On Civilisation and Pierre De Gaulle

All civilisations are founded on some spiritual revelation about and belief in a Divinity. This revelation is then formed into and adopted as a religion. So a civilisation begins, whether in China, India, the Orthodox Christian world, the Arab world, Africa, in what is now Latin America, among the aborigines of what is now North America, Australia and Polynesia, or in the Catholic/Protestant world. There are no exceptions, apart from one: secularist post-Catholic/Protestant civilisation, known as ‘the West’.

Uniquely among all civilisations, it has renounced belief in a Divinity and claims that it can rely on humanism, self-belief, the worship of itself. This qualifies it perhaps more for the title of an ‘Anti-Civilisation’. Such delusional hubris reminds us of the story in the old Bible of those who built the Tower of Babel and saw it collapse as a result of their literal overreach, or in pagan Greek mythology of Icarus, who so relied on himself that he thought he could fly near the Sun (God). The Sun melted the wax holding his wings together and he fell to his death.

The latest project of this new Icarus is the Ukraine and it too is now falling from the sky. The State-controlled Western media, which blatantly lied about the inevitable Russian victory for twenty months, are now beginning to tell at least part of the truth about the worse-than-Kabul rout of the West in the Ukraine. Delusional Kiev is indeed haemorrhaging manpower because of the extremely high number of soldiers it has lost (500,000 + dead so far and between 600 and 1,000 more every day) and perhaps a million wounded. It is a mismatched war of attrition, a chronic shortage of arms and munitions, a flood of refugees as people flee the crumbling state and endemic corruption which cripples the efficiency of and trust in the Kiev regime and its military.

This modern Western civilisation proclaims that God is not necessary, He is just a superstition, a vestige from the past, a crutch for the weak-minded, and that sexual depravity and degeneration, even if leading to the suicidal disappearance of Western peoples, is normal. It has retreated so far from the Christian Faith over the last millennium that some of its best representatives are now actually fleeing to Orthodox Christian Russia. This is because those who serve culture cannot work where there is no faith, for no faith means no inspiration.

In Orthodox Russia (though not in post-Soviet Russia) there is freedom for faith and where there is faith there is some sort of morality, belief that we must discern between right and wrong. Years ago, President Putin, who with most of his country had returned at least culturally to Orthodox Christianity, warned the West not to make the mistake that Russia had made in 1917, that of adopting atheism as its ideology. The Western elite did not listen to him and is not listening to him now. The West has now adopted a quite virulent form of atheism as its main ideology, leaving only small, oppressed and despised remnants believing in various forms of Christianity.

Now Western people, fleeing atheist persecution in the spiritually, morally and financially bankrupt West, are leaving for Orthodox Russia and other Orthodox parts of the world. This is exactly as prophesied by St Seraphim of Vyritsa during the darkest days of Stalin’s dictatorship. So far this concerns only a few hundred people, most of whom have adopted Orthodox Christianity. However, with the aggressive bullying against Christian values going on in the West, more are hoping to leave for religious freedom and to protect their children from depravity, inculcated by law in Western schools. Such is the case of Pierre de Gaulle, the grandson of the late President de Gaulle, who, like others from Western Europe, is to become a Russian citizen, as announced on 16 November.

‘It would be an honour for me to acquire Russian citizenship’, said Pierre de Gaulle at the Saint Petersburg Cultural Forum, as reported on 16 November. He added that Russia was ‘fighting for traditional values, the family and spirituality’ and that NATO had lost in the Ukraine. He has clearly inherited his grandfather’s total distrust of the USA. Earlier he had stated that: ‘We French people are paying a high price for a war provoked by the United States to turn Europe into a vassal’. For these words he won praise from Russophile intellectuals and politicians in France, as he represents the Gaullist tradition of resisting aggressive US imperialism, which is now under the leadership of a man with severe mental health problems.

Pierre de Gaulle is only the latest in a number of Western patriots turning to Russia and other Orthodox countries, as they see their countries humiliated by the globalist elites, handpicked by the CIA for their willingness to betray the spirituality, morality and sovereignty of European countries. Like other leading patriotic Western voices, Pierre de Gaulle represents the best in Western society, who also oppose the American war in the Ukraine and want peace, justice and prosperity for all.

He represents that strand of people and thought in Western Europe which for fifty years and more has been calling for the reintegration of Western Europe back into the Orthodox Christian Church and world, which is at its very roots in the first millennium, before it deviated from the Church of God. This world view of the Orthosphere is alive in Jerusalem, on Mt Athos, in the monasteries and the churches of the Carpathians, both Latin-Romanian and Slav, in the forests of Russia, and from Slovakia to the shores of the Pacific, from the White Sea to Syria, and in small oases of Orthodoxy worldwide. We are spiritually alive and waiting for your repentance.