Daily Archives: October 7, 2014

A Warning from Future History

From ‘The World since the Fall of the Berlin Wall’ (1989-2039)

Chapter 12

The Proposed Third World War and the Ukraine

Although it is only twenty-five years ago, 2014 still seems like a century away to those of the present generation. Incredible though it now appears, by 2014 extremist elements in the political and military-industrial complex in the US and the rest of the Anglosphere (UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) and their puppets in the European Union were minded to start a Third World War and were even prepared to use nuclear arms. If these extremists could have had their way, this would have entailed all the inevitable human blood sacrifices of any War, which are so delightful to Satan. If moderates had been unable to control the aggression of those who wanted to start such a War, they would open it with an anti-Christian war, a new Teutonic Crusade, in the Ukraine, which the elite had already designated as a battleground between good and evil, Christendom and Satanism, Orthodoxy and the West. Why would this War be started precisely in the Ukraine, and not on alternative battlefields in the Middle East and China?

In order to understand this, we have to remember that a small part of eastern Poland (then called the western Ukraine) was Uniat and schismatic, that is, outside Holy Rus on account of its spiritual degeneration or nationalism. Therefore the rest of the then Ukraine had to be tested. Was it really Russian Orthodox, or was it merely like the Uniat and schismatic part, observing outward rituals disguising inward decay? In any case, from the Western viewpoint, the international Russian Orthodox Church had at all costs to be destroyed as a spiritual entity, divided into dissident sects and reduced to irrelevant folklore and nationalism, like the CIA-approved new calendarist Local Orthodox Churches and their old calendarist sects, or, even better, like the inherently culturally enslaved Protestant and Catholic churches. The Russian Church was the centre of resistance to Western exploitation of resources, the last barrier to global hegemony and the object of revenge for many, since her defeat of the earlier Western forerunners of Antichrist, Napoleon and Hitler.

Satanism and the Ukraine

Now Satanism is always accompanied by human sacrifice. This had already been seen in the bloodbaths of the First and Second World Wars in the first half of the last century and in the abortion holocaust which followed them. And the sure sign that Satanism was present in the Ukraine could be seen in the seizure and destruction of churches and human sacrifices and atrocities, including torture, mass murder and even crucifixion, organized by the Fascist regime in Kiev. Thus, already by the autumn of 2014 thousands of Ukrainians and an airliner full of Western civilians, had been sacrificed on the altar of Western secularism, not only in the eastern Ukraine, but also in the north and the south of the country, in Kharkov and Odessa. US tanks and troops were by then pouring into Poland, Romania and the Baltics.

The scene was being set by the hawks standing behind the US frontman Obama, the winner of the CIA-financed Nobel peace prize. By 2014 the Euroatlantic coalition, run by Washington ever since its occupation of Western Europe in 1944 and Eastern Europe after 1988, represented only a declining 10% of the world population and was facing bankruptcy. For the Euroatlantic elite a war, if possible a World War, seemed the obvious solution to its internal problems. By its actions in the Ukraine, the coalition, which pretentiously styled itself ‘the international community’, had isolated itself from the rest of the world. Thus, in the face of Western aggression, Russia had already turned east, tightening its bonds with China. With the whole of Eurasia set against Western aggression, the coalition therefore began provoking China.

Satanism and the USA

Satanism had been apparent in the very foundation of the USA at the hands of dissident republican and atheist Europeans. It could be seen in the slavery present there from the start and in the blood sacrifice of millions of its slaughtered native peoples, carried out at the hands of those ruled by masons. Immediately after the further ruinous bloodletting of the American Civil War and the North’s barbaric conquest of the South, there began the USA’s international campaign of imperialism. This entailed dividing other lands and peoples all over the world by destabilization, creating internal chaos in order then to rule over them through terroristic wars of intervention in the name of ‘freedom and democracy’ – as in Yugoslavia.

Whether through political cunning or huge bribes made in order to corrupt members of local political and media elites (English-speaking puppets), whether through massive artillery bombardments or carpet bombing, whether through co-ordinating revolutions (as the British government had done in Russia in 1917) or systematically organizing political chaos through social media (as the US had done in many Arab countries and then in the Ukraine in early 2014), whether through the use of atomic weapons or simply favouring, arming and training one faction in a country against another, the US elite’s obsession with control had by then become global. No power on earth could restrain it – unless it was the empire of the Spirit – Holy Rus.

Satanism and the EU

Now the Christian State has as its ideal the provision for the potential attainment of the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, the Satanic State always has as its aim the provision for the potential attainment of hell through worldly comfort under illusory slogans such as ‘liberty, fraternity and equality’. Therefore, all who rejected the Satanic State’s aim, wherever they lived in the world, had to be tyrannized, their phones tapped and their electronic messages controlled. Those who tyrannized in this way believed like Lucifer that: ‘We shall be like God’. And such was the path to Antichrist adopted by the EU.

Therefore every country in Europe had to be subjugated to the EU, the structure for the new world order in Europe. The EU’s Satanic nature was revealed in its self-justifying demand not only that the sterile sin of Sodom be recognized as natural and sinless, but also in a whole series of anti-Christian laws, closing churches, encouraging massive Muslim immigration, banning the cross in public places and making human sacrifices through euthanasia and abortions, the sign of which was the Satanically-inspired smoke from aborted babies’ bodies, belching forth from hospital and clinic chimneys throughout the EU.

The Proposed Path to Antichrist

Those national elites who joined the EU at that time were undertaking to destroy the souls of their peoples, their national traditions, cultures, identities, morality and the family, every vestige and ideal of Christianity, so that all would be ready to accept Antichrist. If any countries resisted, they would be bombed into submission or, failing that, economic sanctions would be applied to them in order to annihilate them physically. Even countries that until recently, two generations before, had been nominally Christian, began foisting Satanism on the still relatively innocent peoples of Eastern Europe.

Those countries were attempting to corrupt Eastern Europe spiritually, morally and physically in the name of the future World Government. All of this was done under the disguise of consumer comfort and freedom. They said: ‘Renounce Christ and the commandments and then you will have the right to our bread and circuses’. Thus, the Western elites, elected by minorities through media manipulation and public relations, became the enemies of their nations’ traditions, the enemies of their own peoples. But by the time zombified populations realized this, it would be too late.


By then the population, zombified by the State-controlled media, would also have been poisoned by genetically modified foods, which even insects refused to eat, by hormones and additives, by chemical and nuclear pollutants causing cancer, autism and debilitating allergies, by heavy metals, by foods ‘for the third world’, so that there would be nothing healthy to buy. This had already become visible in the USA, where 60% of the population had been poisoned by contaminated foods and genocide through obesity, cancer, heart attacks and diabetes was taking place.

Having plagued its peoples by sterility and the inability to conceive, creating the need to conceive in test tubes, through surrogates or else to adopt children from elsewhere in the world, the Western elite also removed children from their natural parents and created families of two fathers or two mothers, brainwashing the people through propaganda to think that this was normal. The elite thus ensured the ignorance of the people, making sure that their only beliefs were death and materialism, that it did not matter what one was, only what one had. Orthodox Christianity or the West, life or death, here was the choice.

How it All Turned Out

Such were the thoughts of the elite in October 2014; but the elite had forgotten the old saying: Man proposes, but God disposes. And so it was that…… (text interrupted at this point).