Category Archives: EU slavery

The People Choose Freedom

For 43 years since our betrayal by a Tory government we ‘the peasants’ have thirsted for freedom. Now, unexpectedly, we have at last received it – through a Tory government that never expected that the people were intelligent enough to choose it. 950 years after it was founded by the Normans, the arrogant UK Establishment and its pro-EU policy have been rejected by the simple people, who after decades were at last allowed freedom. Although the alien, upper-class Establishment patronized, insulted, bullied and intimidated us the ‘plebs’, as they called us, even threatening apocalypse, the ordinary people bravely ignored it, as well as the EU elite and the Obama-led US elite.

The hopelessly old-fashioned, anti-democratic, post-war EU project (nightmare), dying for years, is now dead in England and Wales. Having helped defeat the military Third Reich three generations ago, the UK has suffered almost two generations of a political Fourth Reich and has now defeated it too. The freedom that has been won here may embolden other European peoples who also want their freedom and their countries back, not to mention the peoples of the USA who want the same. There may yet evolve some Northern European Confederation, with the British Isles, Ireland and Scandinavia and perhaps the Netherlands.

Instead of the straitjacket of a narrow customs union in Western Europe, the people of the UK have chosen to go out to the world, as before, and a rapprochement with the USA may take place. A free and independent country is being reborn. Internally, the Conservative Party must reshape itself and find a new leader and, as for the Labour Party, its lame-duck leader, so out of touch with his own voters, can surely not last much longer. Undermined by caviar-eating, Blairite MPs, it will have to start choosing MPs who actually represent their supporters. The two-party mafia that has effectively run the country for 200 years and ultimately goes back to the times of the murderous Cromwell is over.

Political parties actually representing the views of the people will have to be formed. A Government of National Unity may yet have to be formed. It may be that the UK as a whole, ultimately also Norman-founded, will now break up and Ireland will at last get its unity back. It may be that the four countries that make up the Isles will have to be separated from the centralized European-style Union in London (Eire did long ago) before they can come together in a free Confederation of Sovereign Nations, as they effectively were 1,000 years ago. Above all the globalist project of the world elite for World Government has suffered a setback: the narcissistic elite never thought that the people were intelligent enough to return to freedom. We are.

A Message from Russia and the USA

President V V Putin said this on Friday:

[The referendum] was due to nothing more than the British leadership’s arrogance and superficiality regarding issues vital to their country and to Europe as a whole.

That’s all. Furthermore, President Putin gave his word that he wouldn’t interfere in British internal affairs. In response, the sheeple in the Western media went mad. The Washington Times was particularly strident, but the rest of the Western media did little better. Supposedly, President Putin planned this to split Europe, to take it over, and that he was the sole winner of the affair. Firstly, the President and Russia weren’t involved in the Brexit, so they can neither win or lose! Secondly, the Brexit had numerous causes, all of them domestic and homebrewed. The Establishment was hamfisted and clueless… their attempt to smear the Leave faction as terrorists after the Cox murder backfired and badly. To be clear, the Upper Middles pointed the finger at the whole English working-class, and the proles didn’t care for such vilification. Thirdly, it’s too much too soon to discern any of the real effects of this. The media screams for preventive war. I say, let things develop as they will; let the will of the people be done… not just in this referendum, but in the future ones on Scottish and Welsh independence, and on all-Irish unity.

A Message from Greece

Dear Father Andrew,

Yesterday, on the 24th of June 2016 it was the feast of the Nativity Saint John the Baptist (New Calendar) and I went to the church of Saint George in Dionysos Attica Greece early in the morning to attend the Divine Liturgy. The parish of Saint John was the “garden” that Archimandrite Markos Manolis (of blessed memory) “cultivated” from 1983 until 2010 as parish priest, a spiritual father of hundreds from all over Attica, Greece and beyond, as chairman of the “Orthodoxos Typos” newspaper and as a tireless and vigilant heart and mind that prayed for the salvation of all through daily Divine Liturgies, often making visits to prisoners and the poor and leading many other spiritual struggles.

