Daily Archives: January 22, 2024

Elections or Insurrections? The Future of the European Elite after its Dramatic Defeat in the Ukraine

In the American organised war against Russia in the corrupt Ukraine, they are now running out of troops, with over 1,130,000 dead or seriously injured Ukrainian proxies. The average age of those remaining is 43, and men (and women) are being kidnapped off the streets. The situation is like that in early 1945 in Berlin. Advised by US and British PR companies since 2014 and directed by NATO commanders, the Kiev regime is killing Russian civilians in terrorist attacks. However, Western mercenaries are also being killed, with sixty French soldiers dying in their hotel in Kharkov last week. Meanwhile, Kiev is persecuting the Church and has stolen or wrecked many hundreds of churches, setting up a US-created fake Church of gangsters instead. The bankrupt West has no arms left to give, so the latest Western idea is to steal $300 billion of Russian assets. In Russia, war crimes trials are being prepared for Western leaders, who created and financed this war.

We see videos of priests praying and giving communion to Russian troops in a forest clearing and Ukrainian troops on horseback, as they have no other transport. These are scenes reminiscent of the Second World War and of partisans. Meanwhile, in Kiev, a palace revolt is under way, which could lead to the murder or else exile of President Zelensky and his replacement by a secret policeman. Zelensky had already banned elections due in March, making of himself a dictator, as he had already outlawed all other political parties and opponents have died in the Secret Police prisons or been assassinated. As for Western Europe, both the anti-democratic EU and the UK, it is in recession from its own suicidal sanctions, supposedly made against Russia. NATO is split, with Turkey, Hungary and Slovakia taking anti-American views. As for the USA, it faces internal chaos from political rivalry (not least in Confederate Texas) and a whole series of foreign wars of its own making. Such are the dramatic times we live in.

The European vassals of the NATO-controlled EU and UK are in total panic. However, the void of leadership is not only in Europe, but also in Washington. Those ‘in charge’ do what they are told by ‘donors’, the financial and military interests who are the power behind the senile throne. The elite has at last realised that it will not win in the Ukraine and has recently admitted this in their New York Times rag. However, the tactical victory is massive: enormous profits made from making useless arms; gutting European industry and sovereignty; reducing Europe to the status of a lowly vassal; time to find new proxy warriors against Russia – from Polish and Baltic fanatics to more ISIS fanatics. Nevertheless, as Max Weber wrote over a century ago, although Protestantism was the path for the rise of the West, its death, following the total loss of faith in it and therefore in Western self-belief, is the cause of its disintegration and defeat.

After 700 days of a tragic conflict, only the time-scale of the Russian victory over the US-installed Kiev regime in the Ukraine is uncertain. Nobody who is not deluded thinks that the defeat of the West in the Ukraine is a matter of ‘if’, only of ‘when’. In the first half of 2024 or in the second half? The Western elite has lost the war it created in the Ukraine and paid hundreds of billions of its taxpayers’ money (without consulting them) for it. Once more it has been humiliated: Saigon, Kabul and now Kiev. As for Non-Russian Europe, US-installed leaders there have bet on the wrong horse, whether von der Leyen, Borrell, Scholz, Macron, Sunak, not to mention the crazy puppet-leaders in Eastern Europe, especially in the Baltics, Poland and Bulgaria. The only exceptions are Hungary and now Slovakia, whose leaders are not US-installed, but installed by the people. Will other European countries follow their lead and become free and independent?

Total Russia victory is coming, with the winner dictating no negotiations, no ceasefire, no stalemate, no frozen conflict, but total Western defeat. Now that the Western attempt to take over the Ukraine has been lost, what are European electorates going to do about it? Ideally, the peoples of Europe could at last get rid of the globalist slaves of the US political and banking elite, whom the US has infiltrated into all levels of European governments over the last twenty years, ever since the ‘old’ Europeans opposed the US genocide in Iraq in 2003. If the hoodwinked and brainwashed electorates awoke, they could elect patriots, even if the globalist-owned media accused them of being racists and ‘far-right’. The ultra-liberal Fascist Establishment perverts who support LGBT, State lockdowns, deindustrialisation, climate change extremism, Ukrainian Nazism, the Zionist genocide of Palestinians and uncontrolled immigration, could at last be cast aside.

