
‘According to information from the Swiss Federal Institute for NBC-protection in Spiez, whose experts received samples collected in Salisbury by the OPCW specialists and finished testing them on 27 March, the experts of the Institute discovered traces of a toxic chemical called “BZ” and its precursors. It is a Schedule 2 substance under the Chemical Weapons Convention. “BZ” is a chemical agent which is used to temporary incapacitate people. The desired psychotoxic effect is reached in 30-60 minutes after application of the agent and lasts up to four days.

This agent was used in the armed forces of the USA, United Kingdom and several other NATO member states. No stocks of such substance ever existed either in the Soviet Union or in the Russian Federation. In the view of the experts, such a concentration of the A-234 (Novichok) agent would result in an inevitable fatal outcome after its administration. Moreover, considering its high volatility, the detection of this substance in its initial state (pure form and high concentration) is extremely suspicious, as the samples were taken several weeks after the poisoning.

It looks highly likely that the “BZ” nerve agent was used in Salisbury. The fact that Yulia Skripal and Detective Sergeant Nick Bailey have already been discharged from hospital (though have been forbidden from speaking to the media – Editor) and Sergei Skripal is on his way to recovery, only supports such a conclusion’.


Following the Trump bombast, British Establishment lies, May’s minority government acting illegally and anti-democratically, bombing another sovereign state with weapons of mass destruction, when that state presented no threat at all to the UK, what will happen to the Swiss report? Will there follow an apology? Repentance? Publication by the closely censored British media? Of course not. Liars do not do that. And how do we know? Because the father of lies is Satan and he too is incapable of repenting.