The Great Betrayal: Three Entries of Europe into Britain and Two and a Half Brexits

Yesterday the peoples of Britain were betrayed by the corrupt elite who do not represent them in Parliament. Not for the first time. In history, there have been no fewer than three invasions by Continental Europe of the main parts of or of all of the Anglo-Celtic British Isles, eventually also involving Ireland, but so far only two and a half exits of Britain from Europe (‘brexits’). These were:

43 The Political-Economic-Military Entry of Europe into Britain. (The Roman invasion of most of the island of Britain).

410 Political-Economic-Military Brexit. (The first brexit, when what is now England and Wales left the provincial fragments of the Western Roman Empire).

597 The Spiritual Entry of Europe into Britain. (The official mission of the Orthodox Patriarchate of Western Europe to convert the still pagan English).

1535 Spiritual Brexit. (The second brexit – the process of separation by Henry VIII from the new provincial Western Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic religion, a very different faith from that which had arrived in 597. This process reached its culmination between 1534 and 1536).

1066 The Political-Economic-Military Entry of Europe into Britain. (The invasion of England, later entailing all the British Isles and Ireland, by the Normans, who were purposely sent and directed by the new and highly centralized Western European control system of ‘Roman Catholicism’, the new provincial Western Roman Empire).

1940 Military Brexit. After the German rout of the hopelessly poorly-equipped British Army, the men of the latter were evacuated in an emergency operation from Dunkirk. (True, most of the troops in the US-led 1944 D-Day invasion of Europe were British, but this time they had far better and far more abundant US equipment).

2019? Political-Economic Brexit. (Supposed to have happened on the feast day of the apostle of Britain, St Aristobulus, 29 March, nobody now knows when this is going to happen. However, it will happen because the EU, ultimately created out of the US invasion of Western Europe exactly three generations ago in 1944, will inevitably collapse, for it is merely the third successor in the series of failed Pan-European control systems, or provincial Western Roman Empires. (Some never learn). The first was the provincial Western branch of the Roman Empire which collapsed during the fifth century. The second was its successor, feudal Roman Catholicism, which began its long drawn-out collapse from the sixteenth century on and whose collapse continues to this day. Now we are at the third collapse, that of the neo-feudal political-economic fantasy of the Western European elite, who are US vassals).