protestant ascendancy from the sixteenth century to the twentieth century, in reality its domination lasted for far less. Most would probably agree that this domination began with the final defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815 and ended in 1914 with the self-destructive First World War, when the sun began to set on the empire on which the sun never set.

However, its moral illegitimacy and bankruptcy were already visible in the second half of the nineteenth century with its genocides in Europe, Asia and Africa, notably with its invasion of Russia in 1854, then its massacres in China, India, the Sudan (the Maxim gun against spears) and the Second Boer War (1899-1902) (the British invention of the concentration camp). The sign of its imminent end came in 1912 with the sinking of the ‘unsinkable’ Titanic.

The American Empire has also endured for about a century. The age of its domination began, arguably, in 1917 with its entry into the First European (‘World’) War. Its decline began 58 years later with its defeat by Vietnamese peasants in 1975. This was the loss of its moral legitimacy. Will its end come 58 years after 1975, in 2033? Nobody knows. But there are those who have been wondering ever more whether it will not soon split into its component parts.

This could mean Canada taking over the north-eastern and north-western coastal states, Mexico taking back the Spanish-named south (notably New Mexico, in fact Old Mexico), the Russian Federation taking back Alaska, once more becoming tricontinental, California becoming independent, as also New York, Washington DC and the states around them, perhaps called Washingtonia, and the central states becoming a North American Republic.

Pride goes before the fall. The British Empire fell because although it claimed to preach the Bible, it did so only in words and not in deeds. As for the reason why the American Empire fell, we will leave that to the historians of the future. As we saw with the fall of the Soviet Empire, an Empire can fall in one night. Whatever the case, we must hope and pray that all may take place in peace, even in a country where the civilian population owns nearly 400 million guns.

Why the United Nations Organization Should Move to Saint Petersburg

History tells us that the spiritual father of the United Nations was the last Christian Emperor, Tsar Nicholas II. At the very end of the century before last, it was he who called for an international organization where peace could be negotiated and war stopped. It was he who wanted to ban cruel arms such as chemical and biological weapons, bombing from the air (at that time from balloons) and attacks from under the water. Although the International Court in the Hague did come from his initiative, that was taken over by those who seized power worldwide after the Russian Revolution and is not used for what it should be.

As regards Tsar Nicholas’ calls for peace, they were firmly ignored by the Western Powers and only five years later, in 1904, they unleashed the Western-armed and Western-financed militaristic Japan on the peaceful Russian Empire. On the verge of victory, despite treason inside his Empire, Tsar Nicholas made peace with a bankrupt Japan, in the hope that the Western Powers had learned their lesson; they had, but only for a few years, until 1914. Thirty-six years later the two largest Western Powers then reaped the whirlwind that they had sown in Japan in 1904 at Pearl Harbour and at the surrender in Singapore, where the hopelessly under-equipped British Army was utterly humiliated by the Japanese.

Nevertheless, Tsar Nicholas’ idea for an international form for peace also bore fruit in the League of Nations and then in the UN. Unfortunately, this latter was taken over by the world elite, which set it up in New York and used it as just another instrument, like NATO in Brussels, its EU next-door neighbour, the G7, the International Court in the Hague or the Nobel Foundation. Today, as before, the UN is not representative of the real world, being a corrupt pawn in the elite’s hands. What can be done?

Firstly, surely the UN Security Council could in the future represent the continents of the real world. At present North America is represented by the USA, Europe by its largest nation, the Russian Federation, and Asia (including the tiny population of Australasia) by China. However, South America and Africa are not represented at all, neither is the second largest population in the world in India, and tiny Western Europe is represented by two small nations, American vassals, that no longer count in today’s world. Surely, instead of all this, powerful India should have a place in the Security Council (through China and India nearly one third of the world’s population would be represented), followed by the largest nation in South America, Brazil, and the most powerful nation in Africa, the Republic of South Africa.

Secondly, let the UN be transferred to Saint Petersburg, the city where Tsar Nicholas II first had the idea of an international organization to avert war. Transferred from the manipulations of the global warmongers of the world and their genocidal histories, the United Nations Organization, made representative of the real world and not of the ghetto of the rich and power-grabbing West, could then at last be successful.