In that church, while I was chanting as a member of the small parish choir, and just as we had finished matins and begun the Divine Liturgy (I think it was about half past nine local time), I heard one of the older members of our choir and also one of our best family friends saying to us all that the results of the British referendum were published and that the British people had voted to exit the E.U.!

We were all very glad to hear this. Even our friend, Mr Yannis, was very happy to bring us the good news, since he rushed into the church to do this after he had gone out for some reason a few minutes earlier.

Father Andrew, I have “followed” you since 2003 when twitter and other social networks didn’t even exist. Through all these years I have seen so many blessings of our Lord come true in your local Church (Colchester, restoration of Eucharistic Unity with Moscow Patriarchate and many more) and now this!

May God enlighten your steps from now on towards the endless journey to our common salvation!

I ask for your blessing,

Prokopi Evia Greece, where the holy whole-body and wonderworking relic of Saint John the Russian “lives”!

In Christ,


Independence Day

Fooled, Europa! Ruled by such fools and knaves,
Britons never any longer shall be slaves.

The unexpected has happened and, after over forty years of the US-imposed EU straitjacket, more people in the UK have voted for principles than for self-interest. The electorate has rejected Project Fear of the Westminster elite. Failing to step outside the foreign country that is London into reality, the political elite, which all too often stuffed its pockets with EU cash, has lost the people. Foreign figures, President Obama, NATO Fascists, Angela Merkel, EU officials, the Pope of Rome (and his bishops in the UK), as well as bastions of the Establishment, Blair and Cameron (should that be Clair and Bameron?), the BBC, most of the Press, the Church of England, MI5 and MI6, all took part in Project Fear, and lost, underestimating the thirst for freedom of the people, so long ignored, so long neglected, so long despised. Even though they manipulated the shooting of a female MP (the conspiracy theorists at once saw in it an Establishment assassination) in their desperation to garner votes at the last minute, they still lost.

On the 950th anniversary of the enslavement of England, and soon after of the other peoples of these isles, to the European Superstate run by the then new Roman Papacy, the forerunner of the present Superstate, people have chosen freedom. Freedom here may also mean freedom for others. Scotland may leave the artificial UK and Ireland may at last be able to reunite. As for other European countries still enslaved to the US and German-run EU, they too may at last be allowed the chance to regain their sovereignty with the people being allowed freedom from the tyrannical EU elite. In the Netherlands, in Denmark, in Sweden, in France, in Italy, in the Czech Republic, and elsewhere, especially in Eastern Europe, referenda for freedom may be held. The EU, merely a post-war model of Europe and reaction to the Second World War of long ago, may be dead. A Europe of Sovereign Nations, at peace because living in freedom, now seems possible at last. The UK has chosen the wide world to a political customs union in a narrow corner of the Eurasian Continent. 75 years ago Britain stood alone against the Third Reich; now it has happened against the Fourth Reich.

Free Europe

After making a series of threats if the peoples of the UK vote for freedom next Thursday, including starting World War III, creating economic meltdown and mass employment, destroying the health system and bankrupting the State pension fund, the Remain enslaved to the EU lobby, has exploited the murder of one of theirs by a lunatic as yet another reason to intimidate the public. Having used the US and German leaders and every single member of the British Establishment, from former spies to the Canadian head of the Bank of England, from corrupt businessmen to the ever-sycophantic BBC to spread their propaganda, they then had to exploit a murder.

All of this is a sign of their desperation. Of course, the chances are that their intimidation will work and the end of EU tyranny will not come next Thursday. The UK and 27 other European countries will not obtain their freedom from the Fourth Reich. The peoples of Europe, like those in the Netherlands, France and the Czech Republic, who have already requested it, will not be able to obtain free votes on ending tyranny. It does not matter. The end of the EU will inevitably come. It is only a matter of time. Nevertheless, it is a national sadness that in all probability it will not be the peoples of the UK who will fulfill their historic duty in bringing freedom to Europe, but some other people and event.


