A Reality Check for Reader-Victims of ‘The Economist’

A spectre haunts the West: He is called Christ.

When I taught at Business School in Paris, I had to read ‘The Economist’ every week. Of course, the magazine was transparent. We could see through it as a magazine that saw human-beings as no more than economic units to exploit and be exploited. It was anti-Christian and therefore with a very twisted view of reality. Rothschild-owned, it reflects above all the views not just of the British Establishment with its State mouthpieces in the BBC, tabloid print media, Oxbridge, MI5 and the rest of the State apparatus, but of the whole Trostkyite (‘globalist’) Western Establishment, with its UN, EU, NATO, G7, bankers, Davos and the groups that stand behind them. Sadly, its many victims (‘readers’ – including even a few who actually claim to be ‘Orthodox’!) are so naïve that they swallow the myths peddled by it without understanding reality.

A recent amusing article (amusing because it was so badly written and misinformed), claiming that the Russian Church is ‘too close to the Kremlin’ (!) was typical. Last July the Russian Foreign Minister,  Sergei Lavrov, speaking at a conference in Germany, explained this absurd Russophobia: ‘The West hates Russia because it is returning to its traditional values’ ( = Christianity). Thus, the anti-Russian conspiracy theories peddled by such magazines are ultimately based on the inherent anti-Christianity that infects and informs the whole Western Establishment. Thus, following the well-known Party line, this article regretted the 1990s, when Harvard adolescents, neocon oligarchs and their gangster hirelings were in charge of an alcoholic Russian President in Moscow and the people were starving and dying from despair by the million.

That was the period of the banksters at the top, when at the grassroots the Russian Church, at last freeing Herself from the Western (‘Soviet’) State, began to baptize 100,000,000 people. Today, as the Church continues to strengthen and fight against Western-inspired secularist nominalism, She is at last beginning to influence the all too strong remains of the State. Although most of the Russian media is still in the control of the Western media, although much of the education and health systems are still in the grip of anti-Christian bureaucrats, the Church is at last beginning to influence the State: in truth, the Russian State is ‘drawing too close to the Church’ for the likes of the Western Establishment and ‘The Economist’. For them faith must be a private affair and have zero influence on politics, economics and society in general.

After the West had organized the 1917 coup in Saint Petersburg and replaced the legitimate Christian government, then on the verge of victory in the German War, a victory which terrified the West, it ignored the greatest persecution in history. Like all the others, ‘The Economist’ did not report on the 600 martyred bishops, the 120,000 martyred Russian priests, monks and nuns and the tens of millions of victims of Marxists. After all, most of them were Non-Russians, like Lenin and Trotsky, and had lived and been trained in the West for years before being sent back to Russia in 1917 to create havoc. Neither did it report on the holocaust of the 27 million victims of the Western invasion of 1941, longed for both in Berlin and London. ‘The Economist’ had no space to report on martyrs for Christ; its interest was in Mammon.

Today, 100 years on from those awful events, the Western elite is worried. What if the Christian Church should revive and challenge their secularist ideology? What if the State became Christian? The thought terrifies them because they would lose power; hence the anti-Russian propaganda.  All of this is published in a country which runs a ‘State Church’, whose every bishop is appointed by Prime Ministers, most of whom are atheists who support every perversion! Let the scribblers rant as the Russian State starts to become Christian again thanks to the Church of God. Let the scribblers hate Christ and His Holy Church and all us Orthodox Christians. For we shall go on ignoring them, in the knowledge that Christ is coming and will sweep away all these fantasies. The Truth will set you, enslaved by Western propaganda, free!