The Barbarian West

The millennial Western Empire is surely the cruellest empire of all time. In its barbarism it seems comparable only to the pagan Roman Empire, the killing machine of ancient times. In its ironic propaganda this labelled all Non-Romans as ‘barbarians’ – thus like the ‘Aryan’ Nazis giving itself the right to slaughter all others at will. Despite the Roman Empire’s vain vaunting, in reality, its ‘superiority’ lay only in its military technology, its ability to massacre, terrorize and subjugate by force of arms, in order to asset-strip its vassals and colonies. And so it is today. ‘The West’ has no spiritual or moral superiority – merely a technical one.

For the Western Empire is the only Empire which not only possesses, but which also uses, nuclear weapons of mass destruction – in 1945 in defeated but not yet colonized Japan. It is also the source of all the technology of chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction. It is by popular consent a menace to the real free world and the real international community of some 180 nations. It has set up its CIA torture chambers from Libya to US-puppets like Romania and Lithuania. Its bombs, marked ‘Happy Easter’ rained down, killing and mutilating in Serbia, where its uranium-tipped shells still deform new-born babies twenty years later. Its bombs also fell on Afghan weddings and hospitals, on the civilians of Iraq and Libya and Syria, as earlier on those of Germany and Japan.

However, this ‘West’ is not geographical; many born and bred in the geographical West do not belong to ‘the West’ and at the same time many who do not live in the geographical West do belong to ‘the West’. ‘The West’ is in fact a construct, a concept which engages only those who accept and welcome the ideological domination of secularism – the power and wealth of the Western elite. When was this ‘West’ (calling itself by various totally inaccurate names like ‘the free world’ or ‘the international community’, much to the bewilderment of the vast majority of the world’s people who are not ‘Western’) first formed?

Was it in 1989? This was the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the West’s so-called ‘Cold War’, with which it had justified millions of victims in dozens of proxy hot wars and trillions of dollars of military spending, the need for which was invented by the US military-industrial complex immediately after the Second World War. After all, it was immediately after 1989 that the West began terrorizing and bullying the Muslim world in order to justify that spending and rid itself of some of those weapons. But this terrorization and bullying of the Muslim world had begun over 900 years before, in 1095, with the launch of the First ‘Crusade’.

Was it in 1945? This marked the US invasion of Western Europe and its defeat of Japan in its war to gain strategic control of the Pacific. Victory in 1945 led the USA to invent a host of acronyms for the control and vassalage of others, such as the UN, NATO, SEATO, IMF, GATT, WTO, OECD, EEC, EU etc. But this was not the first US invasion of Western Europe – that was in1917.

Was it in 1917? The great European suicide caused by the rivalry of its nationalist ‘empires’ meant that the US, seeing its moment to become the leader of the world, intervened. But the Western European world had been slaughtering its own peoples and those of the rest of the world long before its creation, the USA, came to prominence.

Was it in the American Civil War which ended in 1865? Despite the self-justifying propaganda claims, this dreadful war was not about freeing slaves. It was about the Unionist imperialism of the industrial North of the USA, which needed to recruit cheap labour in the South whose freedom to move to factories in the North was therefore essential for it. Defeating Confederatism, this Unionist imperialism went on to massacre even more Native Americans and steal their ancestral lands, take over Cuba and the Philippines and so begin the economic colonization (‘banana republicization’) of Latin America (‘our backyard’). But Western imperialism began long before this.

Was it at Waterloo in 1815? Long before US imperialism, its British founders had been practising it. After the victory at Waterloo over its French rival, anything became possible for the British Establishment, including the genocidal depopulation of Ireland through State-created famine in the 1840s (a famine with millions of victims repeated by the Georgian bandit Stalin in Southern Russia eighty years later and again by the British Establishment in Bengal in 1943), the invasion of Russia (’The Crimean War’), the salt hedge in India, ‘the Opium Wars’ (British genocide in China and the rape of Africa (though other Western Europeans were also involved in this). But British, and Western, imperialism began long before this.

Was it in the Reformation which began in 1517? Here began the justification for ‘Wars of Religion’ (sic!), the Judaic idolatry of money called Capitalism, which was later to lead to the dictatorship of the odious and genocidal dictator Cromwell (the English Hitler), who then had his statue erected outside the equally dictatorial British Parliament and became the hero of Thatcher. But Western, and not just Protestant but also Roman Catholic, imperialism began before this, not least in the case of the gold-grasping Italian merchant Columbus.

Was it in the Hundred Years War from 1337 to 1453 between England and France (more exactly between the Roman Catholic French elite of England and the Roman Catholic French elite of France)? But the Roman Catholics had been massacring each other long before this.

Was it in the Roman Catholic Inquisitions with their killings, burnings and tortures which began in France in the 12th century and continued against Cathars, Waldensians and anyone else who disagreed with the totalitarian power of the Papacy for centuries both inside and outside Roman Catholic countries? But Roman Catholicism had been killing and burning people since the Western elite invented it in the 11th century.

No, the construct of ‘the West’ was definitively formed in the mid-11th century as the restored (‘Holy’ – sic!) pagan Roman Empire – first attempted, but fortunately unsuccessfully, by the barbarian Charlemagne in the eighth century, with his massacre of the Saxons and the use by his courtiers of pagan Roman nicknames. Until then, ‘Western’ culture had simply been part of the universal Orthodox Christian culture of all lands, where the apostles had converted local people. It was here that their heirs, martyrs, confessors and Church Fathers, had continued to live according to apostolic tradition until that dried up in the Western lands in the 11th century. From then on ‘the West’ became a secularist ideology, a construct, based on the purely secularist old pagan Roman Empire. Here is where all went wrong.