As the CIA and its subservient corporate international media (like the BBC) pay and give voice to notorious anti-Russian Zionist propagandists like Richard Pipes and Anna Applebaum, censoring and exiling free, principled, Non-Establishment voices, as the Washington elite installs ever more US citizens and local cronies as colonial rulers from Tallinn to Kiev, from Bucharest to Belgrade, from Sofia to Athens, as NATO hawks aggressively occupy the Baltic States with heavy equipment and Fourth Reich tanks are positioned only 100 miles from Saint Petersburg, as NATO tries to make both the Baltic and the Black Sea into its private lakes, as nuclear-armed NATO forces again threaten Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro, carry out exercises in Moldova and still enslaved gauleiter Ukraine, set up missile systems in EU-besieged Poland and Romania and intimidate Sweden and Finland, Hungary and Slovakia, not to mention the last free English in the vassal UK, we seem to be on the point of yet another Western-inspired war in Europe.

Here is a view from one who is neither Russian, nor a member of the Church, on the Russian leader, whom ever more Christians and others in Western Europe are looking to with hope for liberation from the atheist straitjacket of Eurosodom and Gommorhica. Will freedom come?


Patriarch Kyrill: US / EU Elites ‘Uprooting Faith’ From Society (Video)

The New World Order and Humanophobia

Mr Cameron’s increasingly irrational and panicky anti-freedom campaign in the UK is speeding on at full strength. President Obama, the US-run IMF, the Pope of Rome, Chancellor Merkel, heads of the other EU client-states, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the former heads of the British spy services (MI5 and MI6), the ever-obsequious, State-run BBC and national media and any number of Establishment figures (including, as we now see, the unprincipled Mr Corbyn) as well as umpteen millionaire businessmen have all been called on to ‘advise’ (= intimidate) UK citizens to vote for continued slavery to the New World Order by remaining in thrall to EU (the New World Order’s political arm in Europe) and therefore to NATO (the New World Order’s military arm in Eurasia) oppression and tyranny.

The New World Order, whose elite such people form, has no care for any of the peoples of Europe or any other freedom-loving peoples, whether in Europe or North Africa or the Middle East, as far as Nigeria, the Yemen and the Himalayas, where the ruinous results of their neo-feudal policies are visible. In Europe the elite is Germanophobic, Hellonophobic, Frankophobic, Anglophobic, Russophobic; any people who counters their Fourth Reich dictatorship must be destroyed, for their project is humanophobic. This fact reveals the ultimate Satanic origin of the whole project, to build a New Babylon, a project that has been under way directly since power was transferred from Europe to the USA in 1916, but indirectly for millennia before that, ever since the misanthropic Fall in Eden.

None suffer as much as those in once Orthodox countries. Ex-Yugoslavia has been destroyed, Serbia dismembered, bandit-states set up in Bosnia and Kosovo, Greece, Cyprus, Romania and Bulgaria ravaged by EU-imposed poverty and US political and media control. Moldova has now been invaded and occupied by US troops, Georgia is under threat, the Ukraine has been torn apart, sodomization is rampant. As for Russia, still the strongest Orthodox power despite a century of satanization which has made men alcoholics and had women aborted, it has been attacked on all sides and surrounded by missiles. As the ideologue Zbigniew Brzezinski has said: ‘The New World Order will be built against Russia, on the ruins of Russia and at the expense of Russia’.

Why this specific attack on Russia? Because, as some already knew 100 years ago, only if the sovereignty of Russia can be preserved, can the sovereignty of countries in Central and Western Europe be restored. Gallant Hungary, Slovakia, Czechia and Poland can all be preserved – but only if Russia remains. But outside them the sovereignty of over another twenty EU vassal states can also be restored, if Russia remains. Scotland and Catalonia can be liberated after centuries of slavery and other peoples can be freed from their oppressive and alien elites, 950 years old in England. The straitjacket of the New World Order does not want freedom, sovereignty or national identity. If we do want it, then we should all unite around the common Russian defence in a Union of the Peoples of Rus, of the Christian Empire.