All depends on the consciousness of the peoples of Europe and their will for freedom. Will they wake up after the decades of decadence of bread and circuses? How many of them actually realise they are being zombified by the State-run media? How many of them realise that there is no real democracy, only a choice between two candidates of a neo-feudal oligarchy, that they have been labouring all these centuries under the yoke of the rich, now the vassals of US dictators, who want globalist dictatorship? The new multipolar world of BRICS, soon to be 20 or even 40, could help Europeans to wake up, but only if those Europeans want to be woken up and throw off the feudal yoke they have suffered from for a thousand years. In 2024 fifteen countries in Europe will hold elections. It is time for their electorates to look forward, not back, and to elect free patriots who are independent of the globalist poison and want sovereignty.

The US elite appears to want a worldwide war, a world war. It started a war against Russia through its Ukrainian Nazi proxies, it arms Israel to carry out genocide in Palestine, in Gaza and the West Bank, with US aircraft, bombs, shells and bullets, it is bombing Qatari-backed Yemen which has stood up to protect the Palestinians. Now it is threatening Iran, Iraq, China, India, Africa and Latin America which have not attacked anyone. On top of that, it is putting out the myth that President Putin wants to conquer not only the Ukraine, but also the whole of Europe. In reality, President Putin, the most popular man in Russia, wants Europeans to be responsible for themselves, to start behaving as adults, to treat Russians as human-beings, to throw out their US oppressors. Preferably this would happen through elections. The fear is that the European electorates are so frustrated that they may launch violent uprisings, real revolutions against their Establishment elite.

How is the Western elite trying to head off the risk of the insurrection of its peoples, to ensure that the ‘plebs’ do not revolt against it? Bread and circuses, consumerism and the media, worked for a long time, but eventually people have begun to see through them and are now tiring of being lied to constantly. The Western elite’s policy is Project Fear. In the US this Project was called ‘Russiagate’, a non-existent scandal manufactured by the Democratic Party in order to discredit the Republican President Trump. In Western Europe Project Fear is: ‘The Russians are coming to get you’. In other words, the elite continues to use the Ukraine to maintain control of their Uniparty regime, relying on the old fear of the Communist Soviet Union. This only works among very old people who remember the ‘Communist threat’ and ‘better dead than red’. Russia is still the bogeyman, used by patronising parents to intimidate their too independent children.

There are forces in every European country which are resisting. These forces used to be small minorities, however in several European countries they are becoming larger minorities. People are starting to ask questions. If the electorates continue to be insulted and condescended to, using the irrelevant distraction stories of the State-run media, those minorities will grow. If we take the example of the UK, we can clearly see that the Uniparty Establishment of Conservatives, Labour etc have exactly the same policies, none of which is going to solve the real problems of the UK’s ever more rapid decline, State bankruptcy (massive debt), the refusal to implement Brexit, deindustrialisation, the collapse of infrastructure (the failed health system, potholed roads, useless railways, rip-off and bankrupt privatised utilities such as the Post Office), mass immigration, refusal to confront absurd wokeness and the denial of Kiev Nazism and Israeli genocide.

This situation is mirrored in different and yet strangely similar ways in every European country. Will there be elections or insurrections? As the elite at last grasps that it has lost its absurd attempt to extend its Western dominion to the Non-Western Ukraine (just as they lost to extend it to Non-Western Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan), it is in a state of panic. Now it is trying to re-assert its tyrannical control over the parts of the West which it used to control. We shall see in the coming years the misdeeds of the UK and EU dictatorships, themselves merely puppets of the US globalist dictatorship. If the peoples want back their sovereignty and do not want to be absorbed, colonised, manipulated and impoverished by their neo-feudal, oligarchic, globalist, LGBT elites, in one way or another we will reclaim that sovereignty despite them. Revolution is in the air, but it does not have to be violent. It is our hope that the collapse will be peaceful and smooth.

Moscow will win against and finish off not just Nazi Ukraine, but also the much-divided NATO, profiting from the window of opportunity identified by President Putin in early 2022. Then the Ukraine, woken up, will side with Russia against the Western elite who betrayed it. The example of the dezombified Ukraine is to be followed by the peoples of the West, who have also been betrayed by the Western elite. Of course, those who resist the tyrannical elite will be labelled by them and their media hirelings ‘far-right’ or ‘apologists for Putin’. In reality, we have common sense. The elite does not, it has ideologies, fantasies and delusions. We are family people who love our families, we are patriots who love our countries. The elite does not. However, we also have a sense of social justice and compassion for others. The elite does not. Above all, we believe in God. The elite does not. The elite is Europe’s ‘assisted suicide’. We are not.