Daily Archives: May 15, 2024

The Collapse of the Western World and the Rise of Africa

A Short Summary for Young People, Kinshasa, 15 May 2049

Chapter One: When the Western Domination of the World Started and Ended

The present e-book is intended as background reading for secondary school pupils as part of the Free Africa Studies program website. It is being posted on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the end of the millennial domination of the world by the Western world, which lasted from 1014 AD to 2014 AD. The toppling of the West which set out on its final losing path of hubris in Kiev in 2014 led finally to our freedom from economic and financial colonialism and the present prosperity of our Africa.

That millennial domination can be traced back to the internal imperialist expansion inside Western Europe under the Frankish so-called ‘Emperor’ Karl the Tall (‘Charlemagne’) (+ 814). This was a first and failed trial of what finally and successfully came to power 200 years later. This movement spread from its Frankish heartland between the Rivers Loire and Rhine in all directions of the compass. Like an abscess bursting, its plundering barbarianism spread to Moravia, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Sicily, Italy, Spain, England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland and Scandinavia, especially from 1014 on. It was then that the German Emperor Henry II had insisted that his heretical creed be sung in Rome and so fell away from the Church.

This conquest of Western Europe culminated in the late eleventh-century ‘crusade’, that is, the organised violent onslaught of North-Western Europe against West Asia, North Africa. In 1204 this led to the looting of the Christian Capital in New Rome (Constantinople), and then to the attempt to conquer Eastern Europe, in what later became western Ukraine and north-west Russia. Western Europe could simply not tolerate the existence of any other Civilisation alongside it, as we long-enslaved Africans know only too well.

Some 400 years after this, expansionism outside Europe received a great boost thanks to technological developments. From the last years of the fifteenth century on, these developments enabled transoceanic explorers such as Columbus (+ 1506), Magellan (+ 1521), da Gama (+ 1524) and Cortes (+ 1547) to sail overseas. Here they began to subjugate, colonise and ruthlessly exploit what to them were ‘New Worlds’ – the Americas, Africa, India and East Asia, so enslaving our peoples.

After centuries of further struggles and wars, a climax came another 400 years later. For after spreading its domination to Africa, Asia and the New Worlds of the Americas, Australia and the Pacific, Japan and China, in 1914 the Western European elites turned in on themselves again. They wanted to do again to native Europeans what they had already done to the native peoples of their overseas colonies, enslaving them, maiming them and slaughtering them.

The first act of the suicidal Great European War broke out in 1914, the second act broke out one generation later in 1939 and the third act broke out exactly four generations, 100 years, after the first, in 2014. Each outbreak was linked with a city on the borderlands of Western Europe, successively moving further east, from Sarajevo to Warsaw and finally to Kiev. The wars broke out in areas which had been notorious for committing injustices: Austro-Hungary for its mistreatment of Slavs; Belgium for its mistreatment of the Congo; Poland for its mistreatment of Non-Poles; Kiev for its mistreatment of Non-Ukrainians. However, none involved was innocent.

The 1914 European War led to the Anglo-American, or rather, Americo-Anglan, domination of Europe, after London and New York had schemed to bring down the Russian Empire in 1917 and fratricidally murder its Tsar; the 1939 European War led to the bankrupting of London and the USA’s occupation of Western Europe from 1945 on and the replacement of the British Empire by the American Empire; the 2014 European War, at first hidden, but which became obvious to all in 2022, fought by the USA and its Western European NATO vassals against the Ukraine and Russia, led to the fall of the USA.

As a result of this third and final act in the Great European War, victorious Russia became free and finally cast off its 300-year-old Western yoke. This was composed of the threefold yoke of Feudal enserfment, Capitalist exploitation and Marxist tyranny. Thus, Russia finally restored its Tsar, of whom it had been deprived. At the same time the other civilisations of the Non-Western world allied themselves and took up their rightful places in today’s, then the new, multipolar world.

After Western Europe had been co-opted into the enslavement of the US project, which consisted of the imaginary self-delusion and wishful thinking of ‘narratives’ of the Western virtual world. Once it had been abandoned by the bankrupt USA, it was forced to return to its first millennium roots and identity. This act of catharsis meant abandoning its arrogance, perversion and debauchery, its so-called ‘European values’ of the second millennium, which came more and more to resemble satanism, as was seen in the 2024 Eurovision song contest.

Within two years of the end of the anti-Russian war in south-west Russia and the Ukraine, NATO, disarmed by Russia, broke up. The first to leave was the USA. Without that NATO had no more direction. Other countries withdrew, firstly Hungary and Slovakia, then Turkey, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece and Cyprus. Others followed. After this the EU collapsed, with Hungary, Slovakia and Austria all joining BRICS, together with Non-EU Serbia and the NATO protectorates around it, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania. Next came Poland, Finland and finally Germany. Game over.

Meanwhile, the USA had collapsed in bankruptcy, disorder and civil strife. These are the subjects of Chapter Two, ‘The Dewesternising of Europe’, and Chapter Three: ‘The Collapse of the USA’, of this e-book, which deal with the collapse of NATO and the EU. Succeeding chapters deal with the effects of the Western collapse in the many countries of Africa and the revival of